Amrita School of Business at Coimbatore had organized its annual B-fest Pragati from February 7 – 8, 2014. The b-fest attracted nearly 300 talents representing from over 30 leading business schools around the nation.
I have tried to point out some of the positive aspects of village life here. We can learn from these people, but there is also much that we can teach.. . .
Dr. Christian Blaschke (Consultant, Semantic Web Company, Austria) had delivered a talk on Biomedical text mining, a branch in Text Mining which is applied to text and literature of the. . .
Last weekend, the Amritapuri campus was home to thatched roofs, paddy fields, water wheel and a crowd of bustling students. Disguised in this serene village ambience Vidyut’ 14 disseminated lofty. . .
Ms. Sudha Venkataswamy, Vice Chairperson and Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Communication at Coimbatore campus, book reviews gets reported in two international journals, viz., International Journal of Communication and Journal of Digital. . .
Amrita School of Biotechnology kicked off it’s seminar series for this semester with a great talk by Dr. Maneesh Mailankot on how “Kynurenine inhibits Fibroblast Growth Factor 2-mediated expression of. . .
A training workshop on Advanced Optimization, Deep Learning Applications (AODA) was organized by Amrita Center for Excellence in Computational Engineering and Networking at Coimbatore campus from January 30 – February. . .
The Department of Community Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) at the Kochi campus organized a Dissemination workshop of the Infant and Young Child Nutrition Project on December 30,. . .
The Department of Oncology at Amrita School of Medicine organizes a cancer awareness program to observe World Cancer Day. This year’s World Cancer Day focused on Target 5 of the World Cancer Declaration: Reduce stigma and dispel myths about cancer, under the tagline Debunk the myths.
Vidyut is a unique multifest organized every year by the students of the Amritapuri Campus. With a huge participation of 2200+ students from more than 110 colleges, the event was. . .