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Amrita Student presents at FOSSASIA 2014, Norton University in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Amrita Student presents at FOSSASIA 2014, Norton University in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

March 3, 2014

Sarup Banskota, Third year student of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore campus gave an oral presentation on Introduction to FOSS (Free Open Source Software). . .

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International Laurels for Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik, Head, Research and Projects, Coimbatore campus

International Laurels for Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik, Head, Research and Projects, Coimbatore campus

March 1, 2014

Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik received the prestigious Brain Pool Korea Research Award from Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, Government of Korea in July 2013 for his exemplary work. The award is given to outstanding. . .

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AIMS organizes International Colloquium on Neglected Tropical Diseases

AIMS organizes International Colloquium on Neglected Tropical Diseases

February 27, 2014

An international colloquium on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) was held at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) during February 25 – 26, 2014. The two-day colloquium was organized in association with the Indian Council of. . .

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Advanced Center for Epilepsy at AIMS completes hundred successful Epilepsy Surgeries

Advanced Center for Epilepsy at AIMS completes hundred successful Epilepsy Surgeries

February 25, 2014

Amrita Advanced Centre for Epilepsy, providing comprehensive epilepsy care at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences celebrated the successful completion of hundred epilepsy surgeries in its fourth year of service

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Amrita School of Business Research Scholar Wins Best Research Paper Award

Amrita School of Business Research Scholar Wins Best Research Paper Award

February 22, 2014

The paper titled Factors Influencing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Spend in Indian Companies: An Econometric Analysis, by Shekar Babu, Research Scholar, Amrita School of Business, Bengaluru campus, received the Best Research Paper. . .

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Amrita School of Biotechnology Installed A New Supercomputer Built on NVIDIA GPUs

Amrita School of Biotechnology Installed A New Supercomputer Built on NVIDIA GPUs

February 20, 2014

Amrita School of Biotechnology has setup a High-Performance Computer (HPC) system based on the latest models of NVIDIA Corp’s Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and started its operation. The facility allows. . .

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Amrita School of Biotechnology sets up supercomputer built on NVIDIA GPUs

Amrita School of Biotechnology sets up supercomputer built on NVIDIA GPUs

February 19, 2014

Amrita School of Biotechnology has setup a High-Performance Computer (HPC) system based on the latest models of Nvidia Corp’s Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and started its operation. The facility allows. . .

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Amrita Alumni come together for the 16th Annual Amritians Meet

Amrita Alumni come together for the 16th Annual Amritians Meet

February 16, 2014

Nearly a hundred alumni from Amrita School of Engineering came together at their alma mater for the sixteenth Annual Alumni Meet on February 16, 2014. For many of them who shared their. . .

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Invited Talk on Signal Amplification in Biosensing at Amrita School of Biotechnology

Invited Talk on Signal Amplification in Biosensing at Amrita School of Biotechnology

February 14, 2014

As part of the weekly seminar series at Amrita School of Biotechnology, Dr. T.G. Satheesh Babu visited the campus and spoke about his current work concerning “Signal Amplification in Biosensing”.. . .

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AICD Support Group started at AIMS to help patients with complex heart rhythm problems

AICD Support Group started at AIMS to help patients with complex heart rhythm problems

February 13, 2014

The Department of Cardiology at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) formed a support group for Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD) recipients on January 25, 2014. The program was inaugurated by. . .

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