Digital Learning” is one of the top-ranked online magazines in India which plays a key role in creating awareness about how ICT enhances the reach and quality of education in India. Prof. Kamal Bijlani, Director E-Learning Research Lab was interviewed by Anushi Agrawal (Correspondent Digital learning) for the cover story “New Age Classroom” in the March 2014 issue.
When most of us hear about the prevalence of a world-wide epidemic we usually break into a cold sweat combined with a sense of paranoia as we consider the implications. . .
AmritaCREATE labs was invited to showcase their Rural India Tablet Education (RITE) initiative at the launch of READ Alliance by USAID and Center for Knowledge Societies (CKS). The launch event. . .
Amrita School of Biotechnology celebrated its annual sports meet on 7th March 2014 . The day unfolded with the march past competition among the respective batches including S2 B.Sc., S4. . .
For creating awareness on Nature and Wildlife, Photography and Short Film series was organized by Amrita Center for Environmental Studies (CES) in association with Amrita School of Communication (ASCOM), Amrita Photography Club (APC) and Amrita Prakriti Samrakshana Samiti (Nature Club from January. . .
The Indian pharmaceutical industry is on the rise like never before. A large number of drugs are on the pipeline ready anytime to hit the market. Most of them are. . .
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), Essex, United Kingdom signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on March 07, 2014 for international collaboration in healthcare and higher education,. . .
To apply for Mtech Admissions at Amritapuri , please visit website IMPORTANT DATES Submission of Application starts on: April 10 Last date of Submission: June 15 Entrance Examination/Interview Computer Based. . .
Amrita SeRVe was inaugurated on January 13th, 2014, at Valaramkunnu Tribal colony in Wayanad district of Kerala. Amrita SeRVe, will implement a comprehensive series of welfare projects intended to improve the. . .
In today’s world of crippling cyber-attacks and dynamic applications, organizations need to know that their networks are secure enough to handle the worst that cyber criminals can throw at them.. . .