Archana B. S., Arvind S., Radhesh Krishnan and Zubin Mithra, pursuing M. Tech. in Cybersecurity Systems and Networks at Amritapuri campus have been chosen to study at VU University, Amsterdam for. . .
Six students of Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri Campus, Arvind S. Raj (M. Tech. Cyber Security Systems & Networks), Zubin Mitra (M. Tech. Cyber Security Systems & Networks), Abhishek Kumar Singh (4th year B. Tech. Computer Science. . .
A state-level dengue conclave was conducted at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) on May 15, 2014. Organized jointly by AIMS, National Rural Health Mission and Directorate of Health. . .
Details of the two year Master of Computer Application (MCA) Lateral Entry at Coimbatore Campus can be viewed here »» Interview Schedule »»
International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. This year, the International Council of Nurses commemorated this important day with the theme. . .
Amrita School of Medicine students Annamalai Nadarajan (2011 MBBS batch) and Ramayee Shoba Nadarajan (2012 MBBS batch) won awards for their research papers at the 4th International Congress on Craniofacial Osteobiology and Distraction, Joint World. . .
Joy and exuberance, vibrant music, a creative outburst of talent everywhere you look – all this coupled with an atmosphere invigorated with excitement – these are some of the indicators. . .
Amrita Engineering (BTech) Counselling 2014 will start from May 26, 2014 (Monday). Format of counselling call letter and instructions can be viewed here.
The second day was held at Amritapuri Ashram, and included a continuation of the Product Exhibition and Photo Exhibit, as well as a grand stage event with speeches by chief. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, inspired and led by world renowned humanitarian leader Amma as its Chancellor, appoints Dr. Sasangan Ramanathan, as its new Dean of Engineering at Coimbatore campus. Inspired by. . .