June 30, 2014
Mathew Kizhakethil John, MBA student at Amrita School of Business, Kochi Campus, specializing in Marketing and Human Resources, has been awarded a scholarship under the Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1(EMA2). He. . .
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June 29, 2014
A Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Pedagogical Techniques and Proactive Academic Delivery System” was held from June 26-28, 2014, for the benefit of our faculty members.
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June 28, 2014
The Department of Cardiology at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) organized a Symposium on Aortic Aneurysm on June 28, 2014. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Prathapan Nair, Principal, Amrita School. . .
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June 27, 2014
Amrita research project titled Video Analytics based Identification and Tracking in Smart Spaces has been approved for a grant of Rs.14. 64 lakhs from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of. . .
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June 26, 2014
Dr. V. Murale, Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Business , Kochi has been awarded with the prestigious Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship Award (ESKAS) for the academic year 2014-2015 for carrying. . .
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June 23, 2014
Stanford University hosted a rare event in which, world renowned humanitarian leader and our Chancellor, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), in a dialogue with leading neurosurgeon Dr. James Doty in the packed Memorial Auditorium, shares deep insight into the immense power of compassion, whether it is in science, technology, business, or in fact, in any sphere of human activity.
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June 22, 2014
The Amrita Endocrinology and Diabetic Foot Conference (AEDFC) 2014 was organized at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi from June 20 – 21, 2014. The conference focused on topics including Update. . .
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June 22, 2014
Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru campus organized a one week workshop on Computer Programming from June 16-21, 2014. This initiative was a part of the National Mission on Education through ICT which is. . .
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June 22, 2014
Under the World Bank funded initiative ‘India: e-Delivery of Public Services DPL’, Amrita’s eGovernance Analytics Platform (eGAP) project has been approved for funding to the tune of $396,000. eGAP will provide. . .
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June 21, 2014
AmritaWNA’s Wireless Sensor Network-based Landslide Detection System has officially received a United States patent and trademark. The system was engendered via the prestigious Indo-European WINSOC (Wireless Sensor Networks with Self-Organization. . .
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