B.Sc. Biotechnology / B.Sc. Microbiology Semester 6 Supplementary examinations are scheduled to be conducted on June 9 & 10, 2015. Click here to see the notification from the Office of the. . .
Students of I year B. Tech., who are keen on changing their branch of study are hereby informed that they have to apply for change of branch ‘Online’ within 10 days from the date of announcement of II Semester main examination results.
The Amrita Robotics Club team that participated in the 2015 University Rover Challenge (URC), Mars Desert Research Station, Hanksville, Utah, United States, from May 28-30, was one of the few Indian teams to compete.
The supplimentary examination timetable of Amrita School of Arts & Sciences (ASAS) are announced by the Controller of Examinations of Amritapuri Campus.
Second chance examination schedule of Amrita School of Engineering (ASE) and Amrita School of Arts & Sciences (ASAS) are announced by the Controller of Examinations of Amritapuri Campus.
The Second Chance Examinations Time Table of BTech and MTech programs at Amrita school of engineering Bengaluru campus are announced.
B.Tech Counseling Updates:
Candidates with rank between 4000 and 5000 under Open Quota are invited to attend counseling on June 13th, 9.00 AM at Amrita School of Engineering, Amritpauri campus.
The provisional results of II, IV & VI Semesters BTech, MCA, BA / II Semester MTech, MSW, MA / II & IV Semesters Int. MSc, Int. MA – May 2015 Examinations are announced.
The Ninth Gold Medal Examination on Indian Culture and Values, with special focus on Chancellor Amma’s life and Her teachings, was conducted in March 2015 at Amrita Health Sciences Campus.
A workshop on Online Labs (OLabs) was conducted at Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, Kottayam as a part of WAMPS 2015, a national workshop on Applied Mathematics and Physical Science, on 22 May 2015 for teachers and B.Ed. students.