Dr. Sapna Varma N. K., Professor & Head, Deaprtment of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Amrita School of Denstistry, Kochi, was an invited speaker at the International Orthodontic Conference held at Srilanka during February 5th-7th, 2016. Her topic of presentation was “The Role Orthodontists In Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.”
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham won first prize in the Mime and Debate competition at the 31st Inter University National Youth Festival, “Yuva Shatha Sambhrama – 2016”, held at University of Mysore from 15th–19th February, in collaboration with the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi and Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Government of India. Nearly 70 universities from all over India participated in various events.
Dr. Suranjana R., final-year postgraduate resident in Orthopaedics has won the best poster award at the recently held KOACON –2016 organized by Kerala Orthopaedic Association (KOA). The poster was titled ‘Unusual Case of Compressive Myelopathy.’ She was guided by Dr. Krishnakumar R., Consultant Spine Surgeon and Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences.
A talk on the relevance of IOT (internet of things) was organized by the IEEE PES and IAS Student Branch Chapter on 20th February, 2016, at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru.
‘Prabhathi’, a general quiz program for differently abled children was organized as part of Computer Society of India (CSI) student branch activity on February 18, 2016. About 450 CSI student members volunteered to organize the event and over 30 students were assigned to assist each school.
Amrita School of Business (ASB), Coimbatore organized a Marketing Roundtable Conference on 19th January 2016.
The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru hosted the Biennial International Conference “2016 Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy” (PESTSE 2016), in association with IEEE Bangalore section and IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) – Bangalore Chapter, from January 21st – 23rd, 2016.
The 11th of February 2016 was the first ever International Day of Women and Girls in Science, declared by the UN in order to promote and encourage a larger number of women to take on careers in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine (STEM fields).
A two-day workshop on E-Learning using Articulate software was organized in the department on February 16th and 18th, 2016.
On February 17, 2016, Dr. Mahesh Kappanayil, Senior Cardiologist from Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, gave the students of Amrita School of Biotechnology (ASBT) an insightful view of how biotechnology and medicine overlap. Dr. Mahesh, a Pediatric Cardiologist, spoke to the audience at length about two of his most recent projects at AIMS.