Throwing light on the intellectual legacy of ancient India, a three-day national seminar on “Texts and Manuscripts of Vedic Corpus: Sources of Indian Knowledge Traditions” was conducted at the Mysuru campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham by Amrita Darshanam – International Centre for Spiritual Studies between 9th and 11th February, 2019.
Seven students from the Amrita Health Sciences Campus, Kochi, were awarded prizes in the “All India Essay Writing Event 2018” (College – UG / PG category) organized by Shri Ram Chandra Mission in collaboration with United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan & Heartfulness Education Trust.
With great fanfare, the School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, has conducted the 9th edition of its flagship Techfest, Anokha 2019 from 14th to 16th February, 2019.
The DataScientia consortium of founding members includes Italy’s University of Trento, the National University of Mongolia, India’s Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, China’s Jilin University, Paraguay’s Catholic University of Asunción, South Africa’s Tshwane University of Technology and UK’s Heriot-Watt University.
“Reconnect with Amrita” Series 2, the Alumni meet of Amrita School of Dentistry (ASD), was organized at the Mini Auditorium of Amrita School of Dentistry (ASD). It was the second event. . .
Mr. Nikhil Furtado, a budding entrepreneur and founder of Merako Media Pvt. Ltd., detailed a lecture on the strategies to promote small businesses addressing the members of the entrepreneurship club on February 11, 2019.
As part of its commitment towards pursuing academic and scientific excellence, School of Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, has added a high-tech Microbial Active Genetics Lab to its world-class research facilities. It was a day of great pride for the Amrita Biotech community as Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, President of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, inaugurated the advanced scientific laboratory on January 3, 2019.
The students of School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, were privileged to attend the budget discussion held at Manorama office on February 1, 2019.
Bearing testimony to the brilliance of Amrita students once again, ‘LogiX’, a cutting-edge student innovation has received international acclaim and was featured in the February-April 2019 issue of the QS WOW NEWS, an international newsletter of Quacquarelli Symonds, the agency behind the reputed QS World University Rankings (WUR). No other higher educational institution from India other than IIT Madras features in the prestigious newsletter.
In the 74th Annual Conference of the Association of Physicians of India (APICON 2019) held in Kochi, during February 7 – 10, 2019, Dr. Rajesh G., Professor of Gastroenterology, Amrita School of Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, was conferred the Fellowship of the Indian College of Physicians.