A training program on the Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM) Technique for the first year BAMS students was conducted at Amrita School of Ayurveda from October 30-31, 2019, at Amriteswari Hall from 7.30 am to 9.30am.
The Department of Samhita & Basic Principles of Ayurveda, School of Ayurveda, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, conducted a two-day seminar “Charakatatvamritam 2019”- Parayana and Sambhasha on Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana, from October 28-29, 2019.
It is the vision of the Government of India’s Department of Science & Technology to have one centre per state to serve as an Ecosystem for Technology Development. These “Technology Enabling Centres” will network researchers, institutes, national laboratories and industrialists to help researchers with market studies, characterizing, productizing, and scaling of innovations to fit the needs of the Government, MSMEs, NGOs and Corporates.
Dr. Sony Vijayan, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce and Management, of Amrita School of Arts and Sciences was invited as Speaker at World Maritime Conference 2019. The conference was hosted by China Institute of Navigation and Shanghai Maritime University in Shanghai.
“Meet the Legend” program was conducted on October 19, 2019, at Amrita School of Pharmacy. The Guest of Honour was Mr. Krishna Das Sukumar (Delivery Manager, Wipro). The event took. . .
Navarathri is an important festival celebrated to worship nine forms of the Goddess.
Dr. Cinzia S. Keechilot, 2012 MBBS student, received the ICMR, Calcutta National Medical College (CNMC) Short Term Studentship (STS) Excellence Award 2017, from Dr. Harsh Vardhan (Hon’ble Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India) at ICMR Awards Ceremony at the ICMR HQ, New Delhi, on October 16, 2019.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has announced entering into a “Letter of Intent (LoI)” with the University of Twente (Universiteit Twente (UT), Netherlands, to combine strengths and enhance Engineering education and research with the right blend of scientific excellence and societal benefit.
Gopa Vasanth, member of amFOSS has been selected as the Organisation Administrator for the Wikimedia Foundation for Google Code-In 2019. 11 amFOSS members were also selected as Google Code-in Mentors. . .
Aardra Muraleedharan, Abhishek J. M., Parvathy J., and Vishakha Nair, first-year students of the Department of Management, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi, won the second price in the HR Game held as part of ASCEND 2K19, the 21st National Management Fest, organized by the Department of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Calicut. The management fest was held from October 15-16, 2019.