In continuation with the Gita Jayanti celebrations, Amrita School of Pharmacy organized an invited talk by Swami Bhuvanatmananda, Adhyaksha of Ramakrishna Math, Kochi, on 17th January 2025. Swamiji shared his profound insights on the Bhagavad Gita, highlighting its timeless relevance in daily life and the importance of regularly reading the holy scripture.
Swamiji distributed prizes to the students who won in the essay writing competition held on 11th December 2024 as part of Gita Jayanti celebrations. The theme of the essay writing competition was “Bhagavad Gita and Stress Management.” Students from Pharm.D first to fifth year actively participated in the competition. Ms. Vyshnavi T.U. from the Pharm.D 2022 batch secured first place, while second place was shared by Ms. Indrani S. Kamath and Ms. Rajalakshmi S. from the Pharm D 2022 and 2020 batches, respectively.
As a token of gratitude, Dr. Sabitha M., Principal, Amrita School of Pharmacy, presented a memento to Swami Bhuvanatmananda on behalf of the institution. Around 120 students from Pharm D first to fourth year attended the program. Vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Avanthika A of Pharm.D 2023 batch. The event concluded with the National Anthem at 12 noon.