The Chennai Mathematical Institute’s team, Ice Shard, emerged victorious in the prestigious International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). The teams On the Spectrum from Delhi IIT and 404 Solution Not Found from Indore IIT secured second and third positions, respectively. The competition, held over three days at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Amritapuri campus, saw participation from students across the globe.
The awards were presented by Veronica Soboleva, Director of ICPC Foundation Development, and Malu Gupta, Developer Advocate and author at JetBrains. Ministry of IT Group Coordinator, Tulika Pandey, was the chief guest at the event. Out of over 9,000 students who participated online, 230 top teams were selected to compete in the Asia-West Regional level contest held at Amritapuri. The winners will advance to the finals.
Along with prizes, ICPC participants stand to gain job opportunities in various multinational companies. Established in 1970 by the ICPC Foundation, the International Collegiate Programming Contest is the oldest and most prestigious programming competition globally. Known as the “Olympiad of Programming,” the ICPC sees annual participation from over 3,500 universities in 100 countries.