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Deflecting Cyber Attacks with Amrita Neuroscience

November 30, 2017 - 10:04
Deflecting Cyber Attacks with Amrita Neuroscience

Amrita Computational Neuroscience & Neurophysiology Lab recently developed a ‘Narrative Construct Sequence Learning’ method based on human capability towards narration of stories. The method was evaluated in the context of online systems. The study is a collaboration between the Amrita Center for Cyber Security Systems and Networks and Amrita School of Biotechnology.

In the present technological environment, validating a user by authentication is the first line of defense against information compromise and cyber attacks, mainly in login based systems in mobile phones, laptops, email and other online and offline services. The present password based systems rely on the capabilities of the user to read and write. Therefore, illiterate people may not able to make use of the systems. To overcome this obstacle, an Amrita team based at Computational Neuroscience Lab, has developed a password method system of image sequences. On this topic, an open-access paper titled, “Using Theme-based Narrative Construct of Images as Passwords: Implementation and Assessment of Remembered Sequences“, was authored by Priya Chellaiah, Research Assistant, Dr. Bipin Nair, Dean, School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Director, Cyber Security, Amritapuri, Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Director, Computational Neuroscience and Neurophysiology, Amritapuri.

“As old age and literacy are issues in India, there was an essential need to combine the human brain’s capabilities to narrate stories based on images to generate unique sequence stories. For example, some may choose to drink tea after food while some avoid tea after lunch, such choices in pictures can relate to new image-based passkey sequences. We tested it under psychological duress and forcing a password may cause failure so it may deter rubber-hose attacks. We also compared how brains process image and alphanumeric passwords using EEGs and feel image based passwords would be cognitively richer and yet not so difficult for a person who may not know a language to write or read,” explained Dr. Shyam Diwakar, contact author and Lab Director, Computational Neuroscience and Neurophysiology Lab, Amrita School of Biotechnology.

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