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Compassion in Disaster Management – Building Community Resilience in Disaster Prone Environments

May 23, 2023 - 6:47

The policy dialogue underscored the pivotal role of empathy in building community resilience in disaster-prone environments. Participants discussed policy frameworks that prioritize compassionate responses, fostering a culture of preparedness and support to enhance the overall effectiveness of disaster management efforts.


  • Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, Vice President of MA Math, President of Amrita University, Kerala, India
  • Mr. Pravir Krishna, IAS Retd, Advisor, Bodo Tribal Council, Govt of Assam
  • Prof. Ian Robert Davis -Visiting Professor, Kyoto Lund, Oxford Brookes Universities
  • Prof. Rajib Shaw, Professor in Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan
  • Ms. Margaret Arnold, Global Lead, Social Dimensions of Climate Change, World Bank
  • Prof Maureen Fordham, Professional Research Associate, Inst for Risk & Disaster Reduction
  • Mr. Vinod Menon, International Coordinator, C20 Sustainable & Resilient Communities (SRC)
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