A three-day workshop on research was held for the post-graduate students, Ph. D. scholars and faculty members of the Department of Communication, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, from April 25-27, 2019. The workshop explored facets of qualitative and quantitative approaches to research.
Dr. B. P. Sanjay, Professor of Communication, University of Hyderabad, and erstwhile Vice Chancellor of Thiruvaur Central University, Tamil Nadu, led a two day session from April 25-26, introducing the need and relevance for research. His two-part presentation leading to a focus on qualitative research transcended several disciplines, including psychology and sociology. Macro and micro issues in administrative and critical traditions, policy, implementation and differences between North American, European and non-western approaches with suitable examples were taken up for student interaction and discussion.
Dr. Nithin Kalorth, Professor, Bennet University, Greater Noida, UP, led session two on April 27th. He conducted a hands-on research writing workshop which included practice in framing arguments, analysing and structuring literature reviews and citing and paraphrasing (avoiding plagiarism). A live example of the making of a manuscript for an intended SCOPUS publication was discussed, with a one-to-one interaction with post-graduates and Ph. D. students. Common mistakes and reasons for rejection of manuscripts by journals were also discussed.