This communication is further to Notice reference ASE-B/AD/2019-20/040 dated March 13, 2002, wherein it was mentioned that the School will remain closed for all students from March 14-28, 2020, in view of the outbreak of novel Coronavirus COVID-19.
Due to the severity of the situation and to stop the spread of the COVID-19, the Summer Vacation for the Academic Year 2019-20 has been re-scheduled for students of all programs. The re-scheduled Summer Vacation period will be from March 23- May 3, 2020.
The classes will start on Monday, the 4th of May 2020.
It should be noted that the class commencement date of May 4, 2020, is dependent on the relaxation of the COVID-19 threat. If there are changes to the commencement date, the same will be promptly communicated to all concerned.
Revised Examination Schedule for the current semester (Even Semester of AY 2019-20) will be published shortly.
In case of any clarification, students are advised to contact their respective Class Advisors.
Students are advised to avoid non-essential travel, going to crowded places, large gatherings, etc., and are requested to adhere to the guidelines issued by the Local/State/Central Government.