AmritaCREATE Subject Matter Expert Dr. Saritha Prasanna Kumar participated in a two-day workshop for simulation trainers jointly organized by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, Laerdal, and Jhpiego. The workshop took place at AIIMS S.E.T (Skills, E-learning, Telemedicine) facility on 9th and 10th of November. The participants included Doctors and Nurses working in the area of Critical Care. The focus of the workshop was Intensive Respiratory Therapy.
On the first day of the workshop, Dr. Srinivas, Director of AIIMS Delhi, introduced participants to the S.E.T. facility. It was followed by a pre-test, a walk-through of skills and simulations, the importance of a simulation lab, and how simulation can be integrated into patient care. An interactive session for developing needs assessment and mapping out core skills for the I.C.U. and respiratory training followed, which helped in the identification of various scenarios in which simulation would be helpful to develop doctors’ skills in patient management.
The second day of the workshop was kick-started with a discussion on levels of care in intensive respiratory therapy and identifying various criteria for admission, non-invasive therapy, oxygen therapy, and other components of intensive treatment. A session on debriefing and simulation was followed by a short presentation by Jhpiego describing the various projects they were working on in India.
Participants engaged in hands-on group activities, which included live scenario building for high-fidelity, low-medium fidelity, and standard patients. The participants were encouraged to use their knowledge and skill in managing patients with different emergencies and utilize the training imparted to build and develop skills and simulation labs in their respective facilities.
An ongoing project at our research center is the Reaching, Impact Saturation and Epidemic Control (RISE), which addresses the gaps by developing a medical simulation platform with virtual patient cases for critical care, the first of its kind in India. The project is funded by USAID and Jhpiego (Johns Hopkins University affiliate).
RISE will be the first such virtual medical simulation platform in India. The project is a joint effort between Amrita CREATE, School of Computing Amritapuri, School of Business Amritapuri, and School of Medicine Kochi.
For more details, visit