Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, proudly announces the receipt of a prestigious grant from Sony’s Sensing Solutions University Program (SSUP Japan), to advance research in smart and precision animal farming. The research, led by Dr. Rammohan S, Associate Professor, alongside his esteemed co-investigators—Dr. Ananthanarayanan V., Associate Professor; Dr. Mohanraj T., Associate Professor; and Dr. Karthika R., Assistant Professor—aims to revolutionize the health and welfare of cattle through automation and sensor technologies.
A Vision for Precision Cattle Farming
The project, titled “Smart and Precision Animal Farming for the Health and Welfare of the Cattle,” seeks to develop innovative automation technologies for monitoring and improving the health of cattle. Cattle health is intricately tied to continuous monitoring of several vital signs. The impetus for this research stemmed from the realization that an automated system equipped with sensors could monitor vital signs, predict health status, and provide timely care to cattle. This system will offer farmers the tools they need to ensure optimal health outcomes for their herds.
A Technological Leap in Cattle Health Monitoring
The primary objective of this research is to design a system that integrates smart collars worn by cattle with a farm-assist robot. These collars, equipped with sensors, will continuously track the health of cattle, while the farm-assist robot will support operations such as breath analysis, data transfer, and even feeding. The project’s impact will extend far beyond immediate health tracking, contributing to the development of a comprehensive database for standardizing diagnostic procedures and advancing the field of cattle health monitoring globally.
Key Deliverables and Outcomes
The three-year research program, spanning from 2022 to 2025, will focus on delivering tangible innovations, including:
Emerging Areas and Future Impact
This research is set to make significant contributions in several key areas:
Exploring Future Research Possibilities
Beyond the current scope, the research team is already exploring several exciting areas for future development:
A Collaborative Effort Towards Innovation
With the support of Sony’s SSUP Japan, this research will not only contribute to advancements in animal health monitoring but also foster the development of cutting-edge technologies that will benefit both the academic community and the agricultural sector. The Amrita School of Engineering team is proud to be at the forefront of this innovative research, helping to create a smarter, more efficient future for animal farming worldwide.