Chancellor Amma’s initiatives in empowering villagers with education, literacy and health awareness using innovative tablet technology reached 37 villages in 21 states in just one year. Over 1306 children regularly attend the free after-school Amrita RITE tutoring centres and 180 adults have benefitted from the literacy classes.
During Amritavarsham61, Shri Vellappilly Natesan gave away certificates of completion to women who successfully completed the functional literacy course.
Thirty four children from the Amrita RITE tutoring centres received their Vidyamritam scholarship on this occasion.
Amrita RITE is an integral part of education in Amrita SeRVe villages. Developed by AmritaCREATE of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, the technology-driven educational and teacher-training program for rural India is based on tablets and hands-on methods that motivate learners.