The hackathon was organized by Caterpillar Inc. on July 16-17, 2022. There were 2 pre-selection rounds (MCQ + Coding round) to enter the finale. In the final round 4 problem statements were provided, from which we had to choose one.
Problem Statement
Our team worked on the fleet management status problem statement. In this problem statement we need to develop a smart AI-based solution to Identify the status of inbound/outbound vehicles without human intervention in a fleet. The solution should also identify the asset ID & name, driver name, entry/exit time & status, gate number, and coordinates.
Our Solution
We implemented a responsive & interactive web application that uses Darknet architecture as object detection model to identify the inbound/outbound vehicles’ license plate number. The website is built with ReactJS, Django, and REST API framework. This solution can help in identifying illegally parked vehicles inside private property due to which the security of the establishment is compromised. Our cost-effective solution also provides features such as – identification of authorized/unauthorized vehicles, an activity log which stores the vehicle details, visualizing the number of inbound/outbound vehicles on each day of the week, add new vehicle/camera to the database, and view the existing vehicle & camera details.
Team Details:
Team Name: Bits ‘N Bytes
Team Members: