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Amrita Ayurveda Research Director Speaks at First Latin American Conference on Ayurveda

November 16, 2016 - 9:21
Amrita Ayurveda Research Director Speaks at First Latin American Conference on Ayurveda

Dr. P. Ram Manohar, Research Director, Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda, delivered two invited talks during the First Latin American Conference on Ayurveda held at Rosario, Argentina on 5th and 6th of November, 2016 (1 er. Encuentro LatinoAmericano de Ayurveda).

On both days, he delivered the first lecture in the main hall in the morning on the topics “Know Yourself through Ayurveda” and “Prevention of Drug Addiction: Ayurvedic Perspective”. The lectures were attended by more than 300 delegates from different parts of Latin America.

Earlier, he also conducted a five day workshop on the Sutrasthana of Astanga Hridayam for a closed group of 22 participants, including medical doctors. This was the first time that a comprehensive course based on a classical Ayurvedic text with reading of the original text in Sanskrit was being conducted in Argentina.

During his stay in Argentina, Dr. Manohar interacted with many professionals, scientists, researchers and practitioners who are involved in the study and practice of Ayurveda. The events were organised by AASANA, a professional association of Ayurvedic practitioners of Argentina based in Rosario city in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, National University of Rosario, Argentina.

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