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Addressing the Global Water Crisis: Amrita’s Innovative Solutions for a Water-Secure Future

March 22, 2025 - 7:39
Addressing the Global Water Crisis: Amrita’s Innovative Solutions for a Water-Secure Future

World Water Day 2025

  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has nurtured water-sustainable communities across India, empowering them to become water-wise.
  • Through community-driven initiatives like Jivamritam, it has provided purified drinking water to 300+ communities, ensuring long-term water security.
  • Amrita’s initiatives are powered by strategic collaborations with national and international partners across academia, government, and industry.

Water is the essence of life, yet the world stands on the brink of a severe water crisis. Estimates suggest that, by 2050, three out of four people could face the devastating impacts of drought, while the economic toll of water scarcity already surpasses $307 billion annually (UNU-INWEH, 2024). Today, approximately 720 million people—10% of the global population—are struggling with high to critical water stress (UN Water, 2024).

These figures throw light on the fact that the precious resource often referred to as Blue Gold, will become inaccessible to future generations if the crisis on hand is not resolved with utmost care. The solution is not centred around having too little water, but empowering communities across the globe to manage the scenarios concerning dynamic changes in the environment.

Due to a lack of sufficient knowledge and skills, countless people are suffering at the expense of becoming water refugees. With an ever-increasing disparity across the globe and countries being divided into water-rich and water-poor nations, wars over water could become a reality.

Founded under the visionary leadership of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is deeply committed to helping prevent such a tragedy through projects that strengthen water sustainability. Amrita acts upon its commitment to leverage technologies for the benefit of humanity by launching various practical initiatives and conducting interdisciplinary research in water and sanitation.

Approximately 63 million people in rural India do not have access to clean drinking water. For many villagers in India, especially women and young girls, collecting and carrying water is a torturous way of life, almost a health hazard. They have to walk several kilometres, sometimes multiple times a day, to collect and transport water to fulfil daily duties like cooking, washing, cleaning, and caring for cattle.

To address this challenge and reduce the prevalence of waterborne diseases in rural communities, faculty, staff, and students of Amrita conceptualized and designed the Jivamritam Filtration System. It has been deployed in 300 villages across India, and each system is structured to serve a community of 300-400 families.

The supply and sustenance of this improved access to safe drinking water is ensured through a community-driven participatory model. The Jivamritam project was inaugurated by the then President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, on October 8th, 2017, in Kerala, India.

In 2022, to make water sustainability a reality in rural India, Amrita launched the “My Village, Our Water” initiative in collaboration with ESRI India. This program uses geospatial technologies to shift societal perceptions from “MY water” to “OUR water.” Currently implemented across 150 villages in 14 Indian states, the initiative empowers communities to map and monitor water resources, quality, and climate impacts; identify sustainability challenges using extensive crowd-sourced data; and support local administrations in optimizing water usage, conserving resources, and building awareness.

As well, to help directly reach people, Amrita created the Empower Community App to provide online training and coordinate development activities. The data is visualized using ESRI’s ArcGIS Online platform, offering interactive maps and dashboards for better decision-making.

In 2018, in response to the massive floods in Kerala, Amrita has implemented a project to empower women as sustainability officers in rural communities (the “WISE project” – Women In Sustaining the Environment). Training women as Water Ambassadors (WAs) in India and Africa, it equips them with low-cost, reliable water testing kits to monitor household drinking water quality. In Kerala, Karnataka, and Tanzania, 26 Water Ambassadors are actively monitoring 1,500 households each month, ensuring safe water for families.

Meanwhile, Amrita’s seaweed cultivation initiative has empowered 64 women with training in sustainable seaweed farming, equipping them with essential skills and tools. Since 2024, over 10,000 kg of seaweed have been harvested from two farms in Olaikuda and Thirupalikudi villages in Ramanathapuram, generating a total income of ₹193,960 for participants.

Additionally, 30 women received certifications from the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), enhancing their credentials and employability. The program also introduced training in value-added product development, such as seaweed-based soaps and pickles, enabling women to diversify their income sources.

Another innovation is work by Amrita’s Sanitation Biotechnology Lab on different aspects of sanitation issues involved with faecal contaminants in wastewater. The initiative is in collaboration with research institutes across the world, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

It deploys different microbiological and ecological control strategies to reduce the load of biogenic smells and pathogens and make the wastewater suitable for reuse and valorization. The University also focuses on tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a major global concern, by developing bacteriophage-based monitoring and mitigation systems.

Internationally, Amrita has established strategic partnerships to advance research and innovation in water sustainability. Collaborating with Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands, it has launched the International Joint Centre for Excellence in Water Sustainability, emphasizing water system advancements and technology adoption.

Additionally, a partnership with Durham University, UK, supported by the British Council focuses on water and energy sustainability, further reinforcing Amrita’s commitment to achieving the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

As the world grapples with an escalating water crisis, Amrita remains steadfast in its mission to pioneer solutions that ensure clean water access, empower communities, and drive impactful change. Through research, innovation, and collaboration, the University’s initiatives continue to shape a water-secure future for generations to come.

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