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Dr. Kumar Rajamani


A Framework for Novel Research Idea Generation in AI

In this talk, I would like to share a Framework that could be utilised to generate novel ideas especially in the field of AI and Deep Learning. I will share some strategies that have worked for me in coming with publishable ideas and share real case-studies where these strategies have resulted in good publications. I would also like to briefly cover about my thoughts and impressions about differences between Industry Research and Academic research – as I have experienced both these research contexts. Finally I would cover some of the current trending research areas – like Hyper-Localised AI Models – which are yielding superior outcomes and results in Deep Learning – especially in Agri-Tech context – with case studies from current research work that I am involved. Another topic that I would briefly cover is about – Personalised Agent Frameworks – which is an area I feel that is scope for future research.

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