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Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Dean, School of Agricultural Sciences, Coimbatore | Principal, School of Agricultural Sciences, Coimbatore | Head - Research, School of Agricultural Sciences, Coimbatore | Chairperson - PG Programs, School of Agricultural Sciences, Coimbatore

Qualification: Ph.D


Prof. Sudheesh Manalil currently serves as Dean & Principal of School of Agricultural Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus. Prof. Sudheesh holds a Ph. D. from The University of Western Australia (UWA).

Prof. Sudheesh Manalil has both national and international experience in the field of Agricultural Sciences. Prof. Sudheesh did his Bachelors and Masters in Agricultural Sciences from Kerala Agricultural University. For the Master’s program, Prof. Sudheesh secured a Research Fellowship in Agronomy from the Indian Council of Agriculture Research. For the Ph.D. program, Prof. Sudheesh secured a SIRF fellowship from the University of Western Australia. While at Kerala Agricultural University, Sudheesh specialized in Agronomy and Agricultural Meteorology and worked in Pepper and Banana Research Stations. Prof. Sudheesh did his Ph.D. in Population Genetics and Simulation Modelling. After completing his Ph.D., Prof. Sudheesh joined as a researcher with the same university and worked on an Australian Government Project on Greenhouse gas emission and abatement strategies from wheat fields. As part of this program, Prof. Sudheesh secured experience in soil sciences, water management and molecular characterization of soil microbes. Later on, Prof. Sudheesh joined as a Professional Officer with NSW Government Department, NSW and worked on Genetically Modified Cotton. In 2014, Prof. Sudheesh joined as a Research Fellow with the University of Queensland and worked on the ecology of major weeds. Currently serves as an honorary faculty of the University of Western Australia. Prof. Sudheesh is also on the Editorial Board of International Journals in Agriculture. Prof. Sudheesh published more than 35 articles in high-impact reputed international journals including Soil and Tillage Research, Frontiers in Agriculture, Weed Science and Nature Scientific Reports

Professional Appointments

  • Associate Dean, School of Agricultural Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
  • Principal, Professor and Head- Research, School of Agricultural Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (4th Rank in India (NIRF Ranking 2020))
  • Chairperson, Post Graduate Program, School of Agricultural Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (4th Rank in India (NIRF Ranking 2020))
  • Honorary Associate Professor, University of Queensland (24th in Agriculture (QS Ranking))
  • Adjunct Lecturer, The University of Western Australia (32nd in Agriculture (QS Ranking))
  • Editor, Weed Biology and Management (WSS, Japan)

Journal Article

Year : 2024

Assessing Organic Farming Adoption in Selected Districts of Tamil Nadu: Challenges, Practices, and Pathways for Growth

Cite this Research Publication : Habanyati, E.J., Paramasivam, S., Seethapathy, P. & Manalil, S. (2024)., "Assessing Organic Farming Adoption in Selected Districts of Tamil Nadu: Challenges, Practices, and Pathways for Growth," Agronomy 2024, 14(11), 2537; DOI: | IF - 3.3

Publisher : Agronomy

Year : 2024

Tribal Rehabilitation and Its Impacts on Land Use Changes, Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods: a Case Study in South India

Cite this Research Publication : Marowa, D., Manoj, P., Viswanathan, P. K., & Manalil, S. (2024). "Tribal rehabilitation and its impacts on land use changes, food security and sustainable livelihoods: a case study in South India," Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10(1). DOI: | IF - 2.6

Publisher : Cogent Food & Agriculture

Year : 2023

Optimizing Synergistic Combinations of Adaptive IoT-based Animal Repellent Systems for Sustainable Agriculture in Rajasthan, India

Cite this Research Publication : Abed, N., Murugan, R. and Manalil, S. (2023). Optimizing Synergistic Combinations of Adaptive IoT-based Animal Repellent Systems for Sustainable Agriculture in Rajasthan, India. Agricultural Science Digest. DOI: 10.18805/ag.D-5887

Publisher : Agricultural Science Digest.

Year : 2022

Effect of Narrow Row-spacing and Weed crop Competition duration on Cotton Productivity

Cite this Research Publication : Iqbal N, Manalil S, Chauhan BS, Adkins SW. 2022. Effect of narrow row-spacing and weed crop competition duration on cotton productivity. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 68: 355-67

Publisher : Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 68

Year : 2022

Seedbank Persistence of four Summer Grass Weed Species in the Northeast Cropping Region of Australia

Cite this Research Publication : Chauhan BS, Manalil S. Seedbank persistence of four summer grass weed species in the northeast cropping region of Australia. PLoS ONE 17, 2022.

Publisher : PLoS ONE 17

Year : 2022

Impact of COVID-19 on the Agriculture Sector: Survey Analysis of Farmer Responses from Kerala and Tamil Nadu States in India

Cite this Research Publication : Habanyati EJ, Paramasivam S, Seethapathy P, Jayaraman A, Kedanhoth R, et al. 2022. Impact of COVID-19 on the Agriculture Sector: Survey Analysis of Farmer Responses from Kerala and Tamil Nadu States in India. Agronomy 12 (IF=3.417)

Publisher : Agronomy 12

Year : 2021

Seedbank persistence and emergence pattern of Argemone Mexicana, Rapistrum Rugosum and Sonchus Leraceus in the Eastern Grain region of Australia

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Chauhan BS. Seedbank persistence and emergence pattern of Argemone mexicana, Rapistrum rugosum and Sonchus oleraceus in the eastern grain region of Australia. Scientific Reports 11, 2021.

Publisher : Scientific Reports 11

Year : 2021

Effect of different climate change Variables on the Ecology and Management of Sesbania Cannabina through Glyphosate

Cite this Research Publication : Iqbal N, Manalil S, Chauhan BS, Adkins S. Effect of different climate change variables on the ecology and management of sesbania cannabina through glyphosate. Plants 10, 2021

Publisher : Plants 10

Year : 2020

Germination Ecology of Brachiaria eruciformis in Australia and Its Implications for Weed Management

Cite this Research Publication : Mobli A, Mollaee M, Manalil S, Chauhan BS. 2020b. Germination Ecology of Brachiaria eruciformis in Australia and Its Implications for Weed Management. Agronomy 10

Publisher : Agronomy 10

Year : 2020

Effect of Emergence time on Growth and Fecundity of Rapistrum Rugosum and Brassica tournefortii in the northern region of Australia

Cite this Research Publication : Mobli A, Manalil S, Khan AM, Jha P, Chauhan BS. 2020a. Effect of emergence time on growth and fecundity of Rapistrum rugosum and Brassica tournefortii in the northern region of Australia. Scientific Reports 10

Publisher : Scientific Reports 10

Year : 2020

Biology, Ecology and Management of Raphanus Raphanistrum L.: a Noxious Agricultural and Environmental Weed

Cite this Research Publication : Kebaso L, Frimpong D, Iqbal N, Bajwa AA, Namubiru H, et al. 2020. Biology, ecology and management of Raphanus raphanistrum L.: a noxious agricultural and environmental weed. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 17692-705

Publisher : Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27

Year : 2020

Competitiveness of windmill grass (Chloris truncata) and feathertop Rhodes grass (Chloris virgata) in mungbean (Vigna radiata)

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Mobli A, Chauhan BS. 2020. Competitiveness of windmill grass (Chloris truncata) and feathertop Rhodes grass (Chloris virgata) in mungbean (Vigna radiata). Crop and Pasture Science 71: 916-23

Publisher : Crop and Pasture Science 71

Year : 2020

Emergence and Germination response of Sonchus Oleraceus and Rapistrum Rugosum to Different Temperatures and Moisture Stress Regimes

Cite this Research Publication : Ali HH, Kebaso L, Manalil S, Chauhan BS. Emergence and germination response of Sonchus oleraceus and Rapistrum rugosum to different temperatures and moisture stress regimes. Plant Species Biology 35: 16-23, 2020.

Publisher : Plant Species Biology

Year : 2019

Investigation of Alternate Herbicides for effective weed Management in glyphosate-tolerant cotton.

Cite this Research Publication : Iqbal N, Manalil S, Chauhan BS, Adkins SW. 2019d. Investigation of alternate herbicides for effective weed management in glyphosate-tolerant cotton. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65: 1885-99

Publisher : Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65:

Year : 2019

Glyphosate-tolerant cotton in Australia: successes and failures

Cite this Research Publication : Iqbal N, Manalil S, Chauhan BS, Adkins SW. 2019c. Glyphosate-tolerant cotton in Australia: successes and failures. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65: 1536-53

Publisher : Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65

Year : 2019

Germination biology of sesbania (Sesbania cannabina): An emerging weed in the australian cotton agro-environment

Cite this Research Publication : Iqbal N, Manalil S, Chauhan BS, Adkins SW. 2019b. Germination biology of sesbania (Sesbania cannabina): An emerging weed in the australian cotton agro-environment. Weed Science 67: 68-76

Publisher : Weed Science 67

Year : 2019

Biology and management of two Hordeum weedy species: A review

Cite this Research Publication : Iqbal N, Bajwa AA, Manalil S, Khan AM, Kebaso L, et al. 2019a. Biology and management of two Hordeum weedy species: A review. Crop Protection 125

Publisher : Crop Protection 125

Year : 2019

Interference of turnipweed (Rapistrum rugosum) and Mexican pricklepoppy (Argemone mexicana) in wheat

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Chauhan BS. 2019. Interference of turnipweed (Rapistrum rugosum) and Mexican pricklepoppy (Argemone mexicana) in wheat. Weed Science 67: 666-72

Publisher : Weed Science 67

Year : 2019

Interference of annual sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) in wheat

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Ali HH, Chauhan BS. 2019. Interference of annual sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) in wheat. Weed Science 68: 98-103

Publisher : Weed Science 68

Year : 2018

Eco-Biology and Management of Alligator Weed [Alternanthera philoxeroides) (Mart.) Griseb.]: a Review

Cite this Research Publication : Tanveer A, Ali HH, Manalil S, Raza A, Chauhan BS. 2018. Eco-Biology and Management of Alligator Weed [Alternanthera philoxeroides) (Mart.) Griseb.]: a Review. Wetlands 38: 1067-79

Publisher : Wetlands 38

Year : 2018

Correction: Germination ecology of Chloris truncata and its implication for weed management

Cite this Research Publication : Chauhan BS, Manalil S, Florentine S, Jha P. 2018a. Correction: Germination ecology of Chloris truncata and its implication for weed management (PLoS ONE (2018) 13:7 (e0199949) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199949). PLoS ONE 13

Publisher : PLoS ONE

Year : 2018

Germination Ecology of Sonchus oleraceus L. in the Northern Region of Australia

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Ali HH, Chauhan BS. ,Germination ecology of Sonchus oleraceus L. in the northern region of Australia. Crop and Pasture Science 69: 926-32, 2018.

Publisher : Crop and Pasture Science 69

Year : 2018

Germination ecology of Chloris truncata and its implication for weed management

Cite this Research Publication : Chauhan BS, Manalil S, Florentine S, Jha P. 2018b. Germination ecology of Chloris truncata and its implication for weed management. PLoS ONE 13

Publisher : PLoS One

Year : 2017

Eco-biology, impact, and Management of Sorghum Halepense

Cite this Research Publication : Peerzada AM, Ali HH, Hanif Z, Bajwa AA, Kebaso L, et al. 2017. Eco-biology, impact, and management of Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Biological Invasions: 1-19

Publisher : Biological Invasions

Year : 2017

An Assessment of Weed Flora 14 years After the Introduction of Glyphosate-tolerant Cotton in Australia

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Werth J, Jackson R, Chauhan BS, Preston C. 2017b. An assessment of weed flora 14 years after the introduction of glyphosate-tolerant cotton in Australia. Crop and Pasture Science 68: 773-80

Publisher : Crop and Pasture Science

Year : 2017

Weed Management in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) through weed-crop competition: A review

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Coast O, Werth J, Chauhan BS. 2017a. Weed management in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) through weed-crop competition: A review. Crop Protection 95: 53-9

Publisher : Crop Protection 95

Year : 2017

Biology and management of Avena fatua and Avena ludoviciana: two noxious weed species of agro-ecosystems.

Cite this Research Publication : A. Ahsan Bajwa, Akhter, M. Javaid, Iqbal, N., Peerzada, A. Masood, Hanif, Z., Manalil, S., Hashim, S., Ali, H. Haider, Kebaso, L., Frimpong, D., Namubiru, H., and Chauhan, B. Singh, “Biology and management of Avena fatua and Avena ludoviciana: two noxious weed species of agro-ecosystems.”, Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, vol. 24, no. 24, pp. 19465-19479, 2017.

Publisher : Environ Sci Pollut Res Int

Year : 2016

Effect of herbicides on Weed Management in dry-seeded rice Sown under different tillage Systems

Cite this Research Publication : Singh VP, Dhyani VC, Singh SP, Kumar A, Manalil S, Chauhan BS. 2016. Effect of herbicides on weed management in dry-seeded rice sown under different tillage systems. Crop Protection 80: 118-26

Publisher : Crop Protection 80

Year : 2016

Glyphosate resistance of C3and C4weeds under rising atmospheric CO2

Cite this Research Publication : Fernando N, Manalil S, Florentine SK, Chauhan BS, Seneweera S. 2016. Glyphosate resistance of C3and C4weeds under rising atmospheric CO2. Frontiers in Plant Science 7

Publisher : Frontiers in Plant Science 7

Year : 2016

Glyphosate Resistance of C3 and C4 Weeds under Rising Atmospheric CO2.

Cite this Research Publication : N. Fernando, Manalil, S., Florentine, S. K., Chauhan, B. S., and Seneweera, S., “Glyphosate Resistance of C3 and C4 Weeds under Rising Atmospheric CO2.”, Front Plant Sci, vol. 7, p. 910, 2016.

Publisher : Front Plant Sci

Year : 2015

Integrated weed management approach to improve weed control efficiencies for sustainable rice production in dry-seeded systems

Cite this Research Publication : Chauhan BS, Ahmed S, Awan TH, Jabran K, Manalil S. 2015. Integrated weed management approach to improve weed control efficiencies for sustainable rice production in dry-seeded systems. Crop Protection 71: 19-24

Publisher : Crop Protection 71

Year : 2015

An Analysis of Polygenic Herbicide Resistance Evolution and its Management based on a Population Genetics Approach

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S. An analysis of polygenic herbicide resistance evolution and its management based on a population genetics approach. Basic and Applied Ecology 16: 104-11, 2015.

Publisher : Basic and Applied Ecology 16

Year : 2014

Rapid emission of nitrous oxide from fallow over summer following wetting in a Mediterranean-type environment

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Riethmuller G, Flower K. 2014. Rapid emission of nitrous oxide from fallow over summer following wetting in a Mediterranean-type environment. Soil and Tillage Research 143: 130-6

Publisher : Soil and Tillage Research

Year : 2014

Soil water conservation and nitrous oxide emissions from different crop sequences and fallow under Mediterranean conditions

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Flower K. 2014. Soil water conservation and nitrous oxide emissions from different crop sequences and fallow under Mediterranean conditions. Soil and Tillage Research 143: 123-9

Publisher : Soil and Tillage Research

Year : 2014

Evolution of Herbicide Resistance in Lolium Rigidum Under low Herbicide Rates: An Australian Experience

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S. 2014. Evolution of herbicide resistance in Lolium rigidum under low herbicide rates: An Australian experience. Crop Science 54: 461-74

Publisher : Crop Science

Year : 2012

Simulation Modelling Identifies Polygenic basis of Herbicide Resistance in a Weed Population and Predicts Rapid Evolution of Herbicide Resistance at low Herbicide Rates

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Renton M, Diggle A, Busi R, Powles SB. 2012b. Simulation modelling identifies polygenic basis of herbicide resistance in a weed population and predicts rapid evolution of herbicide resistance at low herbicide rates. Crop Protection 40: 114-20

Publisher : Crop Protection

Year : 2012

An Herbicide-susceptible Rigid Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) Population Made Even More Susceptible

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Busi R, Renton M, Powles SB. 2012a. An herbicide-susceptible rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) population made even more susceptible. Weed Science 60: 101-5

Publisher : Weed Science 60

Year : 2011

Does cutting Herbicide Rates Threaten the Sustainability of Weed Management in cropping Systems

Cite this Research Publication : Renton M, Diggle A, Manalil S, Powles S. 2011. Does cutting herbicide rates threaten the sustainability of weed management in cropping systems? Journal of Theoretical Biology 283: 14-27

Publisher : Journal of Theoretical Biology 283

Year : 2011

Rapid evolution of herbicide resistance by low herbicide dosages

Cite this Research Publication : Manalil S, Busi R, Renton M, Powles SB. 2011. Rapid evolution of herbicide resistance by low herbicide dosages. Weed Science 59: 210-7

Publisher : Weed Science 59

Conference Paper

Year : 2023

Role of sustainable agriculture practices towards food security and livelihood in India

Cite this Research Publication : Douglas Marowa, Manoj Pokkiyarath, Pozhamkandath Karthiayani Viswanathan & Sudheesh Manalil. (2023). Role of sustainable agriculture practices towards food security and livelihood in India. International Conference on Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (ICEABT).

Book Chapter

Year : 2023

Rice cultivation and water sustainability in peninsular India : Examining the challenges of climate change through extreme rainfall events with the Markov chain approach

Cite this Research Publication : Barati, M. K., Manivasagam, V. S., Soundharajan, B., & Manalil, S. (2023). Rice cultivation and water sustainability in peninsular India : Examining the challenges of climate change through extreme rainfall events with the Markov chain approach. In Modeling and Mitigation Measures for Managing Extreme Hydrometeorological Events Under a Warming Climate (1st ed., Vol. 14). Elsevier B.V.

Publisher : Elsevier

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