Year : 2024
Designing a novel electrochemical sensor based on Ni and Mg co-doped ZnO nanoparticles for the detection and quantification of cysteamine from bodily fluids
Cite this Research Publication : Gopika, M. G., A. Chitra Mohan, Beena Saraswathyamma, and K. M. Sreedhar. "Designing a novel electrochemical sensor based on Ni and Mg co-doped ZnO nanoparticles for the detection and quantification of cysteamine from bodily fluids." Ceramics International 50, no. 21 (2024): 42286-42298
Publisher : Ceramics International
Year : 2023
Electrochemical quantification of Vanillin using hydrazine derivative modified pencil graphite electrode
Cite this Research Publication : Sreelekshmi, Wilson, A., Sajeevan, B., Gopika, M. G., Babu, A., Sreedhar, K. M., & Saraswathyamma, B. (2023). Electrochemical quantification of Vanillin using hydrazine derivative modified pencil graphite electrode. Materials Today: Proceedings, 80, 558-563.
Year : 2022
ZnO codoped with Si and Mn – Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic reduction of hazardous chromium (VI) by the codoped ZnO
Cite this Research Publication : N. Amal , M. Athira Chandran , K.M. Sreekanth , G. Sivasubramanian , A. Chithra Mohan , S.L. Gowri , Rishika Narendran , K.M. Sreedhar,
Year : 2021
Micro circular economy conceptualized though the sustainable synthesis of a valuable opaline silica based microcidal, non-cytotoxic and free radical scavenging
Cite this Research Publication : Lekshmi Mohan, P. Archana, Muktha M. Varma, Murlidhar Kocherla, K.M. Sreedhar, K.M. Sreekanth, G. Sivasubramanian, Micro circular economy conceptualized though the sustainable synthesis of a valuable opaline silica based microcidal, non-cytotoxic and free radical scavenging, composite from the dung of vechur cattle - A rare breed of bos taurus indicus, 2021, Materials Today: Proceedings, p. 2960-2968
Publisher : Elsevier BV
Year : 2021
ZnO Co-Doped With Ni and Mg – Preparaton By Co-Precipitation, Characterisation and Effect of Amount of the Co-Dopants on the band width of ZnO
Cite this Research Publication : K. M. Sreedhar, Sangeeth Sivan, Karthik Raja, Kirti Suresh, Sreelekshmi R, Appu Palat, Sreekanth K M, ZnO Co-Doped With Ni and Mg - Preparaton By Co-Precipitation, Characterisation and Effect of Amount of the Co-Dopants on the band width of ZnO, RASĀYAN Journal of Chemistry, 14(2), 1289-296(2021) RJC.2021.1426031
Publisher : RASĀYAN Journal of Chemistry
Year : 2021
Preparation and characterisation of nickel oxide and nickel oxide codoped with magnesium and zinc
Cite this Research Publication : Erin Ann Sunny , Nahan Nazar , M Bhagyalakshmi , S Sooryanarayanan, A Chithra Mohan , Jomol Mariyam Thomas , Varsha Nair , G Sivasubramanian , K M Sreekanth , K M Sreedhar, Preparation and characterisation of nickel oxide and nickel oxide codoped with magnesium and zinc,2021.
Year : 2020
Synthesis and Characterizations of a Versatile Silica Incorporated Magnesium-Zinc Oxide Photocatalyst
Cite this Research Publication : Chandran, M. A.; Amal, N.; Sreedhar, K. M.; Sivasubramanian, G.; Sreekanth, K. M. Synthesis and Characterizations of a Versatile Silica Incorporated Magnesium-Zinc Oxide Photocatalyst. RJC 2020, 13 (04), 2616–2625
Publisher : RJC
Year : 2020
Mixed metal oxide based electrochemical sensing of inhibitory neurotransmitter serotonin in the presence of dopamine
Cite this Research Publication : R. G. Krishnan, Dr. Beena S., Dr. Sreedhar K. M., David, S., Prakash, A. P., and Greeshma, S., “Mixed metal oxide based electrochemical sensing of inhibitory neurotransmitter serotonin in the presence of dopamine”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 872, p. 012105, 2020
Publisher : IOP Publishing
Year : 2018
Synthesis, structural and optical properties of Mn Doped ZnO with its photocatalytic activity
Cite this Research Publication : Gautham, P.; Varma, U. S.; Sreekanth, K. M.; Kumar, D. V. R.; Sreedhar, K. M.; Sivasubramanian, G. Synthesis, Structural and Optical Properties of Mn Doped ZnO with Its Photocatalytic Activity. Asian J. Chem. 2018, 30 (12), 2631–2637
Publisher : Asian Journal of Chemistry
Year : 2018
Co-precipitation as a tool for effective doping of magnesium in zinc oxide: Studies on structural, optical and photocatalytic properties
Cite this Research Publication : Varma, U. S.; Gautham, P.; Kumar, D. V. R.; Sreekanth, K. M.; Sivasubramanian, G.; Sreedhar, K. M. Co-Precipitation as A Tool for Effective Doping of Magnesium in Zinc Oxide: Studies On Structural, Optical And Photocatalytic Properties. RJC 2018, 11 (4), 1491–1500.
Publisher : Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
Year : 2009
Synthesis of Modified Neurotensin on Poly(styrene-co-hexanediol Diacrylate) Resin:Quantification of Native Neurotensin in Brain During Diabetics Using Synthetic Peptide
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Sreedhar K. M., “Synthesis of Modified Neurotensin on Poly(styrene-co-hexanediol Diacrylate) Resin:Quantification of Native Neurotensin in Brain During Diabetics Using Synthetic Peptide”, Asian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 6792 – 6802, 2009.
Publisher : Asian Journal of Chemistry