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Dr. Smitha Chandran S.

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of Physical Sciences, Amritapuri

Qualification: MPhil, Ph.D
ORCID Profile
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Scopus Profile
Research Interest: Sustainable Nanotechnology, Green synthesis of nanoparticles and its biomedical and environmental applications, Green chemistry, Phytoremediation of heavy metals & Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)


Dr. Smitha Chandran S. currently serves as an Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Amrita School of Physical Sciences, Amritapuri. She received her Master’s degree in Environmental Science and Management and M. Phil. in Environmental Sciences and Management, both first rank, from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. She completed her Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from the same University in 2010. She worked as a guest faculty for six years at the School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.

Her current research interests include Sustainable Nanotechnology, Green Synthesis of Nanomaterials, Waste Water Treatment, Phytoremediation, Bioremediation, Water and Waste Water Quality Analysis. She has several International and National journal publications and many International and National Conference publications to her credit.

Awards / Achievements

  • First rank in Mahatma Gandhi University for post graduate levels and post PG.
  • Qualified National Eligibility Test conducted by UGC

Academic Qualifications

  • 2004-2010- PhD in Environmental Science, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
  • 2002- MPhil in Environment Science & Management (Distinction & University First Rank),
    Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India
  • 2000- UGC–NET in Environmental Science University Grants Commission, Govt. of India.
  • 2000- Masters in of Environment Science & Management (Distinction & University First Rank),
    Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India

Training Programmes / Workshops participated

  • Smitha Chandran.S participated in International Conference on Sustainable development and Governance: Building commerce& Communities from 12-14 December, 2012 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore Campus, Ettimadai, Tamil Nadu organized by Deakin University, Australia and Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  • Participated in the National Conference on Recent Advances in Membrane Processes for Water Treatment organized by Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology & PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore & DRDO – BU Centre for Life Sciences, Bharathiar University Campus, Coimbatore, on 26-27 July, 2013.
  • Participated in ISTE Workshop on Introduction to Research Methodologies- for Co-ordinators from 09 June to 15 Jun 2012 at IIT- Mumbai, under the National mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT)
  • Completed Hand-on-MOOC Workshop under research project ”Innovative Research in Pedagogy for mini –MOOCs blended with instruction Strategies to enhance Quality of Higher Education” sponsored by Royal Academy of Engineering UK and Thapar University, Patiala At Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus held on 16-17th September 2017.


  • Life member of the Indian Society for Remote Sensing (Member Ship No: L-5516)
  • American Chemical Society Member (Membership Number: 32376201)

Journal Article

Year : 2024

Metallothioneins: An Unravelling Insight Into Remediation strategies of Plant Defence Mechanisms

Cite this Research Publication : Lekshmi Sreelatha, Ardra Lekshmi Ambili, Smitha Chandran Sreedevi, Deepthi Achuthavarier, Metallothioneins: An Unravelling Insight Into Remediation strategies of Plant Defence Mechanisms, Environmental Science and Pollution Research(2024)

Publisher : Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Year : 2024

Exploring the utilitarian aspects of a noxious exotic weed, Lantana camara: From green synthesized nanoparticles to a new frontier in biomedical innovation

Cite this Research Publication : Ardra Lekshmi, CM Vaishnav, Smitha Chandran S and Karthika Prasad, 2024 Exploring the Utilitarian aspects of a noxious exotic weed, Lantana camara: from Green Synthesized Nanoparticles to a New Frontier in Biomedical Innovation, Material Chemistry and Physics, Materials Chemistry and Physics 324 (2024)

Publisher : Materials Chemistry and Physics

Year : 2024

Synthesis, characterization and versatile applications of silver nanoparticles – A bioinspired approach

Cite this Research Publication : A. Ardra Lekshmi, Amrutha Jayakumar, Anjana Sunilkumar, Aswathi Shyam, S. Smitha Chandran "Synthesis, characterization and versatile applications of silver Nanoparticles – A bioinspired approach, (2024)Materials Today Proceedings,

Year : 2023

Nano-Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals from Soil: A Critical Review

Cite this Research Publication : Priyanka Prakash, Smitha Chandran S  Nano phytoremediation of heavy metals from soil: A critical review, Pollutants 2023, 3(3), 360–380.

Year : 2023

Bio-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Cotinus coggygria extract and their multifaceted applications

Cite this Research Publication : A. Ardra Lekshmi, M. Sharath, Bhavika D Raj, Prince Pramod, Aswathi Shyam, S. Smitha Chandran, Bio-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Cotinus coggygria extract and their multifaceted applications, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Volume 153, July 2023, 110852 PII: S1387-7003(23)00464-1 DOI:

Publisher : Inorganic Chemistry Communications

Year : 2023

Biobased polymers containing traditional medical fillers for wound healing applications- An evaluation of Neoteric development and future perspectives

Cite this Research Publication : Hema S, Gayathri, Vani Unni, Niranjan B, Smitha Chandran, Sreedha Sambhudevan, Biobased polymers containing traditional medical fillers for wound healing applications- An evaluation of Neoteric development and future perspectives, Biotechnology Journal 2023, DOI: 10.1002/biot.202300006

Year : 2022

Climate change and Night time Lighting in South West India from the period 2012-2020

Cite this Research Publication : Sumith Satheendran S & Smitha Chandran S presented a paper titled 'Climate change and Night time Lighting in South West India from the period 2012-2020' at the 6th National Geo-Research Scholars Meet on 'Geosciences in Ladakh Himalaya', organized by the University of Ladakh, Leh in association with Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun during June 7-10, 2022

Year : 2022

Impact of Urbanization and Spatio-temporal Estimation of Land Surface Temperature in a Fast-growing Coastal Town in Kerala, Western Coast of Peninsular India

Cite this Research Publication : Sumith Satheendran S, Smitha Chandran. S, John C. Mathew, Abin Varghese, (2022) Impact of Urbanization and Spatio-temporal Estimation of Land Surface Temperature in a Fast-growing Coastal Town in Kerala, Western Coast of Peninsular India., Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences

Publisher : Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences

Year : 2022

The Evolution of lighting in South-west India from Night-time Lights: 2012-2020

Cite this Research Publication : Sumith Satheendran S Smitha Chandran S and John C Mathew, (2021) The Evolution of lighting in South-west India from Night-time Lights: 2012-2020", Spatial Information Research,, Received: 4 September 2021/Revised: 5 December 2021/Accepted: 12 December 2021, Published on 8th Jan, 2022

Publisher : Spatial Information Research

Year : 2021

Implementation of A Web GIS Based System for the Effective Data Dissemination and Sustainable Management of Municipalities: An Open Source Approach

Cite this Research Publication : Sumith Satheendran S Smitha Chandran Sand John C Mathew,2021. Implementation of A Web GIS Based System for the Effective Data Dissemination and Sustainable Management of Municipalities: An Open Source Approach, GIS Science Journal, Volume 8, Issue 11, ISSN NO: 1869-9391, PAGE NO: 1306-1316. DOI:20.18001.GSJ.2021.V8I11.21.38300 (Scopus Active Journal, UGC care, Journal, IF :6.1)- November 29,2021

Publisher : GIS Science Journal

Year : 2021

Distribution of PM2.5 and PM10 in Ambient air in three cities of Delhi

Cite this Research Publication : Saroon S ,Hima K Sugathan, Smitha Chandran S. Distribution of PM2.5 and PM10 in Ambient air in three cities of Delhi , Journal of Critical Reviews January 2021

Publisher : Journal of Critical Reviews

Year : 2020

Analysis Of Air Pollution In Three Suburbs Of Bengaluru Urban Using Air Quality Index

Cite this Research Publication : Hima K Sugathan, Parvathy, Rijas K.M., Smitha Chandran S. Analysis Of Air Pollution In Three Suburbs Of Bengaluru Urban Using Air Quality Index, Journal Of Critical Reviews ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020 ( IF:1.091)

Publisher : Journal Of Critical Reviews

Year : 2020

Plant Mediated Synthesis of AgNPs And Its Applications: An Overview

Cite this Research Publication : Aswathy Shyam , Smitha Chandran.S and Bini George, Plant Mediated Synthesis of AgNPs And Its Applications: An Overview ,Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2020 (IF 1.63)

Publisher : Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry

Year : 2020

Development of a Cloud Based Spatial Information System for Karunagappally Municipality, Kerala, The God’s Own Country

Cite this Research Publication : Sumith Satheendran S and Smitha Chandran S, Development of a Cloud Based Spatial Information System for Karunagappally Municipality, Kerala, The God’s Own Country, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2020, 7(7): 2304-2310.

Publisher : Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

Year : 2020

From Waste to a value added product: Green Synthesis of Silver nanoparticles from Onion peels together with its diverse Applications

Cite this Research Publication : A. Santhosh, Theertha, V., Prakash, P., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “From waste to a value added product: Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from onion peels together with its diverse applications”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020.

Publisher : Materials Today Proceedings,

Year : 2020

Web-based 3DGIS Spatial Visualization for Karunagappally Municipality, A Fast Growing Town in the Southern Kerala using Open Source Standards

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Web-based 3DGIS Spatial Visualization for Karunagappally Municipality, A Fast Growing Town in the Southern Kerala using Open Source Standards”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, vol. 7, no. 5, 2020.

Publisher : Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

Year : 2020

Sustainable Responsible Tourism Practices: Perspective 0f Paravur

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and D, S. Devikrishn, “Sustainable Responsible Tourism Practices: Perspective of Paravur”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29, pp. pp. 1462-1468, 2020.

Publisher : International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Year : 2018, 2020

Sustainable Utilization of Bio waste towards the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and its Utility in the Naked Eye Detection of Metals Coupled with its Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Properties IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Cite this Research Publication : P. S. Nikhila, Namitha Satheesh, V S Sreejitha, Anandu R Pillai, Dr. Saritha A., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Sustainable Utilization of Bio waste towards the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and its Utility in the Naked Eye Detection of Metals Coupled with its Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Properties”, in ICONAMMA, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham , Bengaluru Campus, Bengaluru, 2017.

Publisher : IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 310(2018) 012089 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/310/1/012089

Year : 2019

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Calotropis gigantea extract and its Applications in Antimicrobial and Larvicidal activity

Cite this Research Publication : P. Ajith, Murali, A. S., Sreehari, H., Vinod, B. S., Anil, A., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Calotropis gigantea extract and its Applications in Antimicrobial and Larvicidal activity”, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 4987 - 4991, 2019.

Publisher : Materials Today Proceedings

Year : 2018

Space Based Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Land Surface Temperature in Karunagappally Municipality, a Fast Growing City in the Western Coast of India

Cite this Research Publication : The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-5, 2018 ISPRS TC V Mid-term Symposium “Geospatial Technology – Pixel to People”, 20–23 pp, Dehradun, India

Publisher : The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

Year : 2018, 2020

Sustainable Utilization of Bio waste towards the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and its Utility in the Naked Eye Detection of Metals Coupled with its Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Properties IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Cite this Research Publication : P. S. Nikhila, Namitha Satheesh, V S Sreejitha, Anandu R Pillai, Dr. Saritha A., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Sustainable Utilization of Bio waste towards the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and its Utility in the Naked Eye Detection of Metals Coupled with its Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Properties”, in ICONAMMA, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham , Bengaluru Campus, Bengaluru, 2017.

Publisher : IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 310(2018) 012089 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/310/1/012089

Year : 2018

Waste Water Treatment by Adsorption Using Economically Viable Natural Adsorbents

Cite this Research Publication : Abhijith Gopakumar, Rakesh Narayan, Sidharth Ajay Nagath, Nishanthan P, Razim Mohammed S., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Waste Water Treatment by Adsorption Using Economically Viable Natural Adsorbents”, in 7th International Conference on Material Processing and Characterization , Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute Of Engineering & Technology,Bachupally, Hyderabad,Telangana , 2018.

Publisher : 7th International Conference on Material Processing and Characterization

Year : 2018

One Pot Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with Multiple Applications

Cite this Research Publication : Nayana Krishna, Nandakumar G., Neethu T S, Rini John, Sudheesh. R. Babu, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “One Pot Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with Multiple Applications”, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 5, pp. 20567–20571, 2018.

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

Year : 2018

Sustainable Utilization of Bio waste towards the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and its Utility in the Naked Eye Detection of Metals Coupled with its Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Properties

Cite this Research Publication : P. S. Nikhila, Namitha Satheesh, V S Sreejitha, Anandu R Pillai, Dr. Saritha A., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Sustainable Utilization of Bio waste towards the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and its Utility in the Naked Eye Detection of Metals Coupled with its Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Properties”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 310, p. 012089, 2018.

Publisher : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Year : 2017

Sustainable Utilization of Some Noxious Aquatic Weeds By Energy Recovery Using High Solid Anaerobic Digesters

Cite this Research Publication : Varun. P and Smitha Chandran. S, Sustainable Utilization of Some Noxious Aquatic Weeds By Energy Recovery Using High Solid Anaerobic Digesters, 2017 IEEE Explore, IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy ), 978-1-5386-4021-0/17/$31.00 ©2017IEEE.

Publisher : IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy )

Year : 2015, 2016

Development of Highly Sensitive Nano silver based Chemosensors

Cite this Research Publication : Athulya Das, Nandakumar G., Dr. Saritha A., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Development of Highly Sensitive Nano silver based Chemosensors”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 10, 2015.

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Year : 2016

Sustainable utilization of biowastes towards the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and its utility in the naked eye detection of metals coupled with its larvicidal properties

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Saritha A., Nandakumar G., Neethu T S, Sudheesh. R. Babu, Rini John, Nayana Krishna, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Sustainable utilization of biowastes towards the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and its utility in the naked eye detection of metals coupled with its larvicidal properties”, International Journal of Science Technology and Management, , vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 143 - 148, 2016.

Publisher : International Journal of Science Technology and Management.

Year : 2016

Managing Former Landfill Sites a Case Study of Ecorestoration from Kochi, Kerala

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S., Peter Ash, and Anju Bist, “Managing Former Landfill Sites a Case Study of Ecorestoration from Kochi, Kerala”, Green Chemistry & Technology Letters, vol. 1, pp. 82–85, 2016.

Publisher : Green Chemistry Technology Letters

Year : 2016

Green synthesis and characterization of silver decorated graphene nanocomposites for advanced applications

Cite this Research Publication : Karthik Gopakumar, A Harith, Thazleema N Nazrin, Vishal Shaji, Dr. Saritha A., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Green synthesis and characterization of silver decorated graphene nanocomposites for advanced applications”, International Journal of Science Technology and Management, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 88-93, 2016.

Publisher : International Journal of Science Technology and Management

Year : 2015

Utilization of Limnocharis flava, an invasive aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetland ecosystem, kerala, india as a potential feedstock for livestock

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and E. V. Ramasamy, “Utilization of Limnocharis flava, an invasive aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetland ecosystem, kerala, india as a potential feedstock for livestock”, Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research , vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 22-27, 2015.

Publisher : Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research

Year : 2015

From biowastes to novel nanomaterials: A one pot green synthesis of nanoparticles towards the naked eye detection of metals

Cite this Research Publication : Aarathi Krishna, Sreejisha T Nair, Dr. Smitha Chandran S., and Dr. Saritha A., “From biowastes to novel nanomaterials: A one pot green synthesis of nanoparticles towards the naked eye detection of metals ”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 10, 2015.

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Year : 2015, 2016

Development of Highly Sensitive Nano silver based Chemosensors

Cite this Research Publication : Athulya Das, Nandakumar G., Dr. Saritha A., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Development of Highly Sensitive Nano silver based Chemosensors”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 10, 2015.

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Year : 2014

Moving towards zero waste: a case study from Kerala, India(2014)

Cite this Research Publication : Peter Ash, Anju Bist, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Moving towards zero waste: a case study from Kerala, India(2014)”, Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries , vol. 2, p. 437 to 441, 2014.

Publisher : Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries

Year : 2013

Utlilization of Limnocharis flava, an invasive exotic aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetland ecosystem as a potential feedstock for aquaculture(2013)

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and Smitha Asok, “Utlilization of Limnocharis flava, an invasive exotic aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetland ecosystem as a potential feedstock for aquaculture(2013)”, Journal of Basic and Applied Biology, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 53-55, 2013.

Publisher : Journal of Basic and Applied Biology

Year : 2013

Utlilization of Limnocharis flava, an invasive exotic aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetland ecosystem as a potential feedstock for aquaculture

Cite this Research Publication : the International Seminar on Advances in Aquaculture Technologies (ISATT-2013) organized by Department of Zoology, All Saints College Thiruvananthapuram on July 18-19, 2013.

Publisher : International Seminar on Advances in Aquaculture Technologies (ISATT-2013)

Year : 2013

Moving towards Zero-Waste: A Case-Study from Kerala, India

Cite this Research Publication : Peter Ash, Anju Bist, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Moving towards Zero-Waste: A Case-Study from Kerala, India”, IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, South Asia Satellite Conference, Trivandrum, India, 2013.

Publisher : IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, South Asia Satellite Conference, Trivandrum, India

Year : 2009

Phytofiltration of cadmium from water by Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau grown in free-floating culture system

Cite this Research Publication : Abhilash P.C., Vimal Chandra Pandey., Pankaj Srivastava., Smitha Chandran. S. P.S. Rakesh., Nandita Singh., A.P. Thomas., (2009). Phytofiltration of cadmium from water by Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau grown in the free-floating culture system, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 170: 791-797, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.05.035

Publisher : J Hazard Mater

Year : 2008

Studies on the accumulation of heavy metals in Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau, an exotic aquatic weed, and its various means of utilization

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S., R .Satheesh, and E. V. Ramasamy, “Studies on the accumulation of heavy metals in Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau, an exotic aquatic weed, and its various means of utilization”, Ecochronicle, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 129-136., 2008.

Publisher : Ecochronicle

Conference Paper

Year : 2013

Utlilization of Limnocharisflava, an invasive exotic aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetland ecosystem as a potential feedstock for aquaculture

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and Smitha Asok, “Utlilization of Limnocharisflava, an invasive exotic aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetland ecosystem as a potential feedstock for aquaculture”, in International Seminar on Advances in Aquaculture Technologies (ISATT-2013), Department of Zoology, All Saints College Thiruvananthapuram, 2013, pp. 53-55.

Publisher : International Seminar on Advances in Aquaculture Technologies (ISATT-2013)

Year : 2012

Variation in Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some common plants near The Kerala Minerals

Cite this Research Publication : A. K.M. and Chandran, S., “Variation in Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some common plants near The Kerala Minerals”, in National Conference on Recent Trends in Chemistry organized by Department of Chemistry, Chavara, Kollam, 2012.

Publisher : National Conference on Recent Trends in Chemistry organized by Department of Chemistry

Conference Proceedings

Year : 2024

Critical analysis of Sustainable ways of removing insidious pollutants from the environment through Phytoremediation Techniques

Cite this Research Publication : Lekshmi S, Ardra Lekshmi, Smitha Chandran S, Deepthi Achuthavarrier, Critical analysis of Sustainable ways of removing insidious pollutants from the environment through Phytoremediation Techniques"(2024) Chemistry and Ecology, Published by Springer

Publisher : Springer

Year : 2024

Synthesis and Characterization of silver nanoparticles via green methods and study of its biomedical applications

Cite this Research Publication : Lekshmi S, Lincy Rajan, Ardra Lekshmi, Smitha Chandran S, International conference on advance in material science and Chemistry, Synthesis and Characterization of silver nanoparticles via green methods and study of its biomedical applications, AIP Conf. Proc. 3171, 050004 (2024)

Publisher : AIP Conf. Proc.

Year : 2024

Green Syntheiss of Silver nanoparticles: a one pot Approach with emphasis on antibacterial, antifungal and biosensor applications

Cite this Research Publication : A. Ardra Lekshmi , Anjana Sunilkumar , Amrutha Jayakumar , S Shalu Lal, Sreemayi M, S. Smitha Chandran Green Syntheiss of Silver nanoparticles: a one pot Approach with emphasis on antibacterial, antifungal and biosensor applications, (2024)Materials Today Proceedings

Publisher : Materials Today Proceedings

Year : 2023

Indian bay leaf moderated synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their versatile applications

Cite this Research Publication : A. Ardra Lekshmi; V. Theertha; Priyanka Prakash; Abhirami Santhosh; C. M. Vaishnav; Nayana S. Prasad; G. Amarthya; S. Smitha Chandran Indian bay leaf moderated synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their versatile applications, AIP Conf. Proc. 2764, 020005 (2023)

Year : 2020

Applications of Silver Nanoparticles in water purification and biomedical fields: A Review

Cite this Research Publication : Aswathy S Murali, Aswathy Shyam and Smitha Chandran.S, Applications of Silver Nanoparticles in water purification and biomedical fields: A Review, at the International Conference on Material Science & Chemistry (ICAMSC 2020) from 10-12th August 2020 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala.

Year : 2020

From Waste to Value Added Products: Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis with Versatile Applications

Cite this Research Publication : Priyanka Prakash, Abhirami Santhosh, Theertha V, Smitha Chandran S From Waste to Value Added Products: Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis with Versatile Applications, at the international Conference on Material Science & Chemistry(ICAMSC 2020) from 10-12th August 2020 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala.

Year : 2020

Green pathway of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis and its Antimicrobial Applications: A Critical Review

Cite this Research Publication : Rakhi Raj, Roshny V Lohithan, Smitha Chandran, Green pathway of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis and its Antimicrobial Applications: A Critical Review at the International Conference on Material Science & Chemistry(ICAMSC 2020) from 10-12th August 2020 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala.

Year : 2020

Novel synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Biophytum sensitivum and its versatile application

Cite this Research Publication : Theertha V, Nandakumar G, Abhirami Santhosh, Priyanka Prakash, Aswathy Shyam, and  Smitha Chandran presented a paper entitled" Novel synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Biophytum sensitivum and its versatile application" at the International Conference on Material Science & Chemistry(ICAMSC 2020) from 10-12th August 2020 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala.

Year : 2020

Environmentally benign synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Cynodon dactylon coupled with multiple applications

Cite this Research Publication : Priyanka Prakash, Abhirami Santhosh, Theertha V, Rini John, Nanda Kumar G, Smitha Chandran S, Environmentally benign synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Cynodon dactylon coupled with multiple applications, STAM20, Mar Athanasius College, Kothamangalam,

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

Year : 2020

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Justicia adhatoda plant extract with its diverse properties

Cite this Research Publication : Rajalekshmi, Roshiny Lohithan, Rakhi Raj, Priyanka Prakash, Abhirami Santosh, Theertha V, and Smitha Chandran.S, Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Justicia adhatoda plant extract with its diverse properties, IOP Science: Journal of Physics 2020

Publisher : IOP Science: Journal of Physics

Year : 2019

Spatial Data Dissemination of Karunagappally Municipality using Web GIS

Cite this Research Publication : Sumith Satheendran S & Smitha Chandran S presented a paper titled 'Spatial Data Dissemination of Karunagappally Municipality using Web GIS' at the Three day International Conference on 'Innovations in Geospatial Technology for sustainable development with special emphasis on NER,' organized by ISG and ISRS in the city of Shillong (Meghalaya) during November 20-22, 2019.

Year : 2019

Proposal of Suitable Site Location for Socio-Economic Infrastructure in Karunagapally Municipality

Cite this Research Publication : Sumith Satheendran S & Smitha Chandran S presented a paper titled "Proposal of Suitable Site Location for Socio-Economic Infrastructure in Karunagapally Municipality" at the National Conference on Developments and Innovations in Civil Engineering (DICE'19 at Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Peermade on April 30, 2019.

Year : 2019

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Calotropis gigantea extract and its Applications in Antimicrobial and Larvicidal activity

Cite this Research Publication : Parvathy Ajith, Aswathy.S. Murali, Sreehari. H, Bindhya. S. Vinod, Amrita Anil, Smitha Chandran. S, presented a paper entitled “ Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Calotropis gigantea extract and its Applications in Antimicrobial and Larvicidal activity”, International Conference material Processing & characterization (ICMPC-2019) at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of engineering & Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India on 8-10th, March, 2019.

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

Year : 2019

Facile Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Tinospora cordifolia extract with multiple Applications

Cite this Research Publication : Sreehari. H, Aswathy.S. Murali, Parvathy Ajith, Bindhya. S. Vinod, Amrita Anil, Smitha Chandran. S, presented a paper entitled “Facile Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Tinospora cordifolia extract with multiple Applications” at 3rd international conference on Recent Advances in Material Chemistry (ICRAMC2019) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India in Association with Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA),France on February 13-15,2019 .

Year : 2019

From a waste to a value added product: Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from onion peels together with its divers applications

Cite this Research Publication : A. Santhosh, Prakash, P., V., T., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “From a waste to a value added product: Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from onion peels together with its divers applications”, in , IConAMMA2019, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeethom, Bangalore, August 29,, 2019.

Publisher : IConAMMA2019

Year : 2019

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Hydnocarpus pentandra leaf extract: Evaluation of its Antimicrobial and Anti larvicidal activities

Cite this Research Publication : A. Shyam, Murali, A., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Hydnocarpus pentandra leaf extract: Evaluation of its Antimicrobial and Anti larvicidal activities”, in International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM-2019) at Nirmalagiri College, Kannur, Kerala, June 12-14, 2019, 2019.

Publisher : The International Conference on Advanced Materials

Year : 2019

To Analyses and Proposal of Suitable Site Location for Socioeconomic Infrastructure in Karunagappally Municipality

Cite this Research Publication : at the National Conference on Developments and Innovations in Civil Engineering (DICE -19) ,organized by Mar Baselious College of Engineering & Technology, Kuttikkanam, Peerumedu, Idukki, Kerala on 30th April 2019.

Publisher : National Conference

Year : 2019

Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Hydnocarpus pentandra leaf extract: Evaluation of its antimicrobial and anti-larvidal activities

Cite this Research Publication : Aswathi Shyam, Aswathy Murali and S.Smitha Chandran Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Hydnocarpus pentandra leaf extract: Evaluation of its antimicrobial and anti-larvidal activities. AIP Conference Proceedings 2162, 020107 (2019);

Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings 2162, 020107 (2019);

Year : 2019

Facile preparation of Silver nanoparticles from Vitex negundo leaf extract with multiple applications

Cite this Research Publication : Aswathy.S. Murali, Athulya Pillai, Sreehari. H, Sanker Sarma, Parvathy Ajith, Bindhya. S. Vinod, Amrita Anil, Smitha Chandran. S Facile preparation of Silver nanoparticles from Vitex negundo leaf extract with multiple applications. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 577 (2019) 012096 IOP Publishing

Publisher : IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 577

Year : 2018

One Pot Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with Multiple Applications

Cite this Research Publication : Nayana Krishna, Nanda Kumar G, Neethu T S, Rini John, Sudheesh. R. Babu, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “One Pot Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with Multiple Applications”, in 7th International Conference on Material Processing and Characterization, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute Of Engineering & Technology,Bachupally, Hyderabad,Telangana , 2018, vol. 5, pp. 20567 - 20571.

Publisher : 7th International Conference on Material Processing and Characterization

Year : 2018

Waste Water Treatment by Adsorption Using Economically Viable Natural Adsorbents

Cite this Research Publication : Abhijith Gopakumar, Rakesh Narayan, Sidharth Ajay Nagath, Nishanthan P, Razim Mohammed S., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Waste Water Treatment by Adsorption Using Economically Viable Natural Adsorbents”, Materials Today Proceedings , vol. 5, pp. 17699–17703, 2018.

Publisher : Materials Today Proceedings

Year : 2017

Sustainable Utilization of Bio waste towards the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and its Utility in the Naked Eye Detection of Metals Coupled with its Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Properties

Cite this Research Publication : P. S. Nikhila, Namitha Satheesh, V S Sreejitha, Anandu R Pillai, Dr. Saritha A., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Sustainable Utilization of Bio waste towards the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and its Utility in the Naked Eye Detection of Metals Coupled with its Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Properties”, in ICONAMMA, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham , Bengaluru Campus, Bengaluru, 2017.

Publisher : ICONAMMA

Year : 2017

Environmentally Benign Synthesis of Silver Nano Particles with Applications in Pollution Monitoring

Cite this Research Publication : Neethu T S, Nandakumar G., Nayana Krishna, Rini John, Sudheesh. R. Babu, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Environmentally Benign Synthesis of Silver Nano Particles with Applications in Pollution Monitoring”, presented at the 12/2017, SCAD Engineering College, Palladam Coimbatore , 2017.

Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings

Year : 2016

Ecology and possible pathways of invasion of an exotic weed Limnocharis flava (l) buchenau, in Kuttand wetland ecosystem, Kerala

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and Smitha Asok V, “Ecology and possible pathways of invasion of an exotic weed Limnocharis flava (l) buchenau, in Kuttand wetland ecosystem, Kerala”, The International Conference on Aquatic Exotics (ICAE- 2016) . Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram., 2016.

Publisher : The International Conference on Aquatic Exotics, Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.

Year : 2016

Development of Highly Sensitive Nano silver based Chemosensors

Cite this Research Publication : Athulya Das, Nandakumar G., Dr. Saritha A., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Development of Highly Sensitive Nano silver based Chemosensors”, in National Conference On Recent Advances In Smart Materials, Hindustan University , Chennai, 2016.

Publisher : National Conference On Recent Advances In Smart Materials, Hindustan University , Chennai

Year : 2016

From biowastes to novel nanomaterials: A one pot green synthesis of nanoparticles towards the naked eye detection of metals

Cite this Research Publication : Aarathi Krishna, Sreejisha T Nair, Dr. Smitha Chandran S., and Dr. Saritha A., “From biowastes to novel nanomaterials: A one pot green synthesis of nanoparticles towards the naked eye detection of metals”, The National Conference On Recent Advances In Smart Materials. Hindustan University , Chennai., 2016.

Publisher : The National Conference On Recent Advances In Smart Materials, Hindustan University , Chennai.

Year : 2015

Managing former landfill sites: A case study of Ecorestoration from Kochi, Kerala

Cite this Research Publication : Peter Ash, Anju Bist, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Managing former landfill sites: A case study of Ecorestoration from Kochi, Kerala”, in The National Conference on Innovations in Chemical Sciences & Technology (NCICST), Scott Christian College Nagarcoil, Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu., 2015.

Publisher : The National Conference on Innovations in Chemical Sciences Technology (NCICST)

Year : 2014

Recovery Of Energy From Organic Fraction Of Municipal Solid Waste By High Solid Anaerobic Digestion

Cite this Research Publication : The National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014) , P G Department of Environmental Sciences, All Saints’ College, Thiruvananthapuram (2014)

Publisher : The National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014)

Year : 2014

Phytofiltration of lead from water by centella erecta grown in free-floating culture system

Cite this Research Publication : Divya T. D., Neena C.V, Aswathi Ravndran.N.E, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Phytofiltration of lead from water by centella erecta grown in free-floating culture system”, National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014) . P G Department of Environmental Sciences, All Saints’ College, Thiruvananthapuram, 2014.

Publisher : National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014)

Year : 2014

Hydrological studies of a small watershed area of Karamana River basin using GIS

Cite this Research Publication : Aparna Guleria, Smitha Asok V., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Hydrological studies of a small watershed area of Karamana River basin using GIS”, in National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014), P G Department of Environmental Sciences, All Saints’ College, Thiruvananthapuram, 2014.

Publisher : National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014)

Year : 2014

Habitat Restoration: A case study from Kochi, Kerala, India

Cite this Research Publication : Peter Ash, Anju Bist, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Habitat Restoration: A case study from Kochi, Kerala, India”, in International Conference on Waste Management for Sustainable development (ICWMSD-2014), Department of Civil Engineering, NSS Engineering College, Palakkad, 2014.

Publisher : International Conference on Waste Management for Sustainable development (ICWMSD-2014)

Year : 2014

A Graph-based Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) in Municipal Solid Waste Management

Cite this Research Publication : Suresh Kumar and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “A Graph-based Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) in Municipal Solid Waste Management”, International Conference on Waste Management for Sustainable development (ICWMSD-2014). Department of Civil Engineering, NSS Engineering College, Palakkad , 2014.

Publisher : International Conference on Waste Management for Sustainable development (ICWMSD-2014)

Year : 2014

Energy recovery from municipal solid waste by anaerobic digestion- a case study from south India

Cite this Research Publication : Lekshmi S. Kumar, Varun P., and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Energy recovery from municipal solid waste by anaerobic digestion- a case study from south India”, UGC sponsored National Seminar on Environment Impact Assessment . New man College, Thodupuzha , 2014.

Publisher : UGC sponsored National Seminar on Environment Impact Assessment

Year : 2014

An Ecofriendly option for Management of Waste Water- A Case study from Amrita, Kerala, India

Cite this Research Publication : Anjali, Shilpa Purushothaman, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “An Ecofriendly option for Management of Waste Water- A Case study from Amrita, Kerala, India ”, in National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014) , P G Department of Environmental Sciences, All Saints’ College, Thiruvananthapuram , 2014.

Publisher : National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014)

Year : 2013

Rehabilitating former landfill sites: A case study in habitat restoration

Cite this Research Publication : Peter Ash, Anju Bist, Dr. Smitha Chandran S., Dan Sullivan, and Nikhil Korthurkar, “Rehabilitating former landfill sites: A case study in habitat restoration”, in IEEE Global Humanitarian Technical Conference (GHTC 2013), San Jose, California USA , 2013.

Publisher : IEEE Global Humanitarian Technical Conference (GHTC 2013)

Year : 2013

Moving towards zero waste: a case study from Kerala, India(2013)

Cite this Research Publication : Peter Ash, Anju Bist, and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “Moving towards zero waste: a case study from Kerala, India(2013)”, International Conference on Ecosystem Conservation, Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ECOCASD 2013) . University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India , 2013.

Publisher : International Conference on Ecosystem Conservation, Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ECOCASD 2013)

Year : 2013

High Solid Anaerobic Digestion for the recovery of Energy from Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid waste

Cite this Research Publication : Lakshmi S. Kumar and Dr. Smitha Chandran S., “High Solid Anaerobic Digestion for the recovery of Energy from Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid waste”, The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences . VIT University, Vellore TamilNadu, 2013.

Publisher : The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences

Year : 2012

Variation in Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some common plants near The Kerala Minerals, and Metals Limited (KMML), Chavara, Kollam

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and Arjun K. M., “Variation in Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some common plants near The Kerala Minerals, and Metals Limited (KMML), Chavara, Kollam”, National Conference on Frontiers in Chemistry. Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Thiruvanathapuram, 2012.

Publisher : National Conference on Frontiers in Chemistry

Year : 2012

Changes in Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some common plants near The Kerala Minerals, and Metals Limited (KMML), Chavara, Kollam.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and Arjun K. M., “Changes in Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some common plants near The Kerala Minerals, and Metals Limited (KMML), Chavara, Kollam.”, BRNS sponsored National Conference on Recent Applications of Nano materials In Chemistry and Environmental Research (RANCER-2012). Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Tamil Nadu , 2012.

Publisher : Kongu Engineering College, Erode

Year : 2012

Changes in Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some common plants near The Kerala Minerals, and Metals Limited

Cite this Research Publication : S. Chandran and Arjun, K. M., “Changes in Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some common plants near The Kerala Minerals, and Metals Limited”, National Conference sponsored by DST & BRNS. Kongu Engineering college, 2012.

Publisher : Kongu Engineering college

Year : 2011

Utilization of an exotic aquatic weed Limnocharis flava as a feed stock in anaerobic digesters for biogas generation

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S., Rakesh P S, and Ramasamy E V, “Utilization of an exotic aquatic weed Limnocharis flava as a feed stock in anaerobic digesters for biogas generation”, International Conference on Society, Technology and Sustainable development. AIMS, Cochin., 2011.

Publisher : AIMS

Year : 2011

Phytoremediation of lead by Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau an invasive aquatic weed in Kuttanad Wetland Ecosystem

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and E.V. Ramasamy, “Phytoremediation of lead by Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau an invasive aquatic weed in Kuttanad Wetland Ecosystem”, CSIR Sponsored National Conference on Recent Applications of Nano materials In Chemistry and Environmental Research (RANCER-2011). Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Tamil Nadu , 2011.

Publisher : Kongu Engineering College

Year : 2010

Metal and Nutrient uptake up Limnocharis flava, an aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetlands

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and E.V. Ramasamy, “Metal and Nutrient uptake up Limnocharis flava, an aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetlands”, National Seminar on Environmental Chemistry. S.D. College, Allapuzha, Kerala., 2010.

Publisher : S.D. College, Allapuzha

Year : 2008

Studies on the utilization of Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau, an invasive aquatic weed in Kuttanad wetland ecosystem

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S., R .Satheesh, and E. V. Ramasamy, “Studies on the utilization of Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau, an invasive aquatic weed in Kuttanad wetland ecosystem”, The International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture. C.M.S. College, Kottayam , 2008.

Publisher : The International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture

Year : 2008

Studies on the Phytotoxic Effects of Lead on Some Biochemical Characteristics of Limnocharis Flava(L)Buchenau, A Noxious Aquatic Weed

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S., R .Satheesh, and E. V. Ramasamy, “Studies on the Phytotoxic Effects of Lead on Some Biochemical Characteristics of Limnocharis Flava(L)Buchenau, A Noxious Aquatic Weed”, National Seminar on Wetland Biodiversity. MSM College, Kayamkulam, 2008.

Publisher : National Seminar on Wetland Biodiversity

Year : 2007

Phytotoxicity of lead in Limnocharis flava-An invasive weed

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S., R .Satheesh, and E. V. Ramasamy, “Phytotoxicity of lead in Limnocharis flava-An invasive weed”, 19th Kerala Science Congress. Kozhikode, Kerala., 2007.

Publisher : 19th Kerala Science Congress

Year : 2006

Metal and Nutrient uptake by Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau-A noxious aquatic weed

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and R .Satheesh, “Metal and Nutrient uptake by Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau-A noxious aquatic weed”, The 4th Indian Environmental Congress. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala, India, 2006.

Publisher : Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala

Year : 2001

Air and Noise Pollution status at Sabarimala

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Smitha Chandran S. and R .Satheesh, “Air and Noise Pollution status at Sabarimala”, National Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models. P.S. G. College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2001.

Publisher : P.S. G. College of Technology, Coimbatore

Book Chapter

Year : 2024

Commercialization & Standardization for Nanofillers

Cite this Research Publication : Ardra Lekshmi A, Lekshmi S, Smitha Chandran S (2024) Commercialization & Standardization for Nanofillers. In Handbook of Nano fillers- Edited by Shadpour Mallakpour & Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, , Published by Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024 S. Mallakpour, C. M. Hussain (eds.), pp1-15, Online ISBN978-981-99-3516-1

Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd

Year : 2024

Nano fertilizers for the sustainable management of agricultural resources: A pathway to meet UN Millennium Sustainable Development Goals (MDGs)

Cite this Research Publication : Ardra Lekshmi, S. Lekshmi, Hema S., Kandasamy Gopal, Sreedha Sambhudevan, Divya Mohan R. and S. Smitha Chandran Nanofertilizers for the sustainable management of agricultural resources: A pathway to meet U.N. Millennium Sustainable Development Goals (MDGs) Nanofertilizer Delivery, Effects and Application Methods, 2024, pp. 129-147

Year : 2022

Geoinformatics-based health vulnerability index development and bio waste estimation during and post covid-19 pandemic: a case study from Kerala

Cite this Research Publication : Geoinformatics-based health vulnerability index development and bio waste estimation during and post covid-19 pandemic: a case study from Kerala, Sree Lekshmi C, Sumith Satheendran S, Sreedha Sambhudevan, Smitha Chandran S, Sharafudheen. K. P. Biodiversity and Climate Change Book (Submitted on September,2022) (Accepted)

Year : 2022

Space Based Study on the Carbon Sequestration in Two Areas in and Around Ayiramthengu Mangrove Ecosystem: A Remote Sensing & GIS Approach, Ecology

Cite this Research Publication : Alok Sunil, Yadu Krishnan M T, Anargh S Sajith, Arunraj K, Anirudh K A, Sumith Satheendran S, Smitha Chandran S, Space Based Study on the Carbon Sequestration in Two Areas in and Around Ayiramthengu Mangrove Ecosystem: A Remote Sensing & GIS Approach, Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change Book (Submitted on September,2022) (Accepted)

Year : 2022

Climate Change: Challenges to Sustainable Development with focus on rural areas of India: A Review- in the book India III: Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation

Cite this Research Publication : Shanthi, Rathy, Smitha Chandran S,2022 Climate Change Book Chapter entitled : Climate Change: Challenges to Sustainable Development with focus on rural areas of India: A Review- in the book India III: Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation edited by: Dr. Md Nazrul Islam & Dr. Andre van Amstel published in the book series Springer Climate (Accepted)

Publisher : Springer Climate (Accepted)

Year : 2021

India’s Perspective On Weee Management

Cite this Research Publication : Book Chapter entitled ”India’s Perspective On Weee Management: Razim Mohammed. Sand Smitha Chandran.S, in the book “WEEE-Recent Advances, New Perspectives” edited by Dr. Naarvtika Singh Nauiyal, Thomson Reuters,2020 ISBN:978-93-90529-85-8

Publisher : WEEE-Recent Advances

Year : 2021

Decoration of carbon nanomaterials with biogenic silver nanoparticles: cytotoxic activity and applications

Cite this Research Publication : book "Green Synthesis Silver Nanomaterials ” Edited by Kamel A. Abd-Elsalam ,Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt, published by published by Elsevier, 2021.

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2020

Sustainability Route for Industry 4.O: The future of Global Circular Economic Transition

Cite this Research Publication : Razim Mohammed S and Smitha Chandran S (2021) Book Chapter entitled” Sustainability Route for Industry 4.O: The future of Global Circular Economic Transition” on Circular Economy - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications" edited by Dr. Tao Zhang.bypublished by Intech Open

Publisher : Intech

Year : 2020

Achievement of Sustainability by tackling E-waste overpower

Cite this Research Publication : New Handbook with Elsevier: Handbook on Environmental Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), Edited by Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, New Jersey Institute of Technology, New York, NJ, USA , 2020.

Publisher : New Handbook with Elsevier: Handbook on Environmental Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),

Year : 2015

Nanotechnology- A Boon or A Curse: A Critical Review

Cite this Research Publication : Book Chapter entitled “Nanotechnology- A Boon or A Curse: A Critical Review” by C. M. Vaishnav, Nayana S. Prasad, Amarthya G, Ardra Lekshmi A, Smitha Chandran the book ‘Science of Environment’ Volume-II Edited by Prof. Wasudeo B. Gurnule, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, Scieng Publications (ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company).

Publisher : Science of Environment


Year : 2022

Land Use and Fast-Growing Municipality: Spatio-Temporal Investigation Of Land Cover/Land Use Changes In Karunagappally, A Fast-Growing Municipality On India’s Southern Coast, Over The Years

Cite this Research Publication : Sumith Satheendran S.andSmitha Chandran S., Land Use and Fast-Growing Municipality: Spatio-Temporal Investigation Of Land Cover/Land Use Changes In Karunagappally, A Fast-Growing Municipality On India's Southern Coast, Over The Years, published by Eliva Press, Bulevardul Moscova 21, Chisinau 2068, Moldova, Europe, June 4, 2022,ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9994980467, ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9994980468

Publisher : Eliva Press

Year : 2022

Covid-19 and Land Surface Temperature

Cite this Research Publication : Sumith S.S and Smitha Chandran.S.,“Covid-19 and Land Surface Temperature” (An Investigation in the Lockdown Period across the Kerala State, Western Coast of Peninsular India),2022, Published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-620-0-21863-6

Publisher : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Events Co-ordinated
  • In association withWWF-India supported by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment & Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India as part of the National Science Day-2015, organized a one day Workshop on Geoinformation Technology for better Natural Resource Management on February 27, 2015
  • Organized a one day Workshop on Geoinformation Technology for Better Natural Resource Management in association with WWF-India supported by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment & Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India as part of the National Science Day- 2015 on February 27, 2015.
  • Coordinator of the Teachers Training Programme on spreading Environmental Awareness among teachers in Kollam District, sponsored by WWF- India and CPREEC, Chennai, on January 4, 2013 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  • Conducted Teachers Training Workshops (TTPs) for higher Secondary Teachers in Kollam District supported by WWF-India and CPREEC, Chennai on January 4, 2013.
  • Coordinator of the Faculty Development Programme on “Ethics in teaching” from 5-7th December 2012 for all faculty at Amritapuri Campus.
  • Coordinator of Two Week ISTE Workshop on Introduction to Research Methodologies Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) 25th June – 4th July 2012 conducted by IIT Bombay.
  • Coordinator of the 10 day ISTE Workshop on Introduction to Research Methodologies for Co-ordinators under the National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) at  Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus from June 9 to June 15, 2012.
  • Conducted KSCSTE sponsored National Seminar on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (FCS-2011) at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus on November 16, 2011.
  • Coordinator of the KSCSTE sponsored National seminar on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (FCS-2011) on 16th -17th November 2011 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
Invited Talks
  1. Invited Lecture in KSTEC sponsored National Seminar “Ozone layer Depreciation and Protection” at Sree Narayana Poly Technic College, Kottiyam, Kollam, Kerala on September 19, 2014.
  2. Invited Lecture on “Biodiversity Concept & Conservation” at Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla on November 21, 2012.
  3. Invited Lecture on “Weed Management Strategies” at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeethamon on April 5, 2011.
  4. Invited Lecture on “Wetland Conservation” as part of Student Wetland Congress 2015, organized by Asoka Trust for Ecology and Environment (ATREE), on February 24, 2015 at Pulimmottil Trade Center, Mullackal, Alappuzha.
  5. Talk on “Genetically Modified Crops and Food Security” at a national seminar, organized by the Departments of Social Work and Chemistry, in association with Swadeshi Science Movement (Kerala) and Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment on February 27, 2013 as part of the National Science Day.
  6. Invited Lecture on “Wetland Resources”as part of Student Wetland Congress 2018, organized by Asoka Trust for Ecology and Environment (ATREE), on February 13, 2018 at Pulimmottil Trade Center, Mullackal, Alappuzha.
  7. Invited Lecture on “Water Resource Conservation & Management”as part of Student Wetland Congress 2017, organized by Asoka Trust for Ecology and Environment (ATREE), on February 18, 2017.
  8. Invited Lecture on “Applications on Virtual Labs in Chemical sciences at St Xavier’s College for Women at Aluva on 25 th May, 2017.
  9. Invited Lecture on “Industrial Waste Management Technologies”at Department of Environmental Sciences, Calicut University, Kerala as part of Value- added course Capacity Building in Resource Assessment and Environmental Impact Analysis on August 25, 2021.
  10. Invited lecture on “Advances in Waste Management” for Amrita Ahead Online BBA Program students on August 18, 2022.
  11. Invited Lecture on “ Environmental problems in Kerala:”on December22,2022 at BJSM Madathil for higher Secondary School Students.
  12. Invited Lecture on ‘Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles & its Applications’ at MGM College of Engineering, Thodupuzha ads aprt of Faculty Development program funded by the APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, FDP talk on 13-04-2023
  13. Invited Lecture on “Water-related Problems of Kuttanad Wetland Ecosystem” for students od Azim Prmji University, Karnataka as part of their exposure visit to Kuttand Wetland Ecosystem organized by Asoka Trust for Ecology and Environment (ATREE), on 13 May,2022
  14. Invited Lecture on ‘Water related problems of Kuttanad Wetland Ecosystem to students of Azim Premji University, Bangalore, as part of their exposure visit to Kuttand Wetland Ecosystem organised by ATREE, CERC , Allapuzha on 13-05-2022.
  15. Invited Lecture on ‘Introduction to Global Environmental Crisis’ AHEAD, Amrita University Program talk on 28-05-2023.
  16. Invited Lecture on “Microplastic Pollution’ Teachers Training Workshop being organized under the National Green Corps program of the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Government of India and The Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and the Environment, Government of Kerala, at the Govt. Girls High School, Mavelikara. WWF-India Kerala State Office & ATREE-CERC Alappuzha are partners in this program in sensitizing the Teacher-in-charge of Eco Clubs on the UNEP Tide Turners Plastic Program (TTPC) on November 30, 2023.
  17. Invited talk on “Restoration of degraded soils for a Sustainable Future” in connection with The International Soil Day at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, in connection with the Amrita Energy Swaraj Environmental (amESE) Club on 5th December, 2024
  18. Invited talk on the Seminar on “Role of Youth in Environmental Protection and Conservation”, at Aarupadai Veedu Medical College, Kirumam Pakkam, Puducherry by sponsored by GRAMIUM, in association with VISHWA YUVAK KENDRA, New Delhi on 1st March 2025.
  • International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, (Elsevier)
  • Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry (Springer Nature)
  • Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management (Elsevier)
  • Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)
  • Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry. (Elsevier)
  • Current Organic Chemistry (Taylor & Francis)
  • Current Pharmaceutical Design
  • Referee of International Conference on Oceanic and Atmospheric (ICOA 2015)
  • Referee of International Conference TAP Energy-2019, IEEE Conference
  • Tropical Ecology (Elsevier)
  • Materials today Proceedings (Elsevier)

Administrative Roles/ Responsibility

  • NAAC/IQAC (ASAS-School Co-ordinator)
  • NIRF Coordinator (ASAS- School Co-ordinator)
  • NBA Coordinator (ASPS- School Co-ordinator)
  • NBA Criteria 8 Coordinator (ASPS- School Co-ordinator)
  •  PR Agency Coordinator (ASAS- School Co-ordinator)
  • THE Ranking Coordinator (ASAS- School Co-ordinator)
  • QS Ranking Coordinator (ASAS- School Co-ordinator)
  • NAAC Criteria-5 Coordinator (ASAS- School Co-ordinator)
  • UGC ASAS- School Co-ordinator
  • AMPLE Coordinator (ASAS- School Co-ordinator)
  • AUMS Coordinator (Department Co-ordinator)
  • Alumni Coordinator (ASAS- School Co-ordinator)
  • Office of Academic progression (ASAS- School Co-ordinator)
  • Web team (Department Co-ordinator)
  • Amritarpan Magazine (Department Co-ordinator)
  • NAAC PRT interaction (ASAS- School Coordinator)
  • School level Committee member NAAC PRT interaction for faculty & Staff
  • OBE Coordinator (ASAS- School Co-ordinator)
  • Vidyut core Committee Member
  • Amritakalotsavam Coordinator

Projects Undertaken

  1. Developed of Physical Chemistry lab in MHRD sponsored project under the National Mission on Education through ICT.
  2. Went to different colleges in India to address the representatives of nodal centres from all Colleges as part of Virtual labs Implementation in the curriculum of Colleges from 2012-2018.
  3. Represented Amrita at Dayal Bagh University, Agra, in 2010 and 2011 for attending the six-month evaluation and presentation in association with the project of MHRD- VIRTUAL LABS sanctioned project in Chemical Sciences.
  4. Co-ordinator of Two Week ISTE Workshop on Introduction to Research Methodologies Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT)  (MHRD, Govt. of India) 25 th June – July 4 2012 conducted by I.I.T. Bombay.
  5. Coordinated the Teachers Training Program on spreading Environmental Awareness among teachers in Kollam District, sponsored by WWF- India and CPREEC, Chennai, on 04-01-2013 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  6. Coordinated the KSCSTE-sponsored National Seminar on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (FCS-2011) on 16th- 17th November 2011 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  7. Co-ordinator of the Faculty Development Program on “Ethics in Teaching from 5-7th December 2012 for all faculty at Amritapuri Campus.
  8. Convener of International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Chemistry (ICAMSC – 2020) held from 10-12 August 2020
  9. Convener of International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Chemistry (ICAMSC – 2023) held from 2-4 November 2023
  10. Convener of ‘Three-Day Capacity-Building Workshop on Wetland Monitoring and Management’ scheduled from 12-14th of February 2024 with financial support from the Directorate of Environment & Climate Change, Govt. of Kerala
Research Interests

Research Interest

  • Sustainable Nanotechnology
  • Green synthesis of nanoparticles and its biomedical and environmental applications
  • Green chemistry
  • Phytoremediation of heavy metals & Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
  • Bioremediation
  • Nano-phytoremediation
  • Waste Water Treatment
  • Physico-chemical analysis of soil, water, and air samples
  • Ecorestoration studies
  • Integrated bioremediation of polluted lands
  • Remote Sensing & GIS for Natural Resource Management, Climate change, Extreme weather events and disasters.

Thrust Areas

Sustainable Nanotechnology, Green synthesis of nanoparticles, Green chemistry, Phytoremediation of heavy metals & Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Bioremediation, Nano-phytoremediation, Waste Water Treatment, Physico-chemical analysis of soil, water , and air samples , Eco-restoration studies, Integrated bioremediation of polluted lands; Remote Sensing & GIS for Natural Resource Management, Microwave remote sensing, RM& climate change; Nanoparticles in soil system; Green Auditing, Sustainable Environmental Management Systems and Sustainability practices in Industry 4.O

Research Scholar Details

  • Dr. Sumitha Satheendran S – Graduated in 2022
  • Ardra Lekshmi A
  • Lekshmi S
  • Aswathi Shyam
  • Dr Sharanya S
  • Dr Saranya P


  • Dr Deepthi Achuth Varrier, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Room 5128, Washington, DC 20230
  • Dr Bini George, Assistant Professor, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod
  • Dr Sylas VP, Associate Professor, School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
  • Dr Smitha Asok V, Assistant Professor, All Saints College, Thiruvananthapuram
  1. Smitha Chandran. S and R. Satheesh .,2001 presented a paper entitled “Air and Noise Pollution Status at Sabarimala” at the National Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models, held at PS G. College of Technology, Coimbatore, December 27-28, 2001.
  2. Smitha Chandran.S and R.Satheesh., 2006. Presented a paper entitled “Metal and Nutrient uptake by Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau-A noxious aquatic weed,” Presented at the 4th Indian Environmental Congress, held at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala, India, May 26-28.
  3. Smitha Chandran.S., R.Satheesh and EV Ramasamy. 2007, Phytotoxicity of lead in Limnocharis flava-An invasive weed, presented at 19th Kerala Science Congress, January 29-31, Kozhikode, Kerala.
  4. Smitha Chandran.S., R.Satheesh and EV Ramasamy., 2008. presented a paper entitled “Studies on the utilization of Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau, an invasive aquatic weed in Kuttanad wetland ecosystem,” presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, CMS College, Kottayam, February 6-7.
  5. Smitha Chandran.S., R.Satheesh and E.V.Ramasamy.,2008 presented a paper entitled “Studies on the Phytotoxic Effects of Lead on Some Biochemical Characteristics of Limnocharis Flava(L)Buchenau, A Noxious Aquatic Weed” presented on national Seminar on Wetland Biodiversity,9-10th February, MSM College, Kayamkulam.
  6. Smitha Chandran.S and EV Ramasamy., 2010. presented a paper entitled “Metal and Nutrient uptake up Limnocharis flava, an aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetlands,” National Seminar on Environmental Chemistry, organized by Botany Department, SD. College, August 23-24th, Allapuzha, Kerala.
  7. Smitha Chandran.S and EV Ramasamy., 2011. Presented a paper entitled “Phytoremediation of lead by Limnocharis flava (L) Buchenau, an invasive aquatic weed in Kuttanad Wetland Ecosystem” at CSIR sponsored the National Conference on  Recent Applications of Nanomaterials  In Chemistry and Environmental Research (RANCER-2011), organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Tamil Nadu, on Feb 18-19.
  8. Smitha Chandran S, Rakesh P S, Ramasamy E V., 2011. presented a paper entitled Utilization of an exotic aquatic weed Limnocharis flava as a feedstock in anaerobic digesters for biogas generation” International Conference on Society, Technology and Sustainable Development, June 3-5, AIMS, Cochin.
  9. Smitha Chandran S, and Arjun. KM presented a paper entitled “Variation in Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some common plants near The Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited (KMML), Chavara, Kollam” at the National Conference on Frontiers in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
  10. Smitha Chandran S, and Arjun. KM presented a paper entitled “Changes in Air Pollution Tolerance Index of some common plants near The Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited (KMML), Chavara, Kollam.” BRNS sponsored the National Conference on  Recent Applications of Nanomaterials  In Chemistry and Environmental Research (RANCER-2012)Organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Tamil Nadu  on July 20-21, 2012
  11. Smitha Chandran and Smitha Asok presented a paper entitled “Utilization of Limnocharis flava, an invasive exotic aquatic weed from Kuttanad wetland ecosystem as a potential feedstock for aquaculture” in the International Seminar on Advances in Aquaculture Technologies (ISATT-2013) organized by Department of Zoology, All Saints College Thiruvananthapuram on July 18-19, 2013.
  12. Peter Ash, Anju Bist, and Smitha Chandran presented a paper entitled “Moving towards zero waste:    a case study from Kerala, India” International Conference on Ecosystem Conservation, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development (ECOCASD 2013) 3-5 October 2013, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
  13. Peter Ash, Anju Bist and Smitha Chandran, Dan Sullivan, and Nikhil Korthurkar presented a paper  entitled “Rehabilitating Former Landfill Sites: A Case Study in Habitat Restoration,” IEEE Global Humanitarian Technical Conference (GHTC 2013) in San Jose, California USA from October 20 to 23, 2013
  14. Lakshmi S. Kumar and Smitha Chandran. S presented a paper entitled “High Solid Anaerobic Digestion for the Recovery of Energy from Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste” at the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu on 5-7 December 2013
  15. Peter Ash, Anju Bist, and Smitha Chandran presented a paper entitled “Habitat Restoration:  A Case Study from Kochi, Kerala, India” at the International Conference on Waste Management for Sustainable Development (ICWMSD-2014) organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, NSS Engineering College, Palakkad on March 21-23, 2014.
  16. Divya T.D, Neena C.V, Aswathi Ravindran. N.E and Smitha Chandran. S presented a paper entitled “Phytofiltration of lead from water by Centella erecta grown in free-floating culture system” in the National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014) organized by the PG Department of Environmental Sciences, All Saints’ College, Thiruvananthapuram on 13th and 14th March-2014.
  17. Anjali, Shilpa Purushothaman, and Smitha Chandran.S presented a paper entitled’ An Ecofriendly Option for Management of Waste Water- A Case Study from Amrita”, Kerala, India in the National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014) organized by at PG Department of Environmental Sciences, All Saints’ College, Thiruvananthapuram on 13th and 14th March-2014.
  18. Lekshmi S Kumar, Soumya. M. Nair and Smitha Chandran. S presented a paper entitled “Recovery Of Energy From Organic Fraction Of Municipal Solid Waste By High Solid Anaerobic Digestion” at the National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014) organized by at PG Department of Environmental Sciences, All Saints’ College, Thiruvananthapuram on 13th and 14th March-2014.
  19. Aparna Guleria, Smitha Asok. V and Smitha Chandran presented a paper entitled Hydrological studies of a small watershed area of Karamana River basin using GIS’ in the National Seminar on Contemporary Techniques in Environmental Research and Conservation (CTERC-2014) organized by the PG Department of Environmental Sciences, All Saints’ College, Thiruvananthapuram on 13th and 14th March-2014.
  20. S. Kumar, Varun . P, and Smitha Chandran. S presented a paper entitled “Energy recovery from the municipal solid waste by anaerobic digestion- a case study from south India” in the UGC-sponsored National Seminar on Environment Impact Assessment organized by New Man College, Thodupuzha 28-29, November 2014.
  21. Peter Ash, Anju Bist, and Smitha Chandran presented a paper entitled “Habitat Restoration:  A Case Study from Kochi, Kerala, India” at the International Conference on Waste Management for Sustainable Development (ICWMSD-2014) organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, NSS Engineering College, Palakkad on March 21-23, 2014.
  22. Suresh Kumar and Smitha Chandran presented a paper entitled “A Graph-based Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) in Municipal Solid Waste Management” at the International Conference on Waste Management for Sustainable Development (ICWMSD-2014) organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, NSS Engineering College, Palakkad on March 21-23, 2014.
  23. Peter Ash, Anju Bist, and Smitha Chandran presented a paper entitled Managing Former Landfill Sites: A Case Study of Ecorestoration from Kochi, Kerala at the National Conference on Innovations in Chemical Sciences & Technology (NCICST) – August 21, 2015, Jointly Organized by Scott Christian College (Autonomous) Nagercoil, Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu & GIAP Journals, Mumbai In association with Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT.) Mumbai
  24. Aarathi Krishna, Sreejisha T Nair, Smitha Chandran, Saritha A presented a paper entitled “From biowastes to novel nanomaterials: A one-pot green synthesis of nanoparticles towards the naked eye detection of metals” at the National Conference On Recent Advances In Smart Materials January 7- 8, 2016 at Hindustan University, Chennai.
  25. Athulya Das, Nandakumar G, Saritha A, and Smitha Chandran.S presented a paper entitled “Development of Highly Sensitive Nano silver based Chemosensors” at the National Conference On Recent Advances In Smart Materials on January 7- 8, 2016 at Hindustan University, Chennai.
  26. Smitha Chandran S. and Smitha Asok V. presented a paper entitled “Ecology and possible pathways of invasion of an exotic weed Limnocharis flava (l) Buchenau, in Kuttand wetland ecosystem, Kerala” at the International Conference on Aquatic Exotics (ICAE- 2016) March 28-30 2016  at  Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
  27. PS, Namitha Satheesh, Sreejitha. , Anandhu, Saritha A, Smitha Chandran.S presented a paper entitled “Sustainable Utilization of Biowaste towards the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and its Utility in the Naked Eye Detection of Metals Coupled with its Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Properties” in the   ICONAMMA on October 13-15,2017 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru Campus, Bengaluru
  28. Neethu T S, Nanda Kumar. G, Nayana Krishna, Rini John, Sudheesh. R. Babu, Smitha Chandran, and S presented a paper entitled “Environmentally Benign Synthesis of Silver Nano Particles with Applications in Pollution Monitoring, at SCAD Engineering College, Palladam Coimbatore, from 8-10 December 2017.
  29. P and Smitha Chandran. S presented a paper entitled “Sustainable Utilization of Some Noxious Aquatic Weeds by Energy Recovery Using High Solid Anaerobic Digesters”, at the International Conference TAP ENERGY 2017, organized by the EEE Department at Amritapuri Campus, Amritapuri, from December 21-23, 2017.
  30. Abhijith Gopakumar, Rakesh Narayan, Sidharth Ajay Nagath, Nishanthan P, Razim Mohammed. S, Smitha Chandran .S, presented a paper entitled “Waste Water Treatment by Adsorption Using Economically Viable Natural Adsorbents” at the 7th International Conference on Material Processing and Characterization, 16-18th March 2018 at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
  31. Nayana Krishna, Nanda Kumar. G, Neethu T S, Rini John, Sudheesh. R. Babu, Smitha Chandran.S presented a paper entitled “One Pot Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with Multiple Applications” at the 7th International Conference on Material Processing and Characterization, 16-18th March 2018 at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
  32. Sreehari. H, Aswathy.S. Murali, Parvathy Ajith, Bindhya. S. Vinod, Amrita Anil, Smitha Chandran. S presented a paper entitled “Facile Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Tinospora cordifolia Extract with Multiple Applications” at the 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Chemistry (ICRAMC2019) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India, in Association with Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France on February 13-15,2019.
  33. Parvathy Ajith, Aswathy.S. Murali, Sreehari. H, Bindhya. S. Vinod, Amrita Anil, Smitha Chandran. S presented a paper entitled “Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Calotropis gigantea Extract and its Applications in Antimicrobial and Larvicidal Activity,” International Conference Material Processing & characterization (ICMPC-2019) at Gokaraju  Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India on  8-10th, March 2019
  34. S. Sumith Satheendran, S. Smitha Chandran, Ananthu Aravind and Abin Varghese presented a paper entitled “To Analyses and Proposal of Suitable Site Location for Socio-economic Infrastructure in Karunagappally Municipality” at the National Conference on Developments and Innovations in Civil Engineering (DICE -19), organized by Mar Baselious College of Engineering & Technology, Kuttikkanam, Peerumedu, Idukki, Kerala on April 30 2019.
  35. Aswathy Shyam, Aswathy Murali, and Smitha Chandran. S presented a paper entitled ‘Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Hydnocarpus pentandra leaf extract: Evaluation of its Antimicrobial and Anti-larvicidal activities’ at the International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM-2019) at Nirmalagiri College, Kannur, Kerala on 12-14th June, 2019.
  36. Abhirami Santhosh, Priyanka Prakash, Theertha V, Smitha Chandran S, From waste to a value-added product: Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from onion peels together with its divers applications,IConAMMA2019,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeethom, Banglore,29-08-2019
  37. Priyanka Prakash, Abhirami Santhosh, Theertha V, Rini John, Nanda Kumar G, Smitha Chandran S,Environmentally benign synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Cynodon dactylon coupled with multiple applications,STAM20,Mar Athanasius College, Kothamangalam,
  38. Abhirami Santhosh, Priyanka Prakash, Theertha V, Smitha Chandran S, Bibinlal RamaKrishnan, Sylas V P,The Green Synthesis Of Silver Nanoparticles From Alpinia zerumbet Leaf Along With Its Diverse Properties,Loyola college, Chennai,20-02-2020
  39. Abhirami Santhosh, Theertha. V, Priyanka Prakash and Smitha Chandran.S, Rajalakshmi, Roshni Lohithan, Rakhi Raj presented a paper entitled “Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Justicia adhatoda plant extract with its diverse properties” ICAPSM 2020 International conference in Physical Sciences and Materials from 13th – 14th August 2020 by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
  40. Priyanka Prakash, Abhirami Santhosh, Theertha. V, Rini John, Nandakumar G, and Dr.Smitha Chandran.S presented a paper entitled “Environmentally benign synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Cynodon dactylon coupled with multiple applications” at the STAM-20 Conference on science and technology of advanced materials from 20–21 November 2019 by Mar Athanasius College, Kothamangalam.
  41. Theertha V, Nandakumar G, Abhirami Santhosh, Priyanka Prakash, Aswathy Shyam, and  Smitha Chandran presented a paper entitled” Novel synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Biophytum sensitivum and its versatile application” at the International Conference on Material Science & Chemistry(ICAMSC 2020) from 10-12th August 2020 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala.
  42. Rakhi Raj, Roshny V Lohithan, Smitha Chandran, Green pathway of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis and its Antimicrobial Applications: A Critical Review at the International Conference on Material Science & Chemistry(ICAMSC 2020) from 10-12th August 2020 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala.
  43. Priyanka Prakash, Abhirami Santhosh, Theertha V, Smitha Chandran S1From Waste to Value Added Products: Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis with Versatile Applications, at the international Conference on Material Science & Chemistry(ICAMSC 2020) from 10-12th August 2020 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala.
  44. Aswathy S Murali, Aswathy Shyam and Smitha Chandran.S, Applications of Silver Nanoparticles in water purification and biomedical fields: A Review, at the International Conference on Material Science & Chemistry (ICAMSC 2020) from 10-12th August 2020 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala.
  45. Sumith Satheendran S & Smitha Chandran S presented a paper titled “Space-based Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Land Surface Temperature in Karunagappally Municipality, A Fast Growing City in the Western Coast of India” in 3-day Mid-Term Symposium on “Geospatial Technology – Pixel to People” jointly organized by the non-profit foundation International Society of Photogrammetry (ISPRS- Technical Commission V Education Outreach) at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun from 2018 November 20 to 23.
  46. Sumith Satheendran S & Smitha Chandran S presented a paper titled “Proposal of Suitable Site Location for Socio-Economic Infrastructure in Karunagapally Municipality” at the National Conference on Developments and Innovations in Civil Engineering (DICE’19 at Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Peermade on April 30, 2019.
  47. Sumith Satheendran S & Smitha Chandran S presented a paper titled ‘Spatial Data Dissemination of Karunagappally Municipality using Web GIS’ at the Three day International Conference on ‘Innovations in Geospatial Technology for sustainable development with special emphasis on NER,’ organized by ISG and ISRS in the city of Shillong (Meghalaya) during November 20-22, 2019.
  48. Sumith Satheendran S & Smitha Chandran S presented a paper titled ‘Climate change and Night time Lighting in South West India from the period 2012-2020’ at the 6th National Geo-Research Scholars Meet on ‘Geosciences in Ladakh Himalaya’, organized by the University of Ladakh, Leh in association with Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun during June 7-10, 2022
  49. Ardra Lekshmi A and Smitha Chandran S presented a paper entitled ‘Indian Bay Leaf Moderated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles And Their Versatile Applications” at the International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Chemical, Construction and Mechanical Sciences (iCATCHCOME 2022), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishers.
  50. Ardra Lekshmi A and Smitha Chandran S presented a paper entitled “Synthesis, characterization and versatile applications of silver Nanoparticles – A bioinspired approach, International Conference on Modern Materials for Engineering and Research (ICMMER 2022), Key Engineering Materials
  51. Ardra Lekshmi, Anjana Sunilkumar, Amrutha Jayakumar, S. Shalu Lal, M. Sreemayi, S. Smitha Chandran, presented paper entitled “Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles: A one-pot approach with emphasis on antibacterial, antifungal, and biosensor applications at the International conference on Materials Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2023), NIT Jalandhar on 23-25 November 2023.
  52. Lekshmi S, Anjana J, Arjun P Kurup, Amina Shahab, Ardra Lekshmi A, Lekshmi U. S , Smitha Chandran S, presented paper entitled” Green Fabricated Silver Nanoparticles Using Fruit Extract of Sacred Fig: Approaches and its Multidisciplinary Applications” at the International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials 2024 (ICRACM 2024), the Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Kochi on 12-14 December 2024
  53. Lekshmi S, Lekshmi U S, Nandana R, Nandhana Mohan, Sreehari B S, Smitha Chandran S, presented paper entitled “Exploration of Lead accumulation and tolerance mechanism in Bhringraj grown in a free-floating culture system” at the International Conference on Nurturing Innovative Technological Trends in Engineering – BIOscience (NITTE-BIO 2025) NMAMIT, NITTE, Mangalore held on: 6-7 February 2025
  54. Aswathi shyam, Smitha Chandran s ,Bini George presented paper entitled “Evaluation of physichochemical properties of Ch-Ag bionanocomposite films and it’s application in invitro wound healing” at the International Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences from 17-18th February 2025 at Pondicherry University, Pondicherry
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