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Dr. Simi Surendran

Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.), School of Computing, Amritapuri

Qualification: B. Tech., BS, M.Tech., Ph.D
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Research Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Edge learning, Networking in Extreme Environments, Reinforcement Learning


Simi S. is presently working as an Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) and Vice-Chair, CSE(AI) in the School of Computing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri. She received her Ph. D. in Wireless Networks and Applications from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India. She has an M.Tech degree in Wireless network and Applications from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetam, India, and a B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Mahatma Gandhi University, India. She was also selected as a candidate for the Erasmus International Credit Mobility Program at the University of Trento, Italy, as part of the Ph.D. program. Her research interests are in networking in extreme environments, stochastic algorithms, predictive analytics and reinforcement learning. In collaboration with the University of Trento, she has published papers in reputed journals and conferences in the field of wireless networks with a particular emphasis on predictive analytics.


Journal Article

Year : 2022

Link Characterization and Edge-centric Predictive Modelling in an Ocean Network

Cite this Research Publication : Simi Surendran, Maneesha V Ramesh, Alberto Montresor, Martin Montag, "Link Characterization and Edge-centric Predictive Modelling in an Ocean Network", IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3235387

Publisher : IEEE Access

Year : 2020

Modelling communication capability and node reorientation in offshore communication network

Cite this Research Publication : Simi, S., Maneesha Vinodini, R., Montag, M. J., & Montresor, A. (2020), "Modelling communication capability and node reorientation in offshore communication network," Computers & Electrical Engineering, 87, 106781. (2020) DOI:

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2020

Queue size estimation of nodes in a heterogeneous ocean network with multiple priority traffic

Cite this Research Publication : Simi Surendran, Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, and Dr. Usha Kumari P. V., “Queue size estimation of nodes in a heterogeneous ocean network with multiple priority traffic”, International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 26–40, 2020.

Publisher : International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, Inderscience Publishers (IEL)

Year : 2019

A reinforcement learning approach for improving internet connectivity in maritime network

Cite this Research Publication : Simi, S., & Ramesh, M. V., "A reinforcement learning approach for improving internet connectivity in maritime network," Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 10, 598–604, 2019.

Publisher : Academic

Year : 2019

Intelligence in wireless network routing through reinforcement learning

Cite this Research Publication : Simi, S., & Vinodini, M. (2019), "Intelligence in wireless network routing through reinforcement learning," International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 23(2), 231 - 251.DOI: (2019)

Publisher : Inderscience

Year : 2015

Enhance QoS by Learning Data flow rates in Wireless Networks Using Hierarchical Docition

Cite this Research Publication : Simi Surendran and Varghese, S. Ann, “Enhance QoS by Learning Data flow rates in Wireless Networks Using Hierarchical Docition”, Procedia Computer Science, 70, 708 - 714. 2015

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2015

Distributed Computation of Connected Dominating Set for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

Cite this Research Publication : Simi Surendran and Vijayan, S., “Distributed Computation of Connected Dominating Set for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks”, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 63. Elsevier, Berlin, pp. 482 - 487, 2015.

Publisher : Procedia Computer Science

Conference Paper

Year : 2022

AI-Enabled Pregnancy Risk Monitoring and Prediction: A Review

Cite this Research Publication : Chandrika, Vidyalekshmi, and Simi Surendran. "AI-Enabled Pregnancy Risk Monitoring and Prediction: A Review." 4th EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham.

Publisher : Springer

Year : 2021

Predictive analytics integrated multi-level optimization of offshore connectivity in ocean network

Cite this Research Publication : Surendran, S., Ramesh, M. V., & Montresor, A. (2021). Predictive analytics integrated multi-level optimization of offshore connectivity in ocean network. In 2021 IEEE 46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) (pp. 621-628). IEEE. (2021) DOI: 10.1109/LCN52139.2021.9525021

Publisher : IEEE Xplore

Year : 2017

Towards maximizing throughput and coverage of a novel heterogeneous maritime communication network

Cite this Research Publication : J. P. Dhivvya, Rao, S. N., and Simi, S., “Towards maximizing throughput and coverage of a novel heterogeneous maritime communication network”, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), 2017, vol. Part F129153

Publisher : IEEE Xplore

Year : 2017

Analysis of optimal backhaul link selection in a novel maritime communication network

Cite this Research Publication : J. P. Dhivvya, Rao, S. N., and Simi, S., “Analysis of optimal backhaul link selection in a novel maritime communication network”, In 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (wispnet), (pp. 101–106). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/WiSPNET.2017.8299728

Publisher : IEEE Xplore

Year : 2016

Delay and energy optimization in multilevel balanced WSNs for landslide monitoring

Cite this Research Publication : Balaji Hariharan, P. Venkat Rangan, Simi Surendran, Rekha, P., Arya Devi R. D., and Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, “Delay and energy optimization in multilevel balanced WSNs for landslide monitoring”, 2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), Seattle, WA, USA, 2016, pp. 266-271, doi: 10.1109/GHTC.2016.7857291.

Publisher : IEEE Xplore

Year : 2014

An energy efficient topology control scheme with connectivity learning in wireless networks

Cite this Research Publication : J. Shanavas and Simi Surendran, “An energy efficient topology control scheme with connectivity learning in wireless networks”, in Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2014, 2014

Publisher : Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2014

Year : 2014

An Energy Efficient and Reliable Topology Control Scheme with Connectivity Learning in Wireless Networks

Cite this Research Publication : J. Shanavas and Simi Surendran, “An Energy Efficient and Reliable Topology Control Scheme with Connectivity Learning in Wireless Networks”, in International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications 2014, 2014.

Publisher : International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications 2014

Year : 2013

Distributed task allocation and coordination scheme for a multi-UAV sensor network

Cite this Research Publication : Simi, S., Kurup, R., & Rao, S. (2013). "Distributed task allocation and coordination scheme for a multi-uav sensor network". In 2013 Tenth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks WOCN, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, (pp. 1–5), IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/WOCN.2013.6616189

Publisher : IEEE Xplore

Year : 2013

An Adaptive Energy Management Scheme for Real-time Landslide Detection

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Rekha, P., P., D., and Simi Surendran, “An Adaptive Energy Management Scheme for Real-time Landslide Detection”, in Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, New York, NY, USA, 2013

Publisher : IEEE Xplore

Year : 2011

Remote monitoring of indoor environment using mobile robot based wireless sensor network

Cite this Research Publication : J. Freeman and Simi, S., “Remote monitoring of indoor environment using mobile robot based wireless sensor network”, in ICCSE 2011 - 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, Final Program and Proceedings, Singapore, 2011, pp. 1080-1084.

Publisher : ICCSE 2011


Year : 2011

Robot assisted wireless sensor network for monitoring and detection of explosives in indoor environment

Cite this Research Publication : J. Freeman and Simi, S., “Robot assisted wireless sensor network for monitoring and detection of explosives in indoor environment”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 2046–2053, 2011.

Publisher : International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Engg Journals Publications.

  • Doctorate (2022)
    Communication Capability Enhancement in Ocean Networks with Predictive Learning Models – Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus.The thesis discusses methods to estimate and enhance the communication capabilities of nodes in an ocean network to provide uninterrupted Internet at sea. A hybrid machine learning framework leveraging real-time data collected from extensive marine experiments on multiple fishing vessels is employed to predict signal characteristics in the marine environment. In addition, a three-level connectivity enhancement scheme based on reinforcement learning is applied across the physical, link, and network layers to improve communication capability and maintain connectivity.
  • Postgraduate (2011)
    M. Tech. in Wireless Networks and Applications from Amrita Centre for Wireless Networks and Applications, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus university
  • Undergraduate (2003)
    B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering, University College of Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi University.
Awards/ Achievements
  • [2022] Participated in Erasmus International Credit Mobility Program}, University of Trento, Italy from February 2022 – July 2022
  • [2021] Publication Merit Award}, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Modelling communication capability and node reorientation in offshore communication network.
  • [2018] Collaborative Research}, Reinforcement learning based connectivity restoration in ocean network, University of Trento, Italy.
  • [2016] Funded Project}, Involved in Mobile Infrastructure for Coastal Region Offshore Communications & Networks funded by Information Technology Research Agency (ITRA), Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Govt. of India.
  • [2014] Best poster award in 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, Memphis,  USA, An adaptive energy management scheme for real-time landslide detection.
  • [2011] Gold medal for standing first in university M.Tech program, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
Courses Taught
  • Discrete Mathematics (B. Tech.)
  • Reinforcement Learning (M. Tech.)
  • Computational Intelligence (B. Tech.)
  • Machine Learning and Data Mining (B. Tech.)
  • Computational Statistics and Inference Theory (M. Tech.)
  • Applications of Machine Learning (M. Tech.)
  • Networks and Spectral Graph Theory (M. Tech.)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms (B. Tech.)
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms (M. Tech.)
  • Advanced Networking and Operating Systems (M. Tech.)
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