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Dr. Shyamasundaran K.

Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Shareeram, School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri | Research Officer, Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda, Amritapuri

Qualification: BAMS, MD


Dr. Shyamasundaran K. currently serves as Assistant Professor at the Department of Kriya Shareeram, Amrita School of Ayurveda and Research Officer at Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda, Amritapuri.


Journal Article

Year : 2018

Unique features of an unexplored manuscript- Kashyapa Samhita

Cite this Research Publication : D. Jyothi, Vyas, H. A., and Shyamasundaran K., “Unique features of an unexplored manuscript- Kashyapa Samhita”, International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, vol. 6, no. 7, 2018.

Publisher : International Ayurvedic Medical Journal

Year : 2018

Ayurvedic Manuscripts- A review

Cite this Research Publication : D. Jyothi, KK, D., and Shyamasundaran K., “Ayurvedic Manuscripts- A review”, Ayurpharm IJAAS, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 57 – 63, 2018.

Publisher : Ayurpharm IJAAS

Year : 2017

Relevance of modern diagnostic techniques in ayurvedic Diagnosis- An analysis through case studies

Cite this Research Publication : Shyamasundaran K., “Relevance of modern diagnostic techniques in ayurvedic Diagnosis- An analysis through case studies”, JAIM, no. 2, 2017.

Publisher : JAIM

Year : 2017

Brief review on DantadhavanaDravya according to Brihatrayi

Cite this Research Publication : Shyamasundaran K., “Brief review on DantadhavanaDravya according to Brihatrayi”, World Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 430-435 , 2017.

Publisher : World Journal of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences

Year : 2014

Understanding of Asatkaryavada in clinical application – A case study

Cite this Research Publication : D. Jyothi, Vaidya, S. M., Sriharsha, K. V., and Shyamasundaran K., “Understanding of Asatkaryavada in clinical application - A case study”, PunarnaV - An International Peer Reviewed Ayurved Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 07-08/2014, 2014.

Publisher : PunarnaV - An International Peer Reviewed Ayurved Journal


Year : 2015

Normal Delivery- Ayurvedic Possibilities with Case Study (Scientific Paper)

Cite this Research Publication : Shyamasundaran K., “Normal Delivery- Ayurvedic Possibilities with Case Study (Scientific Paper)”, International Seminar- Global Ayurveda Festival. 2015.

Publisher : International Seminar- Global Ayurveda Festival

Year : 2015

Hepato-Protective Action of Ayurvedic Drugs in Paracetamol Induced Liver Toxicity (Scientific Paper)

Cite this Research Publication : Shyamasundaran K., “Hepato-Protective Action of Ayurvedic Drugs in Paracetamol Induced Liver Toxicity (Scientific Paper)”, National Seminar-Samavarta. 2015.

Publisher : National Seminar-Samavarta

Year : 2014

Management of PrasaktaChardi with the Application of GunaSiddhanta (Scientific Paper)

Cite this Research Publication : Shyamasundaran K., “Management of PrasaktaChardi with the Application of GunaSiddhanta (Scientific Paper)”, National Seminar-Vaidyanadham. 2014.

Publisher : National Seminar-Vaidyanadham

Year : 2013

Importance of NaimittikaRasayana in the Management of Bronchial diseases in old age-A case study (Scientific Paper)

Cite this Research Publication : Shyamasundaran K., “Importance of NaimittikaRasayana in the Management of Bronchial diseases in old age-A case study (Scientific Paper)”, National Seminar-Siddhanta Vaibhava. 2013.

Publisher : National Seminar-Siddhanta Vaibhava

Year : 2009

Nasya- Its Therapeutic effect on UrdhwaJatruVikaras (Scientific Paper)

Cite this Research Publication : Shyamasundaran K., “Nasya- Its Therapeutic effect on UrdhwaJatruVikaras (Scientific Paper)”, National Seminar on Eye Disorders. 2009.

Publisher : National Seminar on Eye Disorders


Year : 2019

Exemplification of understanding the Dosha involvement in cases of cancer through an example of cervix cancer

Cite this Research Publication : Shyamasundaran K, Sushma N S, Prajeesh Nath E N Exemplification of understanding the Dosha involvement in cases of cancer through an example of cervix cancer, AYU Journal,Volume 40, Issue Supplement, Year 2019

Publisher : AYU Journal

Year : 2018

Concept of Immunomodulators in Cancer Treatment: An Ayurveda Outlook

Cite this Research Publication : Prajeeshnath E. N., Dr. Sushma, and Shyamasundaran K., “Concept of Immunomodulators in Cancer Treatment: An Ayurveda Outlook, AYU Journal(On Process)”, 2018.

Publisher : AYU Journal

  • 2016:  MD (Ay)
    SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan
    Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru.
  • 2011: BAMS
    Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research
    Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru
  • RULA Awards for International Innovation & Betterment Excellence in Technical Research as Outstanding Young Researcher In Ayurvedic Manuscriptology-2018
Professional Positions
  • Research-Co-ordinator, Aapyam Institute of Indigenous Sciences & Research, Bengaluru
Work Experience
  • Worked at Buddha Nursing Home and Kozhikode Ayurveda Pharmacy, Sultan Bathery, Wayanad, Kerala.
  • Vaidyaratnam P S Varier’s Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal Hospital, Malappuram, Kerala.
  • Vaidyaratnam P S Varier’s Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal Factory, Malappuram, Kerala.
  • Assistant professor- Department of Ayurveda Samhita &Siddhanta, Parul Institute of Ayurved and Research, Vadodara, Gujarat.
Trained at
  • Dr. Y. Mahadeva Iyer‘s Sri Sharada Ayurvedic Hospital, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu under Dr. L. Mahadevan.
  • The Advanced Centre for Ayurveda in Mental Health and Neurological Sciences, Research unit of CCRAS for MānasaRōga, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience, NIMHANS, Bengaluru.
  • Sanjeevani Ayurveda and Yoga Centre, Chennai under Dr. PLT Girija
  • Oriented for clinical expertise in a speciality clinic for Respiratory and Skin Disorders



Publication Type: Journal Article

Year of Publication Title
2018 Prajeeshnath E. N., Dr. Sushma, and Shyamasundaran K., “Concept of Immunomodulators in Cancer Treatment: An Ayurveda Outlook, AYU Journal(On Process)”, 2018.
2018 D. Jyothi, Vyas, H. A., and Shyamasundaran K., “Unique features of an unexplored manuscript- Kashyapa Samhita”, International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, vol. 6, no. 7, 2018.[Abstract]
2018 D. Jyothi, KK, D., and Shyamasundaran K., “Ayurvedic Manuscripts- A review”, Ayurpharm IJAAS, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 57 – 63, 2018.[Abstract]
2017 Shyamasundaran K., “Relevance of modern diagnostic techniques in ayurvedic Diagnosis- An analysis through case studies”, JAIM, no. 2, 2017.
2017 Shyamasundaran K., “Brief review on DantadhavanaDravya according to Brihatrayi”, World Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 430-435 , 2017.[Abstract]
2014 D. Jyothi, Vaidya, S. M., Sriharsha, K. V., and Shyamasundaran K., “Understanding of Asatkaryavada in clinical application – A case study”, PunarnaV – An International Peer Reviewed Ayurved Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 07-08/2014, 2014.[Abstract]

Publication Type: Presentation

Year of Publication Title
2015 Shyamasundaran K., “Normal Delivery- Ayurvedic Possibilities with Case Study (Scientific Paper)”, International Seminar- Global Ayurveda Festival. 2015.
2015 Shyamasundaran K., “Hepato-Protective Action of Ayurvedic Drugs in Paracetamol Induced Liver Toxicity (Scientific Paper)”, National Seminar-Samavarta. 2015.
2014 Shyamasundaran K., “Management of PrasaktaChardi with the Application of GunaSiddhanta (Scientific Paper)”, National Seminar-Vaidyanadham. 2014.
2013 Shyamasundaran K., “Importance of NaimittikaRasayana in the Management of Bronchial diseases in old age-A case study (Scientific Paper)”, National Seminar-Siddhanta Vaibhava. 2013.
2009 Shyamasundaran K., “Nasya- Its Therapeutic effect on UrdhwaJatruVikaras (Scientific Paper)”, National Seminar on Eye Disorders. 2009.
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