Year : 2022
Seroconversion and side effects after COVID Vaccination among persons with Type 2 Diabetes in Urban, Rural, and Tribal areas in Kerala, India
Cite this Research Publication : Sasidharan N, Sreedevi A, Mohandas S, Tomy C, Vasudevan S; Diabetes Seroconversion Study Team. Seroconversion and side effects after COVID vaccination among persons with type 2 diabetes in urban, rural, and tribal areas in Kerala, India. Indian J Public Health. 2022 Nov;66(Supplement):S71-S75. doi: 10.4103/ijph.ijph_1096_22. PMID: 36412478.
Publisher : Diabetes Seroconversion Study Team
Year : 2020
Prevalence, pattern and determinants of tobacco use among persons of tribal origin in a primary care centre in Wayanad, Kerala
Cite this Research Publication : ReshmaJaved, Avani Dinesh, Aswathy S, SanjeevVasudevan, Minumaria Mathew, Shelton Reynold. Prevalence, pattern and determinants of tobacco use among persons of tribal origin in a primary care centre in Wayanad, Kerala..IJCMPH.Vol 7, No 8 (2020)
Publisher : IJCMPH.