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Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya

Assistant Professor, School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri

Qualification: Ph.D


Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya serves as Assistant Professor in School of Biotechnology. He earned his PhD from Genetic Reproduction and Development institute, Auvergne University, France. His PhD work contributed towards ‘understanding of quiescent nature of muscle stem cells in Drosophila Melanogaster termed Adult Muscle Precursors’. Dr. Aradhya finished his post-doctorate at MSKCC, Rockefeller University, New York, where he contributed to ‘microRNA control of peripheral nervous system development in Drosophila Melanogaster’. Prior to the PhD he also worked in the laboratory of Dr. Maneesha Inamdar, JNCASR, India, where he worked on the characterization of pericardial cells in Drosophila Melanogaster.

Dr. Aradhya aims to understand molecular aspects regulating the development of mesodermal derivatives both in Drosophila and mammalian counterparts. His main research areas are developmental biology, cell morphogenesis, adult stem cells and cardiac function analysis.


Journal Article

Year : 2020

miRNA suppression of a Notch repressor directs non-neuronal fate in mechanosensory organs.

Cite this Research Publication : J. Kavaler, Duan, H., Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, de Navas, L. F., Joseph, B., Shklyar, B., and Lai, E. C., “miRNA suppression of a Notch repressor directs non-neuronal fate in mechanosensory organs.”, J Cell Biol, vol. 217, no. 2, pp. 571-583, 2018.

Publisher : J Cell Biol

Year : 2020

Emerging roles of metazoan cell cycle regulators as coordinators of the cell cycle and differentiation

Cite this Research Publication : Y. Kimata, Leturcq, M., and Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, “Emerging roles of metazoan cell cycle regulators as coordinators of the cell cycle and differentiation”, FEBS Letters, vol. 594, 2020.

Publisher : FEBS Letters

Year : 2020

Insulin-dependent Non-canonical Activation of Notch in Drosophila: A Story of Notch-Induced Muscle Stem Cell Proliferation

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya and Jagla, K., “Insulin-dependent Non-canonical Activation of Notch in Drosophila: A Story of Notch-Induced Muscle Stem Cell Proliferation”, in Notch Signaling in Embryology and Cancer: Molecular Biology of Notch Signaling, vol. 1227, J. Reichrath and Reichrath, S., Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 131–144.

Publisher : Springer International Publishing

Year : 2017

New genes often acquire male-specific functions but rarely become essential in

Cite this Research Publication : S. Kondo, Vedanayagam, J., Mohammed, J., Eizadshenass, S., Kan, L., Pang, N., Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, Siepel, A., Steinhauer, J., and Lai, E. C., “New genes often acquire male-specific functions but rarely become essential in .”, Genes Dev, vol. 31, no. 18, pp. 1841-1846, 2017.

Publisher : Genes Dev

Year : 2015

Muscle niche-driven Insulin-Notch-Myc cascade reactivates dormant Adult Muscle Precursors in Drosophila.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, Zmojdzian, M., Da Ponte, J. Philippe, and Jagla, K., “Muscle niche-driven Insulin-Notch-Myc cascade reactivates dormant Adult Muscle Precursors in Drosophila.”, Elife, vol. 4, 2015.

Publisher : Elife

Year : 2015

TRAP-rc, Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification from Rare Cell Populations of Drosophila Embryos

Cite this Research Publication : B. A. U. - Bertin, Renaud, Y. A. U. -, Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, Jagla, K. A. U. -, and Junion, G. A. U. -, “TRAP-rc, Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification from Rare Cell Populations of Drosophila Embryos”, JoVE Journal, no. 103, p. e52985, 2015.

Publisher : JoVE Journal, MyJoVE Corp

Year : 2015

Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification from Rare Cell Populations of Drosophila Embryos

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, Zmojdzian, M., Da Ponte, J. Philippe, and Jagla, K., “Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification from Rare Cell Populations of Drosophila Embryos”, JOVE, no. 103, 2015.

Publisher : JOVE

Year : 2015

Muscle niche-driven Insulin-Notch-Myc cascade reactivates dormant Adult Muscle Precursors in Drosophila

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, Zmojdzian, M., Da Ponte, J. Philippe, and Jagla, K., “Muscle niche-driven Insulin-Notch-Myc cascade reactivates dormant Adult Muscle Precursors in Drosophila”, eLife, vol. 4, p. e08497, 2015.

Publisher : eLife

Year : 2011

Specification and behavior of AMPs, muscle-committed transient Drosophila stem cells

Cite this Research Publication : N. Figeac, Jagla, T., Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, Da Ponte, J. Philippe, and Jagla, K., “Specification and behavior of AMPs, muscle-committed transient Drosophila stem cells”, Fly, vol. 5, pp. 7-9, 2011.

Publisher : Fly

Year : 2010

Drosophila adult muscle precursors form a network of interconnected cells and are specified by the rhomboid-triggered EGF pathway

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, N, F., T, J., JP, D. Ponte, and K, J., “Drosophila adult muscle precursors form a network of interconnected cells and are specified by the rhomboid-triggered EGF pathway”, Development, vol. 137, no. 12, pp. 1965-73, 2010.

Publisher : Development

Year : 2008

Post-embryonic pericardial cells of Drosophila are required for overcoming toxic stress but not for cardiac function or adult development

Cite this Research Publication : D. Das, Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, Ashoka, D., and Inamdar, M., “Post-embryonic pericardial cells of Drosophila are required for overcoming toxic stress but not for cardiac function or adult development”, Cell and Tissue Research, vol. 331, pp. 565–570, 2008.

Publisher : Cell and Tissue Research

Year : 2008

Macromolecular uptake in Drosophila pericardial cells requires rudhira function

Cite this Research Publication : D. Das, Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, Ashoka, D., and Inamdar, M., “Macromolecular uptake in Drosophila pericardial cells requires rudhira function”, Experimental Cell Research, vol. 314, pp. 1804 - 1810, 2008.

Publisher : Experimental Cell Research

Year : 2008

Gene expression analysis in post-embryonic pericardial cells of Drosophila

Cite this Research Publication : D. Das, Ashoka, D., Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, and Inamdar, M., “Gene expression analysis in post-embryonic pericardial cells of Drosophila”, Gene Expression Patterns, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 199 - 205, 2008.

Publisher : Gene Expression Patterns

  • 2005: Masters in Zoology
    Bangalore University, India
  • 2014: PhD Developmental Biology and Genetics
    Genetic Reproduction and Development institute, Auvergne University, France.
  • 2016: Post-doctorate in Developmental Biology
    MSKCC, Rockefeller University, New York.
Research Interest
  1. Cell polarity and morphogenesis: Cell polarity and adhesion plays key role in maintaining tissue architecture and are fundamental aspects of development. We try to understand the genes that control epithelial growth and morphogenesis that play an important role in normal and disease conditions. For this we use Drosophila and Mammalian cell culture models.
  2. Stem cell regeneration: Stem cells present in adult body need to be recruited to the site of injury for efficient repair and regeneration. Apart from some tissues like skin, liver, other tissues in humans show very poor regenerative capacity compared to other lower vertebrates. We aim to understand the mechanisms that could enhance regenerative capacity in humans using different adult and embryonic stem cells as in vitro models
  1. BIO202/Molecular Biology/ B.Sc. Biotechnology and Microbiology/3 Credit/Semester 3
  2. BIO204/Cell Biology/ B.Sc. Biotechnology and Microbiology/3 Credit/Semester 4
  3. BIO205/Genetics/B.Sc. Biotechnology/3 Credit/Semester 4
  4. BIO314/Genetic Engineering/ B.Sc. Biotechnology/4 Credit/Semester 5
  5. BIO386/Genetic Engineering lab/ B.Sc. Microbiology/2 Credit/Semester 5
  6. BIO322/Developmental Biology/ B.Sc. Biotechnology/3 Credit/Semester 6
  7. BIO403/Molecular Genetics/ M.Sc. Biotechnology and Microbiology/3 Credit/Semester 2
  8. BIO568/Ecology and Evolution/ M.Sc. Biotechnology and Microbiology/3 Credit/Semester 3
Awards and Scholarships
  • Received Chancellor’s Publication Excellence Award for securing two high impact factor publications during the Amrita Innovation & Research Awards 2021 conducted by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  • AFM Fellowship (2012) funding from INSERM, France Government.
  • Junior Research fellowship from Council For scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India (2005 and 2006).
  • Qualified TOEFL (2006).
Selected Seminars Presented
  1. Amrita-Trento seminar series, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. Adult stem Cells Niche: A tale of teamwork. November 25, 2021.
  2. Faculty Development Program with theme “IPR, Scientific writing and recent trends in Research”June 2021 by Department of Biotechnology, School of Applied Sciences, REVA University. Ethics of experimental analysis in research. June 7, 2021
  3. Rhone Drosophila Conference ( Journée Mouche Rhone) , 2010, Lyon, France, June 2010.
  4. French annual Drosophila conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France, August, 2010.
  5. Developmental biology and Genetics meeting organised by French society for Developmental Biology (SFBD) and French Society of Gentetics (SFG), November 2013.
Poster Presentations
  1. MYORES (European Muscle Development Network) – Muscle development congress, Saint Julian’s/Malta, November 2009.
  2. EMBO Conference Series – Stem cell research: Development, Regeneration and Disease. Paris/France, April 2011.
  3. Gorden research conference – Myogenesis, Wateville valley/USA, August-September 2011.
  4. Gordon research conferenceMyogenesis, Il-Ciocco/Italy, July 2013.
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