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Dr. Gowtham R.

Associate Professor, School of Computing, Coimbatore

Qualification: M.E, Ph.D
Google Scholar Profile
Research Interest: Internet Computing, Web Security


Dr. Gowtham Ramesh holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India, and is a highly accomplished individual. His research interests center around Semantic Web, Knowledge Graphs, Linked Open Data, Developing applications based on reasoning systems, and Web Security, on which he has published extensively and presented at various national and international conferences. Alongside his research, Dr. Gowtham is a dedicated educator and enjoys teaching a range of subjects, including Semantic Web, Cloud Computing, Web Technologies, and User Interface Design. He is proficient in numerous technologies, including OWL – RDF, SPARQL, RDF4J, and other graph databases. Dr. Gowtham has received several awards and honors for his research contributions and has served on the research committee of Amrita School of Computing, Coimbatore. He is highly motivated and sets new challenges and goals for himself in teaching, research, and administration, consistently striving to give his best and achieve them.


Journal Article

Year : 2024

MAGIC: Malware behaviour analysis and impact quantification through signature co-occurrence and regression

Cite this Research Publication : Rohini S, Gowtham Ramesh, Anand R Nair, MAGIC: Malware Behaviour Analysis and Impact Quantification through Signature Co-occurrence and Regression, Computers & Security, Elsevier, 2024

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2024

An interoperable ontology for CPS-enabled Polyhouse Solar Dryer: A case study of the AgroESP project

Cite this Research Publication : Gowtham Ramesh, P. Dheepan Kanna, C. Shunmuga Velayutham, Jancirani Ramaswamy, An interoperable ontology for CPS-enabled Polyhouse Solar Dryer: A case study of the AgroESP project, Journal of Industrial Information Integration,2024.

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2021

Knowledge extraction using semantic similarity of concepts from Web of Things knowledge bases

Cite this Research Publication : Vamsee Muppavarapu, Dr. Gowtham R., Amelie Gyrard, and Mahda Noura, “Knowledge extraction using semantic similarity of concepts from Web of Things knowledge bases”, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier. 2021 Aug 25:101923 (Impact Factor: 1.992, SCI Indexed), vol. 135, p. 101923, 2021.

Publisher : Data & Knowledge Engineering

Year : 2020

A layered approach to detect elephants in live surveillance video streams using convolution neural networks

Cite this Research Publication : S. Ravikumar, Vinod, D., Dr. Gowtham R., Pulari, S. Raj, and Dr. Senthil Kumar M., “A layered approach to detect elephants in live surveillance video streams using convolution neural networks”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 38, pp. 6291 - 6298, 2020.

Publisher : IOS Press

Year : 2020

Automated dynamic approach for detecting ransomware using finite-state machine

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gowtham R. and Menen, A., “Automated dynamic approach for detecting ransomware using finite-state machine”, Decision Support Systems, vol. 138, p. 113400, 2020.

Publisher : Decision Support Systems

Year : 2018

Method for automatic key concepts extraction: Application to documents in the domain of nuclear reactors

Cite this Research Publication : Sudarsana Desul, Madurai Meenachi N., Thejas Venkatesh, Vijitha Gunta, Dr. Gowtham R., and Magapu Sai Baba, “Method for automatic key concepts extraction: Application to documents in the domain of nuclear reactors”, The Electronic Library, Emerald (Impact Factor : 0.800, SSCI), 2018.

Publisher : The Electronic Library, Emerald (Impact Factor : 0.800, SSCI)

Year : 2017

Intelligent explanation generation system for phishing webpages by employing an inference system

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gowtham R., Selvakumar, K., and Venugopal, A., “Intelligent explanation generation system for phishing webpages by employing an inference system”, Behaviour & Information Technology, Taylor & Francis (Impact Factor : 1.388, SCI, WoS Indexed), pp. 1–17, 2017.

Publisher : Behaviour Information Technology, Taylor Francis (Impact Factor : 1.388, SCI, WoS Indexed)

Year : 2017

Identification of phishing webpages and its target domains by analyzing the feign relationship

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gowtham R., Gupta, J., and Gamya, P. G., “Identification of phishing webpages and its target domains by analyzing the feign relationship”, Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier) (SNIP: 1.186) , vol. 35, pp. 75-84, 2017.

Publisher : Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier) (SNIP: 1.186)

Year : 2015

A Study On Verbalization Of OWL Axioms Using Controlled Natural Language

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gowtham R. and Venugopal, A., “A Study On Verbalization Of OWL Axioms Using Controlled Natural Language”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 16953-16960, 2015.

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Year : 2014

An efficacious method for detecting phishing webpages through target domain identification

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gowtham R., Krishnamurthi, I., and K. Kumar, S. Sree, “An efficacious method for detecting phishing webpages through target domain identification”, Decision Support Systems and Electronic Commerce (Elsevier) (Impact Factor: 2.201, SCI Indexed), vol. 61, pp. 12 - 22, 2014.

Publisher : Decision Support Systems and Electronic Commerce (Elsevier) (Impact Factor: 2.201, SCI Indexed)

Year : 2014

A comprehensive and efficacious architecture for detecting phishing webpages

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gowtham R. and Krishnamurthi, I., “A comprehensive and efficacious architecture for detecting phishing webpages”, Computers & Security (Elsevier Advanced Technology) (Impact Factor: 1.158, SCI Indexed), vol. 40, pp. 23 - 37, 2014.

Publisher : Computers Security (Elsevier Advanced Technology) (Impact Factor: 1.158, SCI Indexed)

Year : 2013

An RDF based Anti-Phishing Framework

Cite this Research Publication : V. Krishna M. Kiran, Gowtham, R., and , “An RDF based Anti-Phishing Framework”, International Journal of Software and Web Sciences (IJSWS), vol. 1, pp. 01-10, 2013.

Publisher : International Journal of Software and Web Sciences (IJSWS)

Year : 2013

PhishTackle-a web services architecture for anti-phishing

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gowtham R. and Krishnamurthi, Ib, “PhishTackle-a web services architecture for anti-phishing”, Cluster Computing (Springer), vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1-18, 2013.

Publisher : Cluster Computing (Springer)

Honors and Awards
  • Secured First Place in “Solve-a-thon: Youth, Skills and the Workforce of the Future” Contest organized by Confederation of Indian Industry, Coimbatore Zone, 2018.
  • Delivered an invited Talk at Indian Air Force, AOC 5 BRD, AF, Sulur, Coimbatore. During Information Awareness week, 2017.
  • Awarded Distinguished Facilitator by Infosys for the year 2015.
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