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Dr. Prabakaran Kesavan

Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.), Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Qualification: B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D
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Dr. Prabakaran Kesavan serves as an Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd) at Dept. Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. He specializes in earthquake engineering, with expertise in structural dynamics, structural health monitoring, nonlinear modeling of reinforced concrete (RC) and masonry structures under seismic loads.


Journal Article

Year : 2024

Discontinuum Micromodelling of Unstrengthened and FRCM-Strengthened Masonry Cross-Vaults Subjected to Seismic Excitation

Cite this Research Publication : Prabakaran Kesavan, Massimo Petracca, Guido Camata, Krishnachandran Sethumadhavan, Arun Menon, Discontinuum Micromodelling of Unstrengthened and FRCM-Strengthened Masonry Cross-Vaults Subjected to Seismic Excitation, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Informa UK Limited, 2024,

Publisher : Informa UK Limited

Year : 2024

Shake-Table Testing of a Brick Masonry Groin Vault: Overview of Blind Predictions and Postdictions and Comparison with Experimental Results

Cite this Research Publication : C. Calderini, N. Bianchini, P.B. Lourenço, N. Mendes, P.X. Candeias, O. AlShawa, C. Chácara, M. M. Chávez, G. de Felice, A. Ferrante, P. Fici, R. Gagliardo, P. Kesavan, G.P. Lignola, M. Malena, D. Malomo, D. Pellegrini, F. Peña, M. Petracca, B. Pintucchi, F.P.A. Portioli, B. Pulatsu, G. Ramaglia, D. Rapicavoli, F. Trovatelli, Shake-Table Testing of a Brick Masonry Groin Vault: Overview of Blind Predictions and Postdictions and Comparison with Experimental Results, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Informa UK Limited, 2024,

Publisher : Informa UK Limited

Year : 2023

A nonlinear static procedure for seismic assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings with rigid-diaphragms considering the effect of seismic incidence angle

Cite this Research Publication : Prabakaran Kesavan, Arun Menon, A nonlinear static procedure for seismic assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings with rigid-diaphragms considering the effect of seismic incidence angle, International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, Inderscience Publishers, 2023,

Publisher : Inderscience Publishers

Year : 2023

A macro‐element with bidirectional interaction for seismic analysis of unreinforced masonry walls

Cite this Research Publication : Prabakaran Kesavan, Arun Menon, A macro‐element with bidirectional interaction for seismic analysis of unreinforced masonry walls, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Wiley, 2023,

Publisher : Wiley

Year : 2022

Investigation of in-plane and out-of-plane interaction in unreinforced masonry piers by block-based micro-modeling

Cite this Research Publication : Prabakaran Kesavan, Arun Menon, Investigation of in-plane and out-of-plane interaction in unreinforced masonry piers by block-based micro-modeling, Structures, Elsevier BV, 2022,

Publisher : Elsevier BV

Year : 2015

Comparison of eigensensitivity and ANN based methods in model updating of an eight-story building

Cite this Research Publication : K. Prabakaran, Ashok Kumar, Shashi Kant Thakkar, Comparison of eigensensitivity and ANN based methods in model updating of an eight-story building, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2015,

Publisher : Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Conference Proceedings

Year : 2023

A block-based numerical simulation technique for masonry cross-vaults subjected to earthquake excitation

Cite this Research Publication : Kesavan, P, Petracca, M, Sethumathavan, K, Menon, A, and Camata, G, A block-based numerical simulation technique for masonry cross-vaults subjected to earthquake excitation, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2023), Athens, Greece.

Year : 2020

Bidirectional Pushover Analysis considering the Effect of Angle of Seismic Incidence

Cite this Research Publication : Prabakaran Kesavan, Arun Menon, Bidirectional Pushover Analysis considering the Effect of Angle of Seismic Incidence, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Singapore, 2020,

Publisher : Springer Singapore

Year : 2016

Analytical Study of Wood Fibre-Fly Ash Masonry Infi lled RC Frame subjected to Lateral Loading

Cite this Research Publication : Yudhistran Duraisamy, Prabakaran Kesavan, Analytical study of wood fiber-fly ash masonry infilled reinforced concrete frame subjected to lateral loading, Proceedings of National Conference on Contemporary Advancements in Civil Engineering Practices, 2016

Year : 2016

A study on the Importance of Lintel- Column Connection in In filled RC Frames

Cite this Research Publication : Sudhir, S and Kesavan, P, A study on the importance of lintel-column connection in infilled reinforced concrete frames, Proceedings of National Conference on Contemporary Advancements in Civil Engineering Practices, 2016

Year : 2015

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based Methodology to predict seismic performance of RC Buildings

Cite this Research Publication : SP Siddhartha, Prabakaran Kesavan, JV Ramasamy, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based methodology to predict seismic performance of RC buildings, Proceedings of National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Practices, 2015

Year : 2014

Analysis of Chatter in High Speed Machining of Thin Ribs

Cite this Research Publication : G Ashok, Prabhu V Raja, PR Thyla, Prabakaran Kesavan, Analysis of chatter in high-speed machining of thin ribs, Proceedings of ETCCC Conference, 2014

  • B.E., (Civil Engineering)- Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, India.
  • M.Tech., (Structural Dynamics) – IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.
  • Ph.D. (Structural Engineering)- IIT Madras, Chennai, India.

Additionally, he holds a post-doctoral research experience from Universita degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” – Pescara, in Italy.

Designation Organization Role Years and Period
Assistant Professor Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore Teaching undergraduate and graduate students and conducting research 0.75


Postdoctoral Researcher University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy (also with STKO+OpenSees developers) Conducting research on nonlinear responses of RC and masonry structures 1.5


Assistant Professor PSG College of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India Teaching undergraduate and graduate students 3.5


Teaching Fellow Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India Teaching and mentoring undergraduate students 1


Junior Application Developer Bank of New York Mellon Technology Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India. Served as application developer in .NET platform 1


Projects & Events


  • Investigation of punching shear and flexural failures in reinforced/pre-stressed concrete buildings, Organizations: ASDEA s.r.l, Pescara, Italy; Buro Happold, UK.
  • Punching shear and flexural capacity of flat slab systems were investigated by developing global and micro-models of the reinforced and pre-stressed concrete buildings. Platform: STKO+OpenSees


  • Development of teaching resource material for a reinforced concrete design course in engineering/architectural colleges for technical education, Institutions: IIT Madras, IIT Bombay and NDMA
  • It involved me in assisting Professors from IIT Madras to develop content for the course “Reinforced Concrete Design” including concepts of earthquake-resistant design features
  • SERA blind prediction competition
  • It involved predicting the seismic response of a full-scale masonry cross-vault (unstrengthened and strengthened with textile-reinforced mortar) tested on a shake table under uni-axial ground motion excitation. Our prediction was evaluated as one of the finalists (2nd place)
  • Finite element analysis of Shri Veetriruntha Perumal temple, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
  • Conducted FE-based stress analysis for four piers in the mandapam portion of the temple.


  • PEER blind prediction competition
  • It involved predicting the lateral response of an RC gravity column under quasi-static cyclic loading. The test column is representative of gravity columns common in concrete buildings designed before the 1990s in the USA.


  • Structural health monitoring of a stone beam at Shri Jagannath temple, Puri, Odisha, INDIA
  • Planning and installing instruments to monitor the stone beam structural response in the temple’s Ardha mandapam.


  • Development of teaching resource material for the course “Introduction to Structural Design”, Institution: TIPS, Coimbatore.
  • It involved me in developing course content to teach at undergraduate levels to students of architecture courses.

Journal Reviewing Service

  • Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration (2018 onwards)
  • Sadhana: Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences (2023 onwards)
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