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Dr. Parvathy Venugopal

Assistant Professor, School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri

Qualification: Ph.D
Research Interest: Developmental Biology, Regenerative Biology, Stem Cell


Dr. Parvathy Venugopal serves as Assistant Professor at the School of Biotechnology. She earned her PhD from Genetic Reproduction and Development Institute, France. Her PhD work contributed towards identification of new genes involved in epithelial growth and morphogenesis in Drosophila Melanogaster.  She also worked with human embryonic stem cells in the laboratory of Dr. Maneesha Inamdar, JNCASR, India, where she contributed to the derivation and characterization of human embryonic stem cells and their differentiation into cardiomyocytes.

Genes that control epithelial growth and morphogenesis play an important role in normal and cancer development. An epithelial- mesenchymal transition (EMT) allows a polarized epithelial cell to undergo biochemical changes that allow it to assume a mesenchymal phenotype. EMT occurs during normal development and during tumor progression. What are the important differences between normal and pathophysiological EMT. Dr. Parvathy aims to understand the signaling machinery within the epithelial cells that coordinates EMT through studying the function of certain genes involved in epithelial growth and polarity in normal and cancer cells.


Journal Article

Year : 2020

Multiple functions of the scaffold protein Discs large 5 in the control of growth, cell polarity and cell adhesion in Drosophila melanogaster

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Parvathy Venugopal, Veyssière, H., Couderc, J. - L., Richard, G., Vachias, C., and Mirouse, V., “Multiple functions of the scaffold protein Discs large 5 in the control of growth, cell polarity and cell adhesion in Drosophila melanogaster”, MC Dev Biol, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 10, 2020.

Publisher : MC Dev Biol

Year : 2010

Analysis of long-term culture properties and pluripotent character of two sibling human embryonic stem cell lines derived from discarded embryos

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Parvathy Venugopal, Chakraborty, S., and Inamdar, M. S., “Analysis of long-term culture properties and pluripotent character of two sibling human embryonic stem cell lines derived from discarded embryos”, In Vitro Cellular {&} Developmental Biology - Animal, vol. 46, pp. 200–205, 2010.

Publisher : In Vitro Cellular {} Developmental Biology - Animal

Year : 2009

Consensus guidance for banking and supply of human embryonic stem cell lines for research purposes.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Parvathy Venugopal, “Consensus guidance for banking and supply of human embryonic stem cell lines for research purposes.”, Stem Cell Rev Rep, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 301-14, 2009.

Publisher : Stem Cell Rev Rep

Year : 2008

Derivation and Characterization of Two Sibling Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines from Discarded Grade III Embryos

Cite this Research Publication : M. S. Inamdar, Dr. Parvathy Venugopal, Srinivas, M. S., Rao, K., and VijayRaghavan, K., “Derivation and Characterization of Two Sibling Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines from Discarded Grade III Embryos”, Stem Cells Dev, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 423-433, 2008.

Publisher : Stem Cells Dev

Year : 2007

Human BCAS3 Expression in Embryonic Stem Cells and Vascular Precursors Suggests a Role in Human Embryogenesis and Tumor Angiogenesis

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Parvathy Venugopal, Mahadevan, A., K., S. S., Inamdar, M. S., and Siva, K., “Human BCAS3 Expression in Embryonic Stem Cells and Vascular Precursors Suggests a Role in Human Embryogenesis and Tumor Angiogenesis”, PLoS ONE, vol. 2, no. 11, p. e1202, 2007.

Publisher : PLoS ONE

Research Interest
  1. Cell polarity and morphogenesis: Cell polarity and adhesion plays key role in maintaining tissue architecture and are fundamental aspects of development. We try to understand the genes that control epithelial growth and morphogenesis that play an important role in normal and disease conditions. For this we use Drosophila and Mammalian cell culture models.
  2. Stem cell regeneration: Stem cells present in adult body need to be recruited to the site of injury for efficient repair and regeneration. Apart from some tissues like skin, liver, other tissues in humans show very poor regenerative capacity compared to other lower vertebrates. We aim to understand the mechanisms that could enhance regenerative capacity in humans using different adult and embryonic stem cells as in vitro models.
  1. BIO205/Genetics/B.Sc. Biotechnology/3 Credit/Semester 4
  2. BIO314/Genetic Engineering/ B.Sc. Biotechnology/4 Credit/Semester 5
  3. BIO315/Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology/ B.Sc. Biotechnology and Microbiology/3 Credit/Semester 5
  4. BIO386/Genetic Engineering lab/ B.Sc. Microbiology/2 Credit/Semester 5
  5. BIO322/Developmental Biology/ B.Sc. Biotechnology/3 Credit/Semester 6
  6. BIO400/Cell Biology and Stem Cell Biology/M.Sc. Biotechnology, Microbiology and Bioinformatics/3 Credit/Semester 1
  7. BIO404/Ethics in Research and Intellectual Property Rights/M.Sc. Biotechnology and Microbiology/2 Credit/Semester 1
  8. BIO403/Molecular Genetics/ M.Sc. Biotechnology and Microbiology/3 Credit/Semester 2
  9. BIO569/Regenerative Biology and Stem Cells/ M.Sc. Biotechnology and Microbiology/3 Credit/Semester 2
  • 2006: Masters, Biotechnology
    Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India
  • 2014: PhD, Cell and Molecular Biology
    Genetic Reproduction and Development Institute, France
Conferences and Workshops Attended
  • 55th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, San Diego, USA, 2014
  • International Conference on Regulation and dynamics of Biological Membrane, Porquerolles, 2013
  • 26th Annual French Drosophila Conference at Clemont Ferrand, 2012
  • Attended the Basic course on digital flow cytometry training organized by ‘BD-NCBS center of excellence in flow cytometry’ at NCBS, Bangalore, India, 2009.
  • Teaching assistant for the Third Bangalore Stem Cell course and workshop conducted by JNCASR and NCBS, Bangalore, India, 2008.
  • Participant in the First Annual Meeting of SCRFI and International Conference on Stem Cell Research, Bangalore, India, 2007.
  • Teaching assistant for the Second Bangalore Stem Cell course and workshop conducted by JNCASR and NCBS, Bangalore, India, 2006.
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