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Leena Devadas
Leena Devadas

Special Educator, Department of Clinical Psychology, School of Medicine, Kochi

Dr. Sreekala C. O.
Dr. Sreekala C. O.

Assistant Professor (SG) , Department of Physics, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri

Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan
Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan

Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of Engineering, Amritapuri

Dr. Martin Reick
Dr. Martin Reick

Visiting Faculty, School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri

Dr. Balasubramanian A.
Dr. Balasubramanian A.

Assistant Professor, School of Communication, Coimbatore

Dr. Walter Schrenk
Dr. Walter Schrenk

Professor at the School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri

Dr. Kalyani Suresh
Dr. Kalyani Suresh

Vice Principal, School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce, Coimbatore | Head of School, School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce, Coimbatore

Dr. Amudha J.
Dr. Amudha J.

Professor, School of Computing, Bengaluru

Dr. Sudarslal S.
Dr. Sudarslal S.

Professor, School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri

Dr. Suja P.
Dr. Suja P.

Associate Professor, School of Computing, Bengaluru

Dr. Supriya M.
Dr. Supriya M.

Vice Chairperson, School of Computing, Bengaluru | Associate Professor, School of Computing, Bengaluru

Radha D.
Radha D.

Assistant Professor, School of Computing, Bengaluru

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