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Nitin Kumar M.

Scientific Officer-II: Disaster Risk Reduction, Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA), Amritapuri

Qualification: B. Tech., M.Tech
Research Interest: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Energy and Exergy Analysis


Nitin Kumar M. currently serves as Scientific Officer-II: Disaster Risk Reduction at the Amrita Center for Wireless Networks & Applications (Amrita WNA), Amritapuri. His working at the center involves integration and deployment of a Deep Earth Probe consisting of an array of various geophysical sensors for landslide detection. He has also taken part on humanitarian projects carried out by the department during the year 2014-’16.


  • M. Tech., Thermal and Fluids Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, 2012-2014
  • Professional in Product Design, CADD Center, Bangalore, 2010-2011
  • B. Tech., Mechanical Engineering, Kannur University, Kannur, 2006-2010

Journal Article

Year : 2014

Energy and Exergy Analysis of Complex Intercooled-Recuperated Gas Turbine based Power Plant with Cooled Turbine Blades

Cite this Research Publication : S. NIT, Kumari, A., Sahu, M. Kumar, and Nitin Kumar, “Energy and Exergy Analysis of Complex Intercooled-Recuperated Gas Turbine based Power Plant with Cooled Turbine Blades”, ISST Journal Mechanical Engineering, vol. 5, pp. 49-57, 2014

Publisher : ISST Journal Mechanical Engineering

Awards and Achievements
  • Received 3rd rank in Labour India Scholarship
  • Received NCC ‘A’ Level Certificate


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