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Dr. Naveen Mohan

Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine, Kochi

Qualification: MD


Dr. Naveen Mohan currently serves as Assistant Professor at the Department of Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine, Kochi.


Journal Article

Year : 2022

Prediction of noninvasive ventilator failure in a mixed population visiting the emergency department in a tertiary care center in india

Cite this Research Publication : Mathen PG, Kumar KPG, Mohan N, Sreekrishnan TP, Nair SB, Krishnan AK, et al. Prediction of Noninvasive Ventilation Failure in a Mixed Population Visiting the Emergency Department in a Tertiary Care Center in India. Indian J Crit Care Med 2022;26(10):1115–1119.

Year : 2020

Comparative evaluation of point of care creatinine vs central lab vreatinine

Cite this Research Publication : Dr.Riaz, Dr.Vivek, Dr.Tisa, Dr.Gireesh Kumar, Dr.Dhanasekaran, Dr.Sabaris, Dr.Sreekrishnan, Dr.Naveen Mohan, Dr.Bharath, Dr.Arun Kumar. Dr.Manna, Dr.Kathyayini, "Comparative evaluation of point of care creatinine vs central lab vreatinine", International Medical Journal, Volume 25, Issue 12 December 2020

Year : 2020

Acute single deliberate ingestion of acetaminophen and correlation with international normalized ratio and length of hospital stay among patients visiting the emergency department: a retrospective study

Cite this Research Publication : Dr.Manna Maria Theresa, Dr.Prannoy George, Dr.Gireesh Kumar, Dr.Sreekrishnan, Dr.Naveen, Dr.Vivek, "Acute single deliberate ingestion of acetaminophen and correlation with international normalized ratio and length of hospital stay among patients visiting the emergency department: a retrospective study", Indian Journal of Emeregncy Medicine Volume 6 Number 2, April –June 2020

Year : 2018

Point-of-care testing in the overcrowded emergency department-comparison of the values of four essential –stat-blood parameters with core laboratory values

Cite this Research Publication : Keerthana.C.U,Dr.GireeshKumar.K.P,Dr.Dhanasekharan.B.S, Dr.Sreekrishnan.T.P, Dr.Sabarish.B, Dr.NaveenMohan.M, Dr. Bharath Prasad. S, Dr. Arun Kumar,Dr.Abhiram.K,Dr.Indresh.K,Dr.Prannoy.G,Dr.Sona.K,Dr.Riaz.A,Dr.Vivek.U,Dr.Manu S,Dr.PrakashSuvasia, "Point-of-care testing in the overcrowded emergency department-comparison of the values of four essential –stat-blood parameters with core laboratory values", International Journal of Science and Research ISSN:2319-7064 Research Gate Impact Factor (2018):0.28/SJIF (2018):7.426

Year : 2018

Camphor poisoning:a rare cause of acute symptomatic seizures in children

Cite this Research Publication : Dr.Prannoy George Mathen,Dr.Sreekrishnan.T.P,Dr.GireeshKumar.K.P,Dr.Naveen Mohan, "Camphor poisoning:a rare cause of acute symptomatic seizures in children", 2018 Journal of Emergencies,trauma, and Shock

Year : 2017

Mortality Predictors In Acute Coronary Syndrome Induced Ventricular Arrhthymias

Cite this Research Publication : Dr.NanduMohan,Dr.GireeshKumar.K.P,Dr.ArjunBalasubramaniyan,Dr.Sreekrishnan.T.P,Dr.Naveenmohan,Dr.Bharath Prasad, "Mortality predictors in acute coronary syndrome induced ventricular arrhthymias", Amrita Journal of medicine

Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine

Year : 2017

Mortality predictors in ACS induced Ventricular arrythmias

Cite this Research Publication : D. Nandu Mohan, K.P, D. Gireesh Ku, T.P, S., Mohan, D. Naveen, and Prasad, D. Bharath, “ Mortality predictors in ACS induced Ventricular arrythmias”, Amrita Journal , 2017.

Publisher : Amrita Journal

Year : 2017


Cite this Research Publication : A. A.K, Mohan, N., Prasad, B., C.U, K., and Kumar, G., “ETCO2: A NON INVASIVE GUIDE TO ARTERIAL PaCO2 IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM”, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 2017.

Publisher : International Journal of Recent Scientific Research

Year : 2016

Aspartate aminotransferase level as a prognostic marker in acute zinc phosphide poisoning

Cite this Research Publication : Bharath P, Krupanidhi K, Vishnu M, Naveen M, Sreekrishnan T, Gireeshkumar K, T.S. SK. Aspartate Aminotransferase Level as a Prognostic Marker in Acute Zinc Phosphide Poisoning. Eurasian J Emerg Med.2016 Mar;15(1):39-43.

Year : 2016

Prevalence of hyponatremia in adult patients presenting with altered sensorium to the emergency department of a tertiary care centre

Cite this Research Publication : A. V., Kumar, A., J., A. Kumar, P., S. T., B., S., Prasad, B., Mohan, N., Karunanidhi, K., Sundaram, K. R., Renjitha Bhaskaran, Menon, P. R., and Gireesh Kumar K. P., “Prevalence of hyponatremia in adult patients presenting with altered sensorium to the emergency department of a tertiary care centre”, Amrita Journal of Medicine, vol. 11, no. 1, 2016.

Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine,

Year : 2016

Antibiogram for a Teritiary Care Hospital in Kerala

Cite this Research Publication : M. N, P, G. Kumar K., R, M. P., P, S. T., S, B. Prasad, V, A., K, A., K, K., M, N., V, M., I, K., and A, A. Kumar, “Antibiogram for a Teritiary Care Hospital in Kerala”, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 198-201, 2016.

Publisher : (2016)

Year : 2015

Serum cortisol response in acute hypoglycemic diabetic/non diabetic patients arriving through emergency department-a comparitive study

Cite this Research Publication : Naveen Mohan , Gireesh Kumar K. P , Ajith Kumar. J , Sreekrishnan T. P , Ajith. V , Bharath Prasad. S , Krupanidhi Karunanithi , Arun Kumar. K , Vishnu Manohar , Nandu. M , "Serum Cortisol Response in Acute Hypoglycemic Diabetic/Non Diabetic Patients Arriving through Emergency Department – A Comparative Study," Universal Journal of Medical Science(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 81 - 86, 2015. DOI: 10.13189/ujmsj.2015.030402.

Year : 2015

Serum cortisol response in acute hypoglycemic diabetic/non diabetic patients arriving through emergency department-a comparative study

Cite this Research Publication : Naveen Mohan , Gireesh Kumar K. P , Ajith Kumar. J , Sreekrishnan T. P , Ajith. V , Bharath Prasad. S , Krupanidhi Karunanithi , Arun Kumar. K , Vishnu Manohar , Nandu. M , "Serum Cortisol Response in Acute Hypoglycemic Diabetic/Non Diabetic Patients Arriving through Emergency Department – A Comparative Study," Universal Journal of Medical Science(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 81 - 86, 2015

Year : 2015

Stroke Progression

Cite this Research Publication : Dr.AjithKumar.J,Dr.VivekNambiar,Dr.Vaidynathan, Dr.GireeshKumar.K.P, Dr.Sreekrishnan.T.P,Dr.Ajith.V, Dr.Naveen Mohan, "Stroke Progression", 2015

Publisher : Universal Journal of Medical Science

Year : 2015

Can Venous Blood Gases Replace Arterial Blood Gases in Diabetic Ketoacidosis/Renal Failure Induced Metabolic Acidosis

Cite this Research Publication : Dr.NaveenMohan,Dr.GireeshKumar.K.P.Dr.Sreekrishnan.T.P,AjithKumar.J,Ajith.V,Dr.BharathPrasad,KrupanidhiKarunanithi,Dr.ArunKumar.K, "Can Venous Blood Gases Replace Arterial Blood Gases In Diabetic Ketoacidosis/Renal Failure Induced Metabolic Acidosis", Universal Journal of Medical Science

Publisher : Universal Journal of Medical Science

Year : 2014

Snakebite envenomation-clinical profile,anti-snake venom therapy and complications

Cite this Research Publication : Dr.Sreekrishnan.T.P,Ajith.V,Dr.Sabareesh.B,Dr.BharathPrasad,AjithKumar.J,D.NaveenMohan,Dr,Priya.R.Menon,Dr.Pillay.V.V,Dr.GireeshKumar.K.P, "Snakebite envenomation-clinical profile,anti-snake venom therapy and complications", Journal of the Indian Society of Toxicology Year : 2014, Volume : 10, Issue : 2

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