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Dr. Kalluri Ram Chandra

Deputy Controller of Examinations, School of Engineering, Amaravati

Qualification: Ph.D
Google Scholar Profile
Scopus Author ID
Research Interest: English Language Communication, Interdisciplinary studies in Technical Communication and Humanities and social sciences


Dr Kalluri Ram Chandra has over 26 years of professional experience as a pedagogic practitioner. Prior to joining Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham, he was Professor and Head, Department of English, V R Siddhartha Engineering College (Autonomous), Vijayawada. He is a Doctorate in English Studies with special reference to Technical Communication. He also possesses exposure in Transformational Leadership. He has been undertaking tasks related to curriculum planning, course design, translations, etc for over a couple of decades. He completed an AICTE project worth Rs. 21Lakhs. He organized scores of seminars/workshops/conferences, etc on behalf of different organizations and delivered a plethora of invited talks. He has been holding leadership responsibilities in several social and service organizations.


  • 2020 :  EDP in Transformational Leadership
    XLRI, Jamshedpur
  • 2011 :  PhD in English
    Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad
  • 1996 :  PGDTE
    Central Institute of English &Foreign Languages, Hyderabad
  • 1994 :  MA in English Language &Literature
    Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
  • 1992 :  BA in English
    Economics and Political Science, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

Journal Article

Year : 2022

Anti-Terrorism & Riot (Atr) Robot –The Technological Intervention to Domestic Terrorism

Cite this Research Publication : K. J. Subhashini Dr. Mala , Dr. K Ram Chandra , S V G V A Prasad , Dr. R. Indira , Dr. V. Nagalakshmi “ Anti-Terrorism & Riot (Atr) Robot –The Technological Intervention to Domestic Terrorism” International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) DOI:10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I5.318 ISSN: 1308-5581

Publisher : International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education

Year : 2022

Pesticide Spraying Robot: The Mechatronics Approach to Agriculture

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. B. Annapurna Dr. S V G V A Prasad, C.M. Anitha , Dr. K Ram Chandra ,Dr. BBRG.Vijaya Lakshmi, Dr. Ravi Chandran, “Pesticide Spraying Robot: The Mechatronics Approach to Agriculture” International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) DOI:10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I5.317 ISSN: 1308-5581 Publisher : INT-JECSE

Publisher : INT-JECSE

Year : 2022

The Elements of Emotional Intelligence and their Impact on Social Relation

Cite this Research Publication : P. Hemalatha, , Dr. K Ram Chandra ,Dr. Shakila Azim ,,Dr. B. Annapurna ,Dr. V. Nagalakshmi , Dr. M. Esther Kalyani, “ The Element of Emotional Intelligence and Their Impact on Social Relation” International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) 14 (3), 2022 4303-4309 DOI: 10.9756/INT/JECSE/V14I3.555

Publisher : International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education

Year : 2021

Allotropes of Needs Analysis-The élan Vital of English for Specific Purposes

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. K Ram Chandra “Allotropes of Needs Analysis-The élan Vital of English for Specific Purposes”, International Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary, Dec 2013, 3Vol-2 Issue-12 , pp 216-219

Publisher : International Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Research

Year : 2021

Education Beyond COVID-19- The world Academic Coalition

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Chala Wata Dereso, Dr. Omprakash H. M., Dr. K. Ram Chandra, Dr. Javed Alam, Dr. K. S. V. K. S. Madhavi Rani, Dr. V. Nagalakshmi. (2021). Education beyond COVID-19 –The World Academic Coalition. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 2062–2076

Publisher : RSCB

Year : 2021

Effects of COVID-19 : The Psychosocial Impact on Schools and College Admissions

Cite this Research Publication : Dr K Ram Chandra “Effects of COVID-19 : The Psychosocial Impact on Schools and College Admissions” Journal Of Applied Science And Computations 8 (10), 2021 DOI:16.10089.JASC.2021.V8I10.453459.150801458

Publisher : Journal of Applied Science and Computations

Year : 2021

Immune System Defense Mechanism

Cite this Research Publication : Chandra, K, R.; Kumari, P, J.; Sandhya, V.; Kumari, S, P.; Indira, R.; and Rani, K, S, V, K, S, M. (2021) Immune System Defense Mechanism. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(7), 461-472. DoI: 10.48047/rigeo

Publisher : Review of International Geographical Education

Year : 2021

Multilingualism: Cognitive effect on Socio-professional intelligence

Cite this Research Publication : Dr K Ram Chandra “Multilingualism: Cognitive effect on Socio-professional intelligence” Journal Of Applied Science and Computations 8 (10), 7, 2021, DOI: 16.10089.JAS.2021.V8110.453459.150801465

Publisher : Journal of Applied Science and Computations

Year : 2020

The Enhancement of Calculative understanding with Computational Tools

Cite this Research Publication : B.Srinivasarao, Dr. B. Annapurna, Dr. K Ram Chandra, Dr. I. D. Soubache “The Enhancement of Calculative Understanding with Computational Tools” Solid State Technology, ISSN 0038-111X , Volume: 63 Issue: 6

Publisher : Solid State Technology

Year : 2020

Language Laboratories as Vibrant Learning Centres- Retrospect and Prospect

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. K Ram Chandra “Language Laboratories as Vibrant learning centres-Retrospect and Prospect” International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2017,

Publisher : IJETSR

Year : 2020

Cyberbullying- A Threat to Children and their Psycho-social ambience

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. K. Ram Chandra, Dr. R. Chithra, Dr. Shakila Azim, Dr. T. Thirumurugan, K. Vijaya, Dr. Arokia Paul Rajan R. “Cyberbullying- A Threat to Children and their Psycho-social ambience” Psychology and Education, ISSN:00333077,57(9), 1106-1109, DOI:

Publisher : Psychology and Education Journal

Year : 2020

Cyber Security and its continuous increase of Digital Transactions in COVID era

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. K Ram Chandra, Dr. Madhu Singh, Dr. M. Padmaja, Dr. I. D. Soubache, Dr. K.Sreelatha, Dr. V. Nagalakshmi “International journal of future generation communication and networking, ISSN 2233-785 Vol13 No4 , pp.4978-4985

Year : 2020

Enhancement of Calculative Understanding with Computational Tools

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. K. Ram Chandra, Dr. R. Chithra, Dr. Shakila Azim, Dr. T. Thirumurugan, K. Vijaya, Dr. Arokia Paul Rajan R. “Cyberbullying- A Threat to Children and their Psycho-social ambience” Psychology and Education, ISSN:00333077,57(9), 1106-1109, DOI:

Publisher : Solid State Technology

Year : 2020

Galvanic Skin Response and Heartbeat Sensor Coordination to Track the Health parameter

Cite this Research Publication : Ms. Sarah Ezhil Kelna Edwin, Dr. I. D. Soubache, Dr. K Ram Chandra, Dr. R. Indira, Dr. K. S.V. K. S. Madhavi Rani, Dr. B.B.R.G. Vijaya Lakshmi, “Galvanic Skin Response and Heartbeat Sensor Coordination to Track the Health parameter”, “International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, Vol. 13 No 2 (2020) pp 2557-2562

Publisher : International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing

Year : 2020

Galvanic Skin Response and Heartbeat Sensor Coordination to Track the Health parameter

Cite this Research Publication : Ms. Sarah Ezhil Kelna Edwin, Dr. I. D. Soubache, Dr. K Ram Chandra, Dr. R. Indira, Dr.
K. S.V. K. S. Madhavi Rani, Dr. B.B.R.G. Vijaya Lakshmi, “Galvanic Skin Response and Heartbeat Sensor Coordination to Track the Health parameter”, “International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, Vol. 13 No 2 (2020) pp 2557-2562

Publisher : International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing

Year : 2017

Criteria for Language Course Design involving the Hetero-balancing Approach to Curriculum Planning

Cite this Research Publication : Dr K. Ram Chandra "Criteria for Language Course Design involving the Heterobalancing Approach to Curriculum Planning", ISSN 2394 – 3386 Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2017

Publisher : IJETSR

Year : 2014

Training the Manpower – Challenges and Prospects in the light of Present day Retail Market in India

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. K Ram Chandra “Training the Manpower – Challenges and Prospects in the light of Present day Retail Market in India” TIJ's Research Journal of Social Science & Management – RJSSM”, ,Vol3, No9, Jan 2014, pp 1-5

Publisher : TIJ

Year : 2013

Meaning reorganization view vis-a- vis Hidden reality view-Revisiting the allotropes of psychodynamics of Insight

Cite this Research Publication : Meaning reorganization view vis-a- vis Hidden reality view-Revisiting the allotropes of psychodynamics of Insight, Cite this Publication: K Ram Chandra,” Meaning reorganization view vis-a- vis Hidden reality view-Revisiting the allotropes of psychodynamics of Insight”, International journal of Human resources Management and Research, Oct 2013. Vol-3 Issue-4, pp 69-74.

Publisher : TJPRC

Year : 2013

Output Based vis-à-vis outcomes Education – Challenges and Prospects for ELT

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. K Ram Chandra , “Output Based vis-à-vis outcomes Education- Challenges and Prospects for ELT” ELTIF journal, Dec 2013

Publisher : ELTIF

Year : 2012

Macro and Micro Strategies for Progressive Mastery of the Skills of Teaching English to the Speakers of Other Languages

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. K Ram Chandra, “Macro and Micro Strategies for Progressive Mastery of the Skills of Teaching English to the Speakers of Other Languages”, International Journal of English: Language, Literature and Skills,Vol1, Issue 3, pp91-97.

Publisher : IJELLS

Year : 2008

Phenomenology-A tool for exploring newer Intellectual Domains

Cite this Research Publication : Cite this Publication: K Ram Chandra, “Phenomenology-A tool for exploring newer Intellectual Domains”, Forum for Musings-The JNTU Journal of English Studies, JNTU Hyderabad, Vol-II, Issue-I , March 2008, pp79-88
Publisher: JNTU

Publisher : JNTU

Conference Proceedings

Year : 2022

Trends and challenges in ELT

Cite this Research Publication : Trends and challenges in ELT , Two-day National Seminar on the Trends, Issues and Challenges in the English language and Literature, 17th &18th Jan 2022, Andhra Loyola College(A), Vijayawada

Year : 2020

Technical Report writing Skills for enhancing Employability and Professional success

Cite this Research Publication : Technical Report writing Skills for enhancing Employability and Professional success, National conference on Multi Dimensional Approach To English Literature And Language Teaching,(procs) , Sri
Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kancheepuram, 24th April 2018

Year : 2020

Indian Diaspora in Canadian Politics

Cite this Research Publication : Indian Diaspora in Canadian Politics, 14thInternational Conference on “Building Bridges of Friendship: Canada and India”, In collaboration with Indian Association for Canadian Studies, 6-7 Jan 2020

Year : 2019

Consciousness writ large – Revisiting Tagore in the light of Socio-economic degradation in India

Cite this Research Publication : Consciousness writ large- Revisiting Tagore in the light of Socio-economic degradation in India, Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education sponsored National Seminar on Indian English Literature, SV college, Giddalur, 9th-10th Feb 2012

Year : 2018

Allotropes of Epistemological Meditations in Indian Thought – An Analytical perspective

Cite this Research Publication : Allotropes of Epistemological Meditations in Indian Thought - An Analytical perspective - World Congress of Vedic Sciences, 10-13th January, 2018, Pune

Year : 2018

Elements of Eco-criticism vis-à-vis Gaia Hypothesis- Developing a comprehensive Eco-literary Perspective

Cite this Research Publication : Elements of Eco-criticism vis-à-vis Gaia Hypothesis- Developing a comprehensive Eco-literary Perspective, National Conference on English Language &Literature in the era of Globalization,15th &16th February 2018
,Andhra Loyola institute of Engineering &technology, Vijayawada

Year : 2018

Changing perspectives of Post colonial studies

Cite this Research Publication : Changing perspectives of Post colonial studies, National seminar on Post Colonial studies, PB Siddhartha College of Arts &Sc (Autonomous), Vijayawada, 26th Feb 2018

Year : 2018

Rise of Indian consciousness in Literature

Cite this Research Publication : Rise of Indian consciousness in Literature, Three-day International conference on the Rise of Indian Literature and Global World , 14-16 March 2018, Indian Society for Commonwealth studies, New Delhi and Andhra
Loyola College(Autonomous), Vijayawada

Year : 2018

Rise of Indian consciousness in Literature

Cite this Research Publication : Rise of Indian consciousness in Literature, Three-day International conference on the Rise of Indian Literature and Global World , 14-16 March 2018, Indian Society for Commonwealth studies, New Delhi and Andhra
Loyola College(Autonomous), Vijayawada

Year : 2018

Allotropes of Inter-Culturism Vis-à-vis Multi-culturism-An Analytical perspective

Cite this Research Publication : Allotropes of Inter-Culturism Vis-à-vis Multi-culturism-An Analytical perspective, International Multidisciplinary conference on Knowledge Sharing, Technological advancements and Sustainable Development” PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology(autonomous), Vijayawada 31st March 2018

Year : 2018

Taming Communicative Barriers in a Cross Cultural professional environment

Cite this Research Publication : Taming Communicative Barriers in a Cross Cultural professional environment, International Management Conclave , 29th June, 2018, Centre for Education Growth &Research, New Delhi

Year : 2017

Elements of ‘Metanarative’- Retrospect and Prospect

Cite this Research Publication : Elements of ‘Metanarative’- Retrospect and Prospect, National Seminar on New Aspects in Post Colonial Literature’, Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous), Vijayawada, 5th & 6th Feb 2016

Year : 2017

Dr Ambedkar’s writings- A genre in non-fiction

Cite this Research Publication : Dr Ambedkar’s writings- A genre in non-fiction, national seminar on Impact of Ambedkarism on Indian Reality Andhra Loyola College, (Autonomous) Vijayawada, 3rd & 4th Dec 2016

Year : 2017

Sanity vis-à-vis insanity- Involutions and Convultions in the Dramatics of Shakespeare

Cite this Research Publication : Sanity vis-à-vis insanity- Involutions and Convultions in the Dramatics of Shakespeare, national seminar on Language and Literature of Shakespeare in Current Times , PBS College (Autonomous), VJA, 5th jan 2017

Year : 2017


Cite this Research Publication : Semiotranslatology, National Seminar on World Literatures in English Translations, 18th Jan 2017, Maris Stella College(Autonomous), Vijayawada

Year : 2016

Reflective Practice -The Key to Effective Teaching

Cite this Research Publication : Reflective Practice-The Key to Effective Teaching, National Seminar on English in the Classroom: The Science of Communication, Vikrama simhapuri University, Nellore, 23 -24 March 2013

Year : 2015

Constructivism in Language Education – Retrospect and Prospect

Cite this Research Publication : Constructivism in Language Education - Retrospect and Prospect, UGC sponsored National Seminar on New directions in English language and Literature, 13th &14th Feb 2015, Acharya Nagarjuna University

Year : 2015

Interculturism Vis-à-vis Multiculturism – An analytical perspective with special reference to the Fourth World Consciousness

Cite this Research Publication : Interculturism Vis-à-vis Multiculturism - An analytical perspective with special reference to the Fourth World Consciousness, UGC Sponsored Global Seminar on ‘Celebrating the Ancient / Contemporary Wisdom of
Fourth World’, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 14-16 Dec 2015

Year : 2014

Morphological, Phonological and Syntactic hybridity of the Indian variants of English- A Threat to the Concept of ‘Standard’ or a better scope for the expansion of the Language?!”

Cite this Research Publication : Morphological, Phonological and Syntactic hybridity of the Indian variants of English - A Threat to the Concept of ‘Standard’ or a better scope for the expansion of the Language?!” National Conference on “Modern Theories in Literature & Language”, PB Siddhartha College of Arts &Science, Vijayawada, 19th & 20th March 2014

Year : 2014

Dynamics of Integrated curriculum for a Multi-proficiency language Programme – A hetero balancing Approach

Cite this Research Publication : Dynamics of Integrated curriculum for a Multi-proficiency language Programme - A hetero balancing Approach, National Seminar on Dialectics of Language & Literature, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, 3
rd & 4th November, 2014

Year : 2014

Norm vis-à-vis Criterion Referenced Assessment Mechanism in Language Teaching – An Analytical Study With Reference to Outcomes Based Education

Cite this Research Publication : Norm vis-à-vis Criterion Referenced Assessment Mechanism in Language Teaching - An Analytical Study With Reference to Outcomes Based Education, UGC sponsored National Seminar on ENGLISH language Teaching at Undergraduate level in India: Toward the Elimination of the Inability to speak and write effectively, a research perspective, V R M college, Nagaram, Guntur Dist, 28 -29 November, 2014

Year : 2013

Vistas of Eco-criticism Vis-a-vis Gaia Hypothesis – Developing a comprehensive Eco-literary perspective

Cite this Research Publication : Vistas of Eco-criticism Vis-a-vis Gaia Hypothesis - Developing a comprehensive Eco-literary perspective, APSCHE sponsored National Seminar on Globalization in English Studies, Krishna University, Machilipatnam, 6-7 Feb 2013.

Year : 2013

Semiotranslatolgy – A revolution in the Making

Cite this Research Publication : Semiotranslatolgy - A revolution in the Making, 58th All India English Teachers’ Conference, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, 27-29 Dec 2013

Year : 2012

Enabling’ the Learners and not merely ‘Educating’ them-The optimum use of Language Laboratories

Cite this Research Publication : Enabling’ the Learners and not merely ‘Educating’ them-The optimum use of Language Laboratories, UGC sponsored National Seminar on Mother Tongue and Literature as Resources for Teaching of English, JMJ College for women, Tenali, 27th - 28th Feb 2012

Year : 2012

Applications of Modern Hermeneutics – Road ahead for Researchers

Cite this Research Publication : Applications of Modern Hermeneutics- Road ahead for Researchers, National seminar on Emerging Trends in English Literature, PBS College(Autonomous), PG Centre, VJA, 2nd &3rd March 2012

Year : 2012

Macro and Micro Elements of Training and Mentoring including Career Mapping with special reference to Indian scenario

Cite this Research Publication : Macro and Micro Elements of Training and Mentoring including Career Mapping with special reference to Indian scenario, International Seminar on Strategic HRM, VR Siddhartha Engineering college, 11th April 2012

Year : 2012

The state of ELT in India with special reference to ESP – Patho – specific or Hetero balancing

Cite this Research Publication : The state of ELT in India with special reference to ESP –Patho-specific or Hetero balancing, 7th International ELTAI conference, 19th - 21st July 2012, ELTAI, Chennai

Year : 2012

Alienation vis-à-vis Estrangement – A Road to Consciousness and Reality

Cite this Research Publication : Alienation vis-à-vis Estrangement – A Road to Consciousness and Reality, Global Seminar on Fourth world Literatures, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 14-16th Dec 2012

Year : 2011

Progressive intensification of specificity- the hetero-balancing approach to Curriculum Planning for teacher education

Cite this Research Publication : Progressive intensification of specificity - the hetero-balancing approach to Curriculum Planning for teacher education, Starting, Stimulating and Sustaining English Language Teacher Education and Development, An
International conference for English Language Teacher Educators, British council in association with EFLU & ELTAI , 22 - 24 January 2011

Year : 2011

Macro and Micro Strategies for Mastery of the Skills of Teaching English to the Speakers of Other Languages

Cite this Research Publication : Macro and Micro Strategies for Mastery of the Skills of Teaching English to the Speakers of Other Languages, UGC sponsored One day National seminar on Communication skills and English Literature, DNR college
(Autonomous), Bhimavaram, 25th Feb2011

Year : 2010

From Deskilling to Re-skilling- Hetero-balancing Approach to Curriculum Planning Using for an Ever expanding Linguistic Resource with special reference to Multi lingual environments

Cite this Research Publication : From Deskilling to Re-skilling- Hetero-balancing Approach to Curriculum Planning Using for an Ever expanding Linguistic Resource with special reference to Multi lingual environments, International Seminar on Applied
Linguistics, Acharya Nagarjuna University 15-18 Dec 2010

Year : 2009

Tapping the inflosion with the optimum use of Language Laboratories

Cite this Research Publication : Tapping the inflosion with the optimum use of Language Laboratories, 4th ISTE AP State convention(procs), ISTE at GEC, Gudlavalleru, 21st& 22nd Nov 2009

Year : 2008

Hetero-balancing Approach to curriculum planning using Systemic-Functional Analysis

Cite this Research Publication : Hetero-balancing Approach to curriculum planning using Systemic-Functional Analysis, Voices of the world , 35th International Systemic-functional Congress, International Systemic-functional Linguistics Forum,
Sydney(presentation scheduled and paper published) 21st-26th July 2008

Year : 2007

Role of Proficiency tests in English Language Teaching

Cite this Research Publication : Role of Proficiency tests in English Language Teaching, National Conference on Emerging Trends in ELT, VRSEC, VJA, 10th Nov 2007

Year : 2005

English in the Media, National Conference on English in the media

Cite this Research Publication : English in the Media, National Conference on English in the media, JMJ College for Women, Tenali 21st and 22nd July 2005

Year : 2004

Is English Teacher a Reflective Practitioner ?

Cite this Research Publication : Is English Teacher a Reflective Practitioner? - A study in the Undergraduate context, UGC Sponsored 3rd International Conference on Grammar, Acharya Nagarjuna University 17-21 Dec2004

Invited Talks

Plenary Talks/ Keynote Addresses/ Invited Talks

  • Delivered an Invited talk on Self-reliant nation as a part of Swavalambi Bharat Abiyaan , KBN College(Autonomous), Vijayawada 26th September 2022
  • Delivered Motivational talk at Unnath Bharath Abhiyan service camp , Kanuru Vijayawada 22nd February 2022
  • Role of Communication Skills and Soft Skills, Guest Lecture , SDMS Kalasala(Autonomous),(NAAC A++), Vijayawada , 12th December 2021
  • Inaugural talk at Diamond jubilee event of Meenakshi Group , Hyderabad 8th August 2021
  • Delivered A Lecture as Key Resource person on Study Plan , Rushis Academy, Hyderabad , 5th December 2020
  • Delivered a lecture as “Eminent Speaker” on the Role of Sardar Patel in Unifying India on 29th October 2020 , Press Information Bureau regional Outreach Bureau, Andhra Pradesh Region ) Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India
  • Resource Person for Ethics and Accountability in Technical Education, AICTE sponsored 14 day Faculty Development Programme on 23rd October 2020 Professional Morals, Work Ethics; Accountability for Teachers in Technical Education” from 19th – 31st October
  • Chief Guest and Resource Person at The Workshop on Communication skills for Students at Dr BV Raju College, Bhimavaram and also delivered a lecture on Classroom Dynamics for members of faculty , 5th December 2019
  • Chief Guest and chief Speaker on the occasion of Independence day celebrations, Vignan Vihara English Medium school, Vijayawada 15th August 2019
  • Special address on the occasion of 59th Formation Day of The Andhra Academy of Arts, Vijayawada
  • Guest Lecture on Swami Vivekananda at Krishna University PG Centre, Nuzvid, 10th January 2019
  • Technical Lecture at the National Workshop on Research Methodology: Approaches &Techniques, PB Siddhartha College of Arts & Science(Autonomous), VJA, 3rd November 2018
  • Guest lecture on Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s Contribution, 15th October 2018, Hyndavi,Vijayawada
  • Keynote address on Swadeshi consciousness and role of common man in at seminar on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanthi, Swadeshi jagaran Manch, 2nd October 2018
  • Guest Lecture at the National workshop on Research Methodology and Dynamics of Skills, Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering &Technology, VJA, 22nd September 2018
  • Resource Person at the Faculty workshop, Pragna Pravah, Nellore, 15th July 2018
  • Keynote address at service camp Ramanadham Trust, Mangalagiri, 13th May 2018
  • Guest speaker at Engineering Faculty Round table on Swadeshi, 20th August, 2017
  • Guest speaker at Silver Jubilee of KC group of educational institutions, VJA 2017 , May 2017
  • Invited lecture on Role of culture as a code of conduct, Vastalya Bharathi, 18th August 2016, VJA
  • Chief Guest cum Keynote speaker at UGC sponsored 7 Day Faculty Quality enhancement programme, CR Reddy College(A) , Eluru, 16th Aug ,2016
  • Indian Culture and Role of Youth, Jignasayaan, A March to IIST, 15 October 2015
  • Role of citizens in the growth of Economy, PB S College of Arts and Science(Autonomous), Vijayawada , 28th September 2015
  • Awareness on Swadeshi goods, Satya Sai Degree College, Tadikonda, AP, 25th September 2015
  • Lecture on Goal setting for life-Youth an Age of Promise- SRCM-UNO All India Essay Event, 1st February 2015, Vijayawada
  • Key note address on Lecture on Character Formation, Youth Seminar, SRCM, Vijayawada, 11th May 2014
  • Plenary Lecture on ‘Enabling.. Not merely Educating –facts of OBE in carving Rounded Professionals for Transnational Professional environments’, National conference on Outcomes Based Education-A Road to the Future , Hindustan University Chennai in collaboration with Central institute of Indian Languages Mysore, 4th ,5th & 6th December 2013
  • Invited Lecture on ‘Role of Grammar &Word Power in Improving Communication skills”, Training Programme organized by Ministry of MSME, at PVPSIT, 11th December 2013
  • Inaugural address Narayana English Club, Narayana Group of institutions, Vijayawada, 27-08- 2013
  • Orientation Lecture, Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary Utsav Samithi, Krishna District, Jaggayya Peta 28-07-2013
  • Motivational Lecture, Speakers’ Training Programme, Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary Utsav Samithi, Krishna District, Vijayawada 23-06-2013
  • Theme oriented Lecture, Teacher Training Programme, Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary Utsav Samithi, Krishna District, Vijayawada 04-07-2013
  • Orientation Programme for faculty and students , Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary Utsav Samithi, Krishna District, Vijayawada 20-07-2013
  • A Demonstrative presentation on Master, the Be all &End All & Slices of Eternity, Shri Ram Chandra mission, 24th July 2013
  • Lecture on the Message of Swami Vivekananda, Nava Bharat Public School, Vijayawada, 22nd May 2013
  • Theme-lecture at a Prize distribution function of UNO-SRCM Essay contest, 24th Feb, 2013
  • Resource Person for Workshop on Natural Language Processing, PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, 8th December 2012
  • Demonstrative Lecture on Communicative Competence , Workshop on Corporate Communication skills, ELULAA, 21-10-2012
  • “Communication skills required for teachers”, YV Rao Siddhartha College of Education 15th October 2012
  • Resource Person for Workshop on Classroom Dynamics, VRSEC 29th Sep, 2012
  • Delivered the keynote Address at the Inauguration of Sanskrit Saptaham, 10-08-2011, Vijayawada
  • Invited Talk at Round Table meet on Youth Against Corruption On 17-07-2011 organized by YAC at Vijayawada
  • Acted as an Observer and a facilitator at the Youth Training Programme held between 25th and 30th January 2011 at Centre for Research, Education Sadhana and Training, Bangalore, Sponsored by Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation
  • Delivered a Guest Lecture on Spoken communication at SRR&CVR Degree College, Vijayawada, 21-12-2010
  • Resource Person at Teacher training camp, Vignan Vihara Group of Institutions, Vijayawada, 31-10-2010
  • Keynote address on “ Mechanics of Group Discussion” at Prasad V Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada, 22-09-2010
  • Keynote address delivered at the inauguration of Teacher training Programme of District centre for English of UGC, Vijayawada, July 2010
  • Moderated a Group discussion competition at Vijayawada Book Festival, Competitive spirit- myths and realities, Felines club, Vijayawada, January 2009
  • Lecture on Effective Teaching, SRK institute of Technology, November, 2008
  • Delivered a lecture on Child Psychology at Acquinas Public school, Vijayawada 2008
  • Delivered an Invited Talk on research orientation at Acharya Nagarjuna University as a part of a Book Release Function, 2008
  • FIVE Day Workshop on Classroom Communication to the Faculty of KCP Siddhartha Residential Public School, VJA 2008
  • Customer Relationship Management, L&T All Group Stockists’ Conference, Vijayawada,2006
  • Linguistic and Conceptual Resourcefulness- the need of the hour, SPACE, VRSEC, Vijayawada, 2005
  • Acted as a Panelist at Seminar on Communicative Competence, Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada, November, 2005

Books/Proceedings Edited

S.No Title of the Book Publisher Year of Publication ISBN
1. Recent Trends in English Literature Prestige Books International 2016 978-9382186-18
2. Steve Jobs JP Publications 2014 978-81-920546-5-0
3. Fidel Castro JP Publications 2014 978-81-920545-6-8
4. Steven Spielberg JP Publications 2014 978-81-920546-6-7
5. Mark Zuckerberg JP Publications 2014 978-81-920546-0-5
6. Martin Luther King Jr JP Publications 2014 978-81-920545-9-9
7. Narendra Modi JP Publications 2014 978-81-920544-7-6
8. Proceedings of the National conference on “Towards an un- alienated Society through Changing Allotropes of Art-A National Responsibility” Andhra Academy of Arts, Vijayawada 2001
  1. Author- English Language Communication skills, Duvvuri Publications, Machilipatnam, 2008 with the pen name “Krishna”
  2. Revised , Edited and Updated- Structural Patterns and Usage in English Authored by BS Sarma IV edition- Poosha series, Kakinada 2008 with pen name “NAG”
  3. Translated:
    • A Journey within, Patanjali Yoga, Victory Publishers, 2015
    • Vande Madhavaram, a documentary on Military Madhavaram, All India Radio, Vijayawada, National Award Nomination, December 2017
    • “ Partitions” translation of Broadcast material, All India Radio, Vijayawada, National Award Nomination, 2016
    • “Nurture Mangroves-Tame the Typhoons” translation of Broadcast Material, All India Radio , Vijayawada , National Award Nominations, December 2014 Water-the Bedrock of Human Civilisation”- Broadcast Material December 2005
  • Communication skills for Engineers, Pearson Education by Sunita Mishra and Murali
  • Corporate Employability Skills CEGR, New Delhi ISBN: 978-93-85000-63-8, 2016
  • Effective Business Communication, CEGR, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-85000-82-9, 2016
R & D Grants

Sponsoring Agency: All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi
Title of the Project: Skill and Personality Development Programme centre for SC/ST students Amount of Grant: Rs21,00,000/- (Rs.2.1Million)
Period – 2017-2022


Seminars/Workshops/Training Programmes Organized

  • Seminar on Current Relevance of Shri Aurobindo’s Vision and Teachings in association in association with Eager to Forge ahead , Bhubaneshwar , on 26th September 2022, Vijayawada
  • Conflict resolution, the RSS way, Book Release cum Theme presentation , 28th March 2022, Sahithi Sudha Foundation, Vijayawada
  • Bipin Rawat Memorial seminar, Samaalochana 8th January 2022


  • Seminar on Man’n’ Moon – Impact of Moon – Physical, Psychological and Terrestrial, 18th November 2021 ELULAA, Vijayawada
  • National Seminar Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav- Role of Intellectuals- 13th November 2021, Samaalochana, Vijayawada
  • National Webinar on Revival Temples and culture in Jammu and Kashmir, Samaalochana, 19th June 2021


  • National Seminar on Ensuing Union Budget- A step Towards $5 Trillion Dollar economy , 26th Jan 2020, Vijayawada


  • Seminar on India’s Foreign Policy , Stronger than ever before, 25th August 2019 , Samaalochana, Vijayawada


  • Young Currents, inclusive event, Swami Vivekananda Chicago commemorative event, 8th September 2018 Samaalochana, Vijayawada
  • National seminar on Demographic Changes in India- Challenges & Solutions, 21st May 2018, Samaalochana, Vijayawada
  • Seminar on Decolonization of Indian mind –Retrospect and Prospect, Samaalochana, 5th January 2018


  • National Workshop on New India – the Role of Youth, VR Siddhartha                   Engineering College,(Autonomous), Vijayawada, 1st November 2017
  • Seminar on Ancient Indian Wisdom and its relevance for the Modern World, Samaalochana, National Forum of Thinkers, Vijayawada 20th June 2017


  • National Seminar on “ Role of Elite in Nation Building’ Samaalochana, National Forum of Thinkers, Vijayawada, 16th October 2016
  • National Seminar on ‘Psycho-sociological Cultural and Literary Dynamics of Soft Skills – Managerial Perspective, English Language Users’ and Literary Admirers’ Association, 24th July 2016


  • National Seminar on ‘India: Poised to Lead the Future’, Samaalochana, National Forum of Thinkers, Vijayawada, 4th October 2015
  • Panel Discussion of ‘Young Currents- Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Address commemorative Seminar, samaalochana, 12th September 2015
  • National Awareness Raising practicum on Yoga, samaalochana, 14th June 2015
  • Lecture session on Nationalistic orientation in Telugu states 27-05-2015
  • Gen Z Aware (Generation Z Awareness activity) (ELULAA) 1st November 2015
  • Theme Presentation contest on Education Policy-Changes Required(ELULAA) 4th May 2015


  • State level Seminar on Integral Humanism, Samaalochana, Vijayawada, 13th November 2014
  • National Seminar on Jammu & Kashmir-Facts, Problems and Solutions, Samaalochana, Vijayawada, 17th August, 2014
  • Regional Seminar on Formidable defence, Bubbling Economy and Good Governance- The Expectations from the New Government, Samaalochana, Vijayawada  24th April, 2014
  • Regional level Orientation programme on Skill Development centres (under aegis of the Govt of AP) 14th November -2014


  • Prof Seamus Heaney Memorial Meet- (ELULAA) 31-08-2013
  • Soft skills Training –( ELULAA) 07-07-2013
  • -Seminar on Science in Ancient India, (VRSEC) 16-05-2013
  • –Seminar on Present and Future of Higher Education in India, Sanskriti Gaurav samsthan, Vijayawada 15-06-2013
  • Speakers’ Training Programme, Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary Utsav Samithi, Krishna District, Vijayawada 23-06-2013
  • – Teacher Training Programme, Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary Utsav Samithi, Krishna District, Vijayawada 04-07-2013
  • -Orientation Programme for faculty and students , Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary Utsav Samithi, Krishna District, Vijayawada20-07-2013


  • Significance of Spelling &Vocabulary and Group discussion, Vijayawada 12-08-2012
  • Interactive session for Improving Communication skills, , Vijayawada19-08-2012 Practicum on Improving Spoken communication, Vijayawada08-09-2012
  • Open house on MoYan’s (Nobel laureate) Literary Contribution 14-10-2012-(ELULAA)
  • Changing Shades and Features of James Bond-Golden Jubilee of James Bond06-10-2012- 2011
  • Seminar-Cum-Symposium on Proposed on Jan Lok pal Bill- Challenges and Prospects, Samaalochana 13th May 2011

Acted as Organizing secretary for National Conference on Quality Assurance in Technical Education (VRSEC) 18-11-2002

To name a few general public events on behalf of different organizations

  • 17-05-1998- Success Strategies
  • 21-06- 1998- Nuclear India-From Kanada to Kalpakkam
  • 2-10-1998-Empowerment of women in Politics
  • 22-11-1998-Article356 of Indian Constitution
  • 27-12-1998-Amartya Sen’s Economic Policies-ushering in New Perspectives
  • 28-02-1999- Aspects of Interest in the lives of Celebrities
  • 24-10-1999- Will a coalition with a common minimum agenda be successful?
  • 26-12-1999- Role of Service organizations in promoting Tribal Welfare
  • 18-04-2000- IT for Common Man
  • 25-06-2000- Distortions in Indian History
  • 27-08-2000- What Does it Take for India to become an intellectual Super power (Acharya KC Babu Rao Memorial Lecture)
  • 18-11-2000-Science Fiction and Future World
  • 28-01-2001- Seminar on Electoral Reforms (organized as a part of Republic 50 )
  • 13-06-2001- Vedic Literature
  • 22-09-2001- Education in Independent India
  • 10-11-2001- Pakistan Initiated Terrorism-A danger to Bharat
  • 02-02-2002- Archeology and Archeological anomalies and Vedic Astrology
  • 9th and 10th March 2002- Telugu Story Writers Conference
  • 08-09-2002-Computer Education –Retrospect and Prospect
  • 08-01-2003-Meaning and Message of Gujarat Elections
  • 11-03-2003- Scientific Development and Indian Heritage
  • 26-04-2003-Govts. With a
  • 30-08-2003- Role of ISI in Terrorism with special reference to Marad Incident
  • 31-12-2003- Women in Modern India
  • 16-01-2004-North East wakes up to its Cultural Heritage
  • 19-02-2004- Saraswathi River Civilisation
  • 03-04-2004- The Ramayana-Epic par excellence
  • 17-08-2004-Banking Industry-the Current challenges
  • 21-11-2004-The Rationale behind the talks with Maoists by the of AP
  • 20-02-2005-Demographic Changes-A menace in the making
  • 16-7-2005- Challenges being faced by the democracy in Post- independence period in India
  • 23-07-2006-Does secularism in practice in India today reflect the spirit of the constitution?
  • 03-09-2006-Minority educational institutions-The attitude of the
  • 22-04-2007-Symposium on Legislature vis-à-vis Judiciary
  • 03-02-2008-Proof of Vedic Culture’s Global
  • 17-03-2008-Message of Lord Krishna
  • 04-12-2004- Workshop on English language Teaching (VRSEC in association with CUP)
  • 05-02-2006- Workshop on Personality Development (Samaalochana)
  • 13-08-2006- Career oriented Youth fest (KCBRM Welfare Society)
  • 10-11-2007- National Conference on Emerging Trends in English Language Teaching (VRSEC)
  • 21-09-2008- Youth fest (KCBRM Welfare Society and Samaalochana)
  • 06-03-2010-National Workshop on communication skills in English and soft skills (VRSEC)
Society Membership Detail Membership No
Centre for Education Growth and Research, New Delhi Fellow FAC019
Integrated Chambers of Commerce &Industry Life Member and Fellow PM031
Indian Society for Technical Education ,New Delhi Life Member LM-24008
English Language Teachers Association of India , Chennai Donor Member 30017043
Samaalochana, Vijayawada President EM-0009
English Language Users’ and Literature Admirers’ Association Founder President FP-20120001
Andhra Academy of Arts, Vijayawada Executive Member EM-97-0027

Awards and Recognitions

  • Best Academician of the year –2021 and 2022 , CEGR, New Delhi
  • Education Achiever Award from the Integrated Chambers of Commerce &Industry, New Delhi, 2018
  • Jai Upadhyaya Puraskar, Lions Club Centenary Celebrations, Lions International: District 316D, India, 2014
  • Best Paper Award on Outcomes Based Education awarded in the National conference on Outcomes Based Education by Hindustan University, Chennai ,in collaboration with Indian Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, 2013
  • Natesan Krishna swami Endowment prize for Outstanding performance in PGDTE at CIEFL,
  • KS Gupta Memorial prize at Andhra University for securing University First in Political Science at BA level,1992
Other Information
  • Member of National Curriculum Framework- AP Focus Group, Ministry of Education, of India, 2022
  • Member of Board of studies in different Autonomous institutions nominated by respective universities
  • Obtained ELITE in Educational Leadership Certification course offered by IIT, Kharagpur through NPTEL , 2018
  • Acted as Central Coordinator for the AP state The Hindu E-plus Challenge , 2013

Contribution to & Through Media

  1. Brief exemplification of the relevance of Geetha Jayanthi at Vijayawada,
  2. Bhakti TV (National Telecast) 7th &8th December
  3. Contributed views and ideas for the Article ‘Busting Boredom blues’ The Hindu 28-09-2011
  4. “How to improve soft skills” Eenadu, 26-08-2010(Interview)
  5. “Additional skill set required for youth in addition to regular academics” Interview broadcast on 11-11- 2008 and rebroadcast on 11-12-2008.
  6. “Current challenges to students consequent on Recession” Interview broadcast on 04-11-2008
  7. Soft Skills” Interview broadcast (FM Rainbow) on 15-09- 2008
  8. Radio Talk on “The contribution of Veer Saavarkar” Broadcast on 28-05- 2005
  9. Radio Talk on “Craze for Spoken English Institutions” Broadcast on 13-12-2004
  10. “Applications of Language Laboratory- “ Eenadu (Interview 2006)
  11. “Winds of change in language Learning ” ,The Hindu, (Interview 04-12-2006)
  12. Telugu Language through Ages” The Hindu,01-11-2003(Article)
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