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Dr. Pradeep S. Jakkareddy

Assistant Professor (Sl. Gd. ), Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Bengaluru

Qualification: M.Tech., Ph.D
Research Interest: Inverse Heat Transfer, Machine Learning in Heat Transfer, Computational and Experimental Heat Transfer.


Dr. Pradeep S. Jakkareddy is Assistant Professor (Sl. Gd.) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at School of Engineering, Bengaluru, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from S.K.S.V.M.A, College of Engineering and Technology, Laxmeshwar, Gadag, Karnataka in 2007 and obtained his M.Tech in Thermal Power Engineering from P.D.A. College of Engineering, Kalburgi (2010). Both institutes are affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, India. The doctoral degree was awarded by Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai for his research work in Inverse Heat Transfer (2017). He has over 9 years of experience in teaching and research. He has received a fellowship equivalent to Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow at IIT, Madras (2017). He has received the certificate of outstanding contribution in reviewing (2017) articles from International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier. Received Chancellor’s Publication Award- AIRA in 2021. He is a recipient of Chancellor’s International Collaborative Research Fellowship of Amrita (2022) and carried out joint research at Rolls Royce UTC, Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea (2022). He has several publications in international journals, and conferences. One Australian Innovation patent has been granted to him (2021). Also, he delivered an invited talk on “Parameter estimation for convective heat transfer problems using inverse techniques” at PNU South Korea (March 2022). Presently he is guiding two research scholars.


Journal Article

Year : 2023

Boundary Heat Flux Estimation for Natural Convection in a Square Enclosure Containing a Cylinder: An Inverse Approach

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S. Jakkareddy, Sudhanshu Pandey & Man Yeong Ha, Boundary Heat Flux Estimation for Natural Convection in a Square Enclosure Containing a Cylinder: An Inverse Approach. Arab J Sci Eng (2023). Impact factor : 2.8 , Publisher: springer.

Publisher : Springer

Year : 2022

Direct numerical simulation of natural convection between an enclosure and multiple circular cylinders: An influence of horizontal arrangement of cylinders

Cite this Research Publication : Sudhanshu Pandey, Pradeep S. Jakkareddy, Young Min Seo, Man Yeong Ha, Direct numerical simulation of natural convection between an enclosure and multiple circular cylinders: An influence of horizontal arrangement of cylinders, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 36, (2022), 102205, ISSN 2214-157X, Impact factor : 6.28.

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2020

A novel method to detect hot spots and estimate strengths of discrete heat sources using liquid crystal thermography

Cite this Research Publication : S. Kumar, Pradeep S. Jakkareddy, and Balaji, C., “A novel method to detect hot spots and estimate strengths of discrete heat sources using liquid crystal thermography”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 154, 2020.

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2018

Estimation of Local Heat Transfer Coefficient from Natural Convection Experiments using Liquid Crystal Thermography and Bayesian Method

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S. Jakkareddy and Balaji, C., “Estimation of Local Heat Transfer Coefficient from Natural Convection Experiments using Liquid Crystal Thermography and Bayesian Method”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 97, pp. 458 - 467, 2018.

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2018

A Non-intrusive Technique to Determine the Spatially Varying Heat Transfer Coefficients in a Flat Plate with Flush Mounted Heat Sources

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S. Jakkareddy and Balaji, C., “A Non-intrusive Technique to Determine the Spatially Varying Heat Transfer Coefficients in a Flat Plate with Flush Mounted Heat Sources”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 131, pp. 144 - 159, 2018.

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2017

A methodology to determine boundary conditions from forced convection experiments using liquid crystal thermography

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S. Jakkareddy and Balaji, C., “A methodology to determine boundary conditions from forced convection experiments using liquid crystal thermography”, Heat and Mass Transfer , vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 519-535, 2017.

Publisher : Springer

Year : 2016

Estimation of spatially varying heat transfer coefficient from a flat plate with flush mounted heat sources using Bayesian inference

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S. Jakkareddy and Balaji, C., “Estimation of spatially varying heat transfer coefficient from a flat plate with flush mounted heat sources using Bayesian inference”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 745, p. 032094, 2016.

Publisher : IOP Publishing

Conference Paper

Year : 2023

Numerical Analysis of a Buoyancy Driven Heat Transfer in an Enclosure with a Heat Source Mounted on the Bottom Wall

Cite this Research Publication : Sanjay Narayanan, Pradeep S. Jakkareddy, Numerical Analysis of a Buoyancy Driven Heat Transfer in an Enclosure with a Heat Source Mounted on the Bottom Wall. Materials today proceedings (under revision) (2023) Publisher: Elsevier.

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2023

Inverse estimation of volumetric heat generation rate from a protruding heat source under natural convection

Cite this Research Publication : Rakes Siva, Pradeep S. Jakkareddy, Inverse estimation of volumetric heat generation rate from a protruding heat source under natural convection. AIP Conference Proceedings (at production stage of the publisher) (2023).

Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings

Year : 2023

CFD Analysis of Lance and Offset Fin Compact Heat Exchangers with Different Fluids

Cite this Research Publication : Rahul Vamsi Katabathuni, Mayank Dey, Rahul Agarwal, Pradeep S. Jakkareddy, CFD Analysis of Lance and Offset Fin Compact Heat Exchangers with Different Fluids. AIP Conference Proceedings (at production stage of the publisher) (2023).

Publisher : AIP

Year : 2022

An Inverse Technique to Estimate the Heat Flux of a Slab with Transient Heat Conduction

Cite this Research Publication : Gollamudi, S., Jakkareddy, P.S. (2022). "An Inverse Technique to Estimate the Heat Flux of a Slab with Transient Heat Conduction," In: Govindan, K., Kumar, H., Yadav, S. (eds) Advances in Mechanical and Materials Technology . EMSME 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

Publisher : Springer

Year : 2021

Natural Convection Heat Transfer on the Strip Heaters Flushed on the Vertical Flat Plate: A Numerical Study

Cite this Research Publication : A. Rupendra S. Prasad, Krishna, M. Venkata, and Pradeep S. Jakkareddy, “Natural Convection Heat Transfer on the Strip Heaters Flushed on the Vertical Flat Plate: A Numerical Study”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Thermofluids, Singapore, 2021.

Publisher : springer


Year : 2017

The combined artificial neural network – Genetic algorithm approach to determine the spatially varying heat transfer coefficient on a discrete strip heat sources flush mounted in a flat plate

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S. Jakkareddy and C. Balaji, The combined artificial neural network - Genetic algorithm approach to determine the spatially varying heat transfer coefficient on a discrete strip heat sources flush mounted in a flat plate, 6th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, 10-13 December 2017, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, India.

Year : 2016

Estimation of spatially varying heat transfer coefficient from a flat plate with flush mounted heat sources using Bayesian inference

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S. Jakkareddy and C. Balaji, Estimation of spatially varying heat transfer coefficient from a flat plate with flush mounted heat sources using Bayesian inference, 7th European Thermal-Sciences Conference 19-23 June 2016, Krakow, Poland.

Year : 2015

Estimation of heat flux from Bayesian inference and liquid crystal thermography experiments in a heat generating sphere enclosed in a cubical Teflon block

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S. Jakkareddy, B. Konda Reddy and C. Balaji, Estimation of heat flux from Bayesian inference and liquid crystal thermography experiments in a heat generating sphere enclosed in a cubical Teflon block, 23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December 2015, Trivandrum, Kerala.

Year : 2009

CFD Analysis of Non-Reacting Flow in a Reciprocating Engine During Complete Cycle with Undisturbed and Stable Moving Grid

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S. J, Pravin H, Ravi S. D,and Rajan N. K. S., CFD Analysis of Non-Reacting Flow in a Reciprocating Engine During Complete Cycle with Undisturbed and Stable Moving Grid, 11th Annual CFD Symposium 11th -12th August 2009, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Karnataka.

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