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Sai Hari Chandana Ekkirala

Research Assistant III, Center for Wireless Networks & Applications, Amritapuri

Qualification: B. Tech., MSc
ORCID Profile
Research Gate Profile
Research Interest: Geospatial Information Systems, Multi-hazard Interactions, Remote Sensing and Earth Observation, Systems Thinking Approaches, Understanding Cumulative Effects of Multi-Hazard Events


Hari Chandana currently serves as a Research Assistant III at the Center for Wireless Networks & Applications. Hari Chandana’s fields of interest lie in understanding natural hazard vulnerability and multi-hazard interactions in mountainous communities through geospatial information techniques and remote sensing. She aims to contribute to self-sustaining and long-term disaster risk reduction policies. Before joining Amrita, she worked as a Research Associate at Resurgence Urban Resilience Trust, London. She is also pursuing PhD under the supervision of Dr. Maneesha V Ramesh at Amrita Amrita School of Sustainable Development (AST) with the E4LIFE Scholarship. Her PhD thesis is on “Multi-Hazard Interactions analysis for the development of a Multi-Hazard Framework”.


  • M. Sc. Disasters, Adaptation and Development
    Kings College, London, United Kingdom.
  • BTech. Computer Science and Engineering
    Amrita School of Engineering – Amritapuri Campus, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India.

Conference Paper

Year : 2023

Identification of Community-Level Sustainability Indicators: A Climate Change and Risk Management Perspective

Cite this Research Publication : Ekkirala H.C., Brahma D, Amritesh AR, Imada de Lima F, Ramesh M.V., Singh B, Samaila M, and Ugo PD 2022. Identification of Community-Level Sustainability Indicators: A Climate Change and Risk Management Perspective. 2022 8th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research.

Publisher : SpringerLink

Year : 2022

Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Mapping of AgroForestry Degradation Using Spectral Indices

Cite this Research Publication : Panicker V.S., Ekkirala H.C., Ramesh M.V. (2022). Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Mapping of AgroForestry Degradation Using Spectral Indices. 2022 8th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research.

Publisher : 2022 8th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research.

Book Chapter

Year : 2022

Kerala Floods 2018: Causative Factors that Transformed Single Event to Multi-hazard Disaster

Cite this Research Publication : Ramesh, M.V., Sudarshan, V.C., Harilal, G.T., Singh, B., Sudheer, A., Ekkirala, H.C. (2022). Kerala Floods 2018: Causative Factors that Transformed Single Event to Multi-hazard Disaster. In: Kolathayar, S., Pal, I., Chian, S.C., Mondal, A. (eds) Civil Engineering for Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

Publisher : Civil Engineering for Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering. Springer, Singapore.

Work Experience
Year Affiliation
February 2022 – Present Research Trainee
Centre For Wireless Networks and Applications, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India
Faculty for MTech. in Geoinformatics and Earth Observation Program
October 2018 – January 2019 Research Associate
Resurgence Urban Resilience Trust, London, United Kingdom

Hari Chandana worked as a Research Associate at Resurgence Urban Resilience Trust, London, United Kingdom. She was part of a consortium project, DARAJA, funded by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. She worked on developing an EU Climate KIC Demonstrator grant application focusing on connecting national meteorological agencies with vulnerable communities n Tanzania and Kenya.

Project Title Project Description Role
Jivamritam: Purified Clean Drinking Water Initiative Empower communities to map & monitor water resources Extensive crowdsourced data to derive the water sustainability challenges in the communities and equip the stakeholders To develop strategies for water conservation, optimise water usage, Develop restoration of water resources, and build awareness of short and long term impacts. To create a dashboard to maintain village water resources and water quality for over 250 villages in India using GIS, Remote Sensing and Insitu measurements.
Examining Lessons Learnt from the Kerala Floods of 2018: A Needs Assessment for Designing Safe and Sensitive Temporary Shelters (Housing) in Villages To understand the hesitancy behind moving to temporary shelters during floods. To identify ideal shelter locations and to optimise shelter conditions to make them more favourable to the flood-affected communities in Kerala. Conduct semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with target communities on understanding the issues they face in shelters. To use GIS to locate existing and optimal locations for future flood shelters in Kerala.
Landslide early warning system deployment Use of wireless network sensors, Remote Sensing, Machine learning and GIS to deploy early warning detection sensors in the mountainous regions of India. To identify landslide suspbtible areas by applying remote sensing and other earth observation techniques. To identify suitable locations for early warning wireless network sensors deployments
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