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Dr. Sivasubramanian G.

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of Physical Sciences, Coimbatore

Qualification: BSc, MSc, Ph.D
Google Scholar Profile
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Research Interest: Sustainable chemical science, cultural sustainability, heterogeneous catalysis, functional food contact materials, bio-ceramics


Dr. G. Sivasubramnian currently serves as Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of Physical Sciences, Coimbatore Campus.


Journal Article

Year : 2025

Electrical behaviour, dielectric properties, then optical behaviour of nickel, magnesium doped/codoped zinc oxide along with preparation, and characterisation

Cite this Research Publication : A. Athira, Bindu P. Nair, A. Chithra Mohan, Beena Saraswathyamma, G. Sivasubramanian, K.M. Sreekanth, K.M. Sreedhar, Electrical behaviour, dielectric properties, then optical behaviour of nickel, magnesium doped/codoped zinc oxide along with preparation, and characterisation, Ceramics International,2025, ISSN 0272-8842,

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2024

Biogenic silica-zinc catalyst from cow dung: Comprehensive analysis, toxicological and photocatalytic efficacy

Cite this Research Publication : P. Archana, P. Lasya, Saranya Rajendran, K.M. Sreedhar, K.M. Sreekanth, G. Sivasubramanian, Biogenic silica-zinc catalyst from cow dung: Comprehensive analysis, toxicological and photocatalytic efficacy, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2024, ISSN 2214-7853, (

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

Year : 2024

Ferromagnetic ZnO nanostructures from an organo zinc complex formulated via Piper Longum L-assisted green synthesis: Multifaceted prospects in photocatalysis, antimicrobial activity, and cell viability studies

Cite this Research Publication : Daphne Mary Johna, Nilesh S, Pillaia, Akshay Sivana, Lasya P Archana P, K.M. Sreekanth, Sivasubramanian, Sreedhar K.M, "Ferromagnetic ZnO nanostructures from an organo zinc complex formulated via Piper Longum L-assisted green synthesis: Multifaceted prospects in photocatalysis, antimicrobial activity, and cell viability studies", Research article Volume 10, Issue 13e33360July 15, 2024Open access

Year : 2024

Sustainable Materials Through Cultural Integration: From Vintage to Modern Functionality

Cite this Research Publication : Ganarajan Sivasubramanian, V. K. Mahesh, P. Archana et al. Sustainable Materials Through Cultural Integration: From Vintage to Modern Functionality, 13 September 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square []

Year : 2024

Sulphanilamide degradation by undoped and copper doped ZnO, and ferromagnetic properties of fresh, aged, and heat-treated aged ZnO

Cite this Research Publication : Daphne Mary John, Sreerag Kaaliveetil Yadhu J. NairG. Sivasubramanian, K.M. Sreedhar,  K.M. Sreekanth, Sulphanilamide degradation by undoped and copper doped ZnO, and ferromagnetic properties of fresh, aged, and heat-treated aged ZnO, Research articleVolume 10, Issue 23e40833December 15, 2024

Year : 2024

Multifaceted properties of Ni and Zn codoped MgO nanoparticles

Cite this Research Publication : Mohan, A.C., Athira, A., Nair, B.P. et al. Multifaceted properties of Ni and Zn codoped MgO nanoparticles. Sci Rep 14, 32067 (2024).

Year : 2023

Photocatalytic and Biological Activities of Spherical Shape Cellulose/Silver Nanocomposites Using Xenostegia tridentata (L.) Leaf Extract

Cite this Research Publication : Shanmugam Chinnadurai, Sathishkumar Saravanan, Sridevi Chinnathambi, Sivakumar Sivalingam, Govindhan Poongavanam, Sivasubramanian Ganarajan, Baskaran Krishnan, Parthasarathi Bera, Parameswaran Veembil Ramachandra Iyer, Liviu Mitu, Photocatalytic and Biological Activities of Spherical Shape Cellulose/Silver Nanocomposites Using Xenostegia tridentata (L.) Leaf Extract ( Published 28 Jul 2023)

Year : 2023

ZnO codoped with Si and Mn–Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic reduction of hazardous chromium (VI) by the codoped ZnO

Cite this Research Publication : N Amal, M Athira Chandran, KM Sreekanth, G Sivasubramanian, A Chithra Mohan, SL Gowri, Rishika Narendran, KM Sreedhar, "
ZnO codoped with Si and Mn–Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic reduction of hazardous chromium (VI) by the codoped ZnO", Materials Today: Proceedings Volume 80 Pages 947-951, 2023

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2022

Antimicrobial and free radical scavenging activities of Cellulose/Silver-Nanocomposites with in situ generated silver nanoparticles using Cissampelos pareira leaf extract

Cite this Research Publication : Shanmugam, C., Sivasubramanian, G., Govindhan, P. et al. Antimicrobial and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Cellulose/Silver-Nanocomposites with In Situ Generated Silver Nanoparticles Using Cissampelos Pareira Leaf Extract. J Clust Sci 33, 1727–1737 (2022).

Publisher : Springer Nature Link

Year : 2021

Preparation and characterisation of nickel oxide and nickel oxide codoped with magnesium and zinc

Cite this Research Publication : Erin Ann Sunny , Nahan Nazar , M Bhagyalakshmi , S Sooryanarayanan, A Chithra Mohan , Jomol Mariyam Thomas , Varsha Nair , G Sivasubramanian , K M Sreekanth , K M Sreedhar, Preparation and characterisation of nickel oxide and nickel oxide codoped with magnesium and zinc,2021.

Year : 2021

Micro circular economy conceptualized though the sustainable synthesis of a valuable opaline silica based microcidal, non-cytotoxic and free radical scavenging, composite from the dung of vechur cattle – A rare breed of bos taurus indicus

Cite this Research Publication : Mohan, L.; Archana, P.; Varma, M. M.; Kocherla, M.; Sreedhar, K. M.; Sreekanth, K. M.; Sivasubramanian, G. Micro Circular Economy Conceptualized Though the Sustainable Synthesis of a Valuable Opaline Silica Based Microcidal, Non-Cytotoxic and Free Radical Scavenging, Composite from the Dung of Vechur Cattle – A Rare Breed of Bos Taurus Indicus. Materials Today: Proceedings 2021, S2214785320401397

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

Year : 2020

Synthesis and Characterizations of a Versatile Silica Incorporated Magnesium-Zinc Oxide Photocatalyst

Cite this Research Publication : Chandran, M. A.; Amal, N.; Sreedhar, K. M.; Sivasubramanian, G.; Sreekanth, K. M. Synthesis and Characterizations of a Versatile Silica Incorporated Magnesium-Zinc Oxide Photocatalyst. RJC 2020, 13 (04), 2616–2625

Publisher : RJC

Year : 2020

Sprouting “sustainability” in chemical sciences curriculum

Cite this Research Publication : Ganarajan, S.; Ashok, K. Sprouting “Sustainability” in Chemical Sciences Curriculum. Environ Dev Sustain 2020.

Publisher : Environ Dev Sustain

Year : 2018

Co-Precipitation as A Tool for Effective Doping of Magnesium in Zinc Oxide: Studies On Structural, Optical And Photocatalytic Properties

Cite this Research Publication : Varma, U. S.; Gautham, P.; Kumar, D. V. R.; Sreekanth, K. M.; Sivasubramanian, G.; Sreedhar, K. M. Co-Precipitation as A Tool for Effective Doping of Magnesium in Zinc Oxide: Studies On Structural, Optical And Photocatalytic Properties. RJC 2018, 11 (4), 1491–1500

Publisher : RJC

Year : 2018

Synthesis, structural and optical properties of Mn Doped ZnO with its photocatalytic activity

Cite this Research Publication : Gautham, P.; Varma, U. S.; Sreekanth, K. M.; Kumar, D. V. R.; Sreedhar, K. M.; Sivasubramanian, G. Synthesis, Structural and Optical Properties of Mn Doped ZnO with Its Photocatalytic Activity. Asian J. Chem. 2018, 30 (12), 2631–2637

Publisher : Asian Journal of Chemistry

Year : 2016

Antimicrobial, Free Radical Scavenging Activities and Catalytic Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol by Nano-silver Synthesized from the Leaf Extract of Aristolochia Indica L.: a Promenade Towards Sustainability

Cite this Research Publication : C. Shanmugam, Sivasubramanian, G., Parthasarathi, B., Baskaran, K., Balachander, R., and Parameswaran, V. R., “Antimicrobial, Free Radical Scavenging Activities and Catalytic Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol by Nano-silver Synthesized from the Leaf Extract of Aristolochia Indica L.: a Promenade Towards Sustainability”, Applied Nanoscience, vol. 6, pp. 711–723, 2016.

Publisher : Applied Nanoscience, Volume 6, Number 5, p.711–723

Year : 2016

Diverse Spectroscopic Studies and First-Principles Investigations of the Zinc Vacancy Mediated Ferromagnetism in Mn-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles

Cite this Research Publication : R. Ponnusamy, Selvaraj, S. C., Ramachandran, Mc, Murugan, P., Nambissan, P. M. G., and Sivasubramanian, D., “Diverse Spectroscopic Studies and First-Principles Investigations of the Zinc Vacancy Mediated Ferromagnetism in Mn-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles”, Crystal Growth and Design, vol. 16, pp. 3656-3668, 2016.ferromagnetism (RTFM), Saturation magnetization, Spectroscopic analysis, Vacancies, zinc, Zinc oxide, zinc sulfide

Publisher : Crystal Growth and Design, American Chemical Society

Year : 2015

A Simple, Efficient and Sustainable Route to Cellulose/Cu Nanocomposite-Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial and Free Radical Scavenging Activities

Cite this Research Publication : Cottayil, S. K.; Mohan, M.; G. Sivasubramanian,. A Simple, Efficient and Sustainable Route to Cellulose/Cu Nanocomposite-Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial and Free Radical Scavenging Activities. J Green SciTechnol 2015, 2 (1), 20–26

Publisher : J Green SciTechnol

Year : 2013

XPS Characterization and Bactericidal Properties of a Biomass Derived Silica-CopperNanocomposite

Cite this Research Publication : Sivasubramanian, G.; Shanmugam, C.; Bera, P.; Parameswaran, V. R. XPS Characterization and Bactericidal Properties of a Biomass Derived Silica-CopperNanocomposite. AdvSciEngng Med 2013, 5 (4), 342–348.

Publisher : AdvSciEngng Med

Year : 2013

Copper(II) Immobilized on Silica Extracted from Foxtail Millet Husk: A Heterogeneous Catalyst for the Oxidation of Tertiary Amines under Ambient Conditions

Cite this Research Publication : Sivasubramanian, G.; Shanmugam, C.; Parameswaran, V. R. Copper(II) Immobilized on Silica Extracted from Foxtail Millet Husk: A Heterogeneous Catalyst for the Oxidation of Tertiary Amines under Ambient Conditions. J Porous Mater 2013, 20 (2), 417–430.

Publisher : J Porous Mater

Year : 2007

Oxidation of N-Heterocyclics: A Green Approach

Cite this Research Publication : Sivasubramanian, G.; Parameswaran, V. R. Oxidation of N-Heterocyclics: A Green Approach. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 2007, 44 (6), 1223–1230

Publisher : Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry

Conference Paper

Year : 2022

ZnO and Mn doped ZnO generated under three different synthesis conditions and photocatalytic reduction of hazardous hexavalent chromium by these photocatalysts

Cite this Research Publication : Malavika Menon, Daphne Mary John, KM Sreekanth, G Sivasubramanian, PJ Sajna, Santhy S Dharan, Silpa Sathyan, L Devika, S Aiswarya, Karthik Raja, KM Sreedhar, ZnO and Mn doped ZnO generated under three different synthesis conditions and photocatalytic reduction of hazardous hexavalent chromium by these photocatalysts, Materialstoday: Proceedings,Volume 66, Part 4, 2022, Pages 2374-2380

Publisher : Materialstoday: Proceedings

Year : 2022

Foxtail millet husk as an innovative biomass in the preparation of silica-silver composite with antimicrobial and free radicle scavenging activities

Cite this Research Publication : PP Darshitha, Athul Ravi, P Lasya, Maneesha Menon, G Sivasubramanian, KM Sreekanth, KM Sreedhar, Foxtail millet husk as an innovative biomass in the preparation of silica-silver composite with antimicrobial and free radicle scavenging activities, Materialstoday: Proceedings, Volume 66, Part 4, 2022, Pages 1830-1836

Publisher : Materialstoday: Proceedings

Year : 2015

Cost Effective Table top Hydroponics System for Household Purpose

Cite this Research Publication : K.Chinmaya Krishna Tilak, N.Ravi Chandra, Sarath Potru, Prasanna Teja, Geena Prasad and GanarajanSivasubramanian
Cost Effective Table top Hydroponics System for Household Purpose, International Conference on Natural Resource Restoration Technologies – ICNRRT – 2015, Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, (April 2015)

Publisher : International Conference on Natural Resource Restoration Technologies – ICNRRT

Year : 2014

Uttrakhand Disaster: Sustainability Relegated? Disaster

Cite this Research Publication : N Krishnakanth, P V M Abhinash, K Raviteja, G SaivenkataPavan, Geena Prasad and
G Sivasubramanian,
Uttrakhand Disaster: Sustainability Relegated? Disaster, Risk and Vulnerability Conference 2014, Department of Geology, University of Kerala (Nov-2014) ISBN 9788192344928, page 201

Publisher : Risk and Vulnerability Conference

Year : 2012

Copper exchanged Na Y Zeolite: A versatile catalyst for the oxidation of tertiary amines under ambient conditions

Cite this Research Publication : G Sivasubramanian, C. Shanmugam and V. R. Parameswaran, (Oral)
Copper exchanged Na Y Zeolite: A versatile catalyst for the oxidation of tertiary amines under ambient conditions: National Seminar on New Vistas in catalysis and Surface Science (NVCSS-2012), Department of Chemistry, Annamalai University, March 2012.( Best oral presentation)

Publisher : National Seminar on New Vistas in catalysis and Surface Science (NVCSS-2012)

Year : 2011

Catalytic Oxidation of Tertiary Amines Using Molecular Oxygen

Cite this Research Publication : G Sivasubramanian, C. Shanmugam and V. R. Parameswaran (Oral)
Catalytic Oxidation of Tertiary Amines Using Molecular Oxygen: International Conference conducted by The Indian Council of Chemists, Bangkok, June -2011

Publisher : International Conference conducted by The Indian Council of Chemists

Year : 2011

Catalytic Oxidation of Alcohols Using Transition metal Complexes Anchored on Anion Exchange Resin

Cite this Research Publication : A Yogananth, P. ImtiyasRasool, G. Sivasubramanian and V. R. Parameswaran (Oral)
Catalytic Oxidation of Alcohols Using Transition metal Complexes Anchored on Anion Exchange Resin: International Conference on Chemistry and Environment, (ICCE-2011), Malaysia, May 2011

Publisher : International Conference on Chemistry and Environment

Year : 2008 A Web Portal- A compilation work about online resources in the field of catalysis

Cite this Research Publication : G Sivasubramanian and V. R. Parameswaran (Poster) A Web Portal- A compilation work about online resources in the field of catalysis: International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM-2008), School of Chemical Sciences, MG University, Kottayam, Kerala- February 2008.

Publisher : International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM-2008)

Conference Proceedings

Year : 2023

Manganese doped Zinc Oxide nanoparticles as an efficient photocatalyst in pharmaceutical degradation

Cite this Research Publication : Daphne Mary John, Sreerang N.K., K.M. Sreekanth, G. Sivasubramian, K.M. Sreedhar, SreeragKaliyaaveetil, “Manganese doped Zinc Oxide nanoparticles as an efficient photocatalyst in pharmaceutical degradation”, International conference on materials science and engineering (ICMSE 2023) held at NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, during November 23-25, 2023

Academic Qualifications
Degree University
Ph D. Chemistry Annamalai University, Tamil Nādu, India Title of the thesis: Oxidation of Some N-heterocyclics Using Anchored Catalysts 2005 – 2012
MSc Annamalai University, Tamil Nādu, India 2002 – 2004
BSc Chemistry, Calicut University, Kerala, India
Professional Appointments
Position Held Institute/University
Assistant Professor Department of Sciences, School of Physical Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore Campus Nov 27th 2015- Present
Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus July 2013-Nov 26th 2015
Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, Achariya College of Engineering Technology Feb 2013 – June 2013
Student Guidance

M.Sc. Thesis Guidance

  1. Miss. Archana P (CB.SC.P2CHE18002)- A Preliminary Investigation into the Influence of Indian Spices and Condiments on Aluminium Leaching from Aluminium Cookwares Under Ethnic Indian Cooking Condition- (May 2020)
  2. Miss. Muktha M Varma, (CB.SC.P2CHE18011), A Preliminary Investigation into the Influence of Indian Spices and Condiments on Aluminium leaching from Indalium Cookware under Ethnic Indian Cooking Conditions- (May 2020)
  3. Miss Lekshmi Mohan Nair, (CB.SC.I5CHE14011), Opaline Silica supported Copper(II) prepared from the dung of Bos Taurus indicus: Physicochemical Characterization, Antimicrobial Activity and Free Radical Scavenging Activities (May 2019)
  4. Miss Manisha R Menon, (CB.SC.I5CHE14012), Opaline Silica Supported Zn: Physicochemical Characterization, Free Radical Scavenging and Antimicrobial Activity (May 2019)

M.Sc. Thesis Co- Guidance

  1. Synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide nanorods and magnesium doped zinc oxide for the photocatalytic degradation of chromium (VI), Miss Sajna P J, CB.SC.I5PHY15025, (May 2020)
  2. Synthesis and characterization of Zinc Oxide nano rods and Manganese doped Zinc Oxide for photocatalytic degradation of chromium (VI), Miss-P MALAVIKA MENON, CB.SC.I5PHY15018 (May 2020)
  3. Opaline Silica supported Ag: Physicochemical Characterization, Free Radical Scavenging and Anti-Microbial Activity- Miss Darshitha PP- CB.SC.I5PHY14013 (May 2019)
  4. Synthesis and characterizations of versatile Silica incorporated magnesium zinc oxide photocatalyst- Miss AthiraChandran M- CB.SC.I5PHY14011 (May 2019)
  5. Synthesis of Biogenic Silica enriched Manganese–zinc oxide photocatalyst Mr. Amal N- CB.SC.I5PHY14003 (May 2019)
Awards & Achievements
  1. Received the prestigious research grant (principal investigator) SUTRA-PIC (Year-2021) from DST-Government of India for the project “utilization of micronutrients rich indigenous cow dung to develop an innovative dermal trace metal delivery system with multifunctional facets”. Sanction budget Rs 78,22,455.
  2. Received the prestigious research grant (Co-principal investigator) SHRI (Year-2023) from DST-Government of India for the project “An Archeotechnological innovation orchestrating a sustainable architecture towards functional food contact metallic surfaces for the indigent and ethno-classical art-theatre percussion instruments”. Sanction budget Rs 70,00,000. The project has 3 principal investigators, for technical reason Dr Sivasubramanian could not be put as principal investigator.
  3. Developed an advanced-biomass processing, analysis and product development laboratory– “Advanced Multifunctional Materials and Analysis Laboratory-AMMAL with state-of-the-art instrumentation and technology at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. The total budget -permanent assets- Rs 1.3 Cr. Recurring- Rs 1.0 Cr, Total- Rs 2.3 Cr. (Year 2021-2025).
  4. Member of the board of studies in MSc in Environmental Sciences with minor in Remote Sensing & Geographical Information Systems (RS & GIS) programme of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  5. Presented an Invited Lecture (green technologies for sustainability) in “VIDYUT 2020- National level Multifest” conducted by Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala on 29 Jan 2020.
  6. Presented an Invited Lecture (From Green to Sustainable Chemistry) in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Stimulating Concepts in Green Chemistry, conducted by Research and PG Department of Chemistry, Sree Narayana Mangalam College Maliankara, Kerala on 14 Nov 2014.
  7. Member- Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Germany(2011- )
  8. Senior Research Fellow, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi (2008-2011)
  9. First prize in Sixth National level Youth Parliament Competition conducted by Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Govt of India -2004
  • 18CHY333 Green Chemistry – UG elective
  • 18CHY643 Sustainable Chemical Science- PG elective
  • 18CHY644 Sustainable Techniques in Chemical Sciences- PG Elective
  • 15CHY100/18CHY101/18CHY101- first year Engineering Chemistry
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