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Dr. Rejikumar G

Professor, School of Business, Kochi

Qualification: B. Tech., MBA, Ph.D
ORCID Profile ID
Google Scholar Profile
Scopus Author ID
Research Interest: Data-Driven Marketing, E-Business, E-Commerce, Strategic Brand Management


Dr. Rejikumar G. is an accomplished and passionate teacher, with more than eight years of experience teaching management subjects at the postgraduate and Ph.D. level backed by a work experience of 20 years in the Central Revenue Service. An enthusiastic researcher with a distinguished record of 23 research articles published in Scopus listed journals (17 in ABDC list) and six articles under review in leading Scopus and ABDC indexed journals. 105 Scopus citations and 236 Google Scholar citations prove the relevance of research areas. A reviewer of manuscripts for IIMB Management Review, SAGE open, TQM Journal, IEE Consumer Magazine, Journal of Cleaner Production, and AMA conferences, to name a few. Adept at working with students, have encouraged them continuously to successfully innovate and upskill in turn helping to achieve successful placements. A thorough team player well versed in creating a robust curriculum in the fields of Data-Driven Marketing, E-Commerce, E-Business and Strategic Brand Management. Through numerous FDP’s, MDP’s and a successful record of consultancy for export firms have helped academic and business entities for better performance. Dr. Rejikumar received the Emerald Literati Award 2020 for the best commended research paper for “Healthcare service quality: a methodology for servicescape re-design using Taguchi approach”, published in the “The TQM Journal”.

Major Consultancy Assignments

Consultant / Advisor to lead the study on “Kerala State Export competitiveness” for Federation of Indian Export Organisations(set up by Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India)


Journal Article

Year : 2022

The role of cognitive complexity and risk aversion in online herd behavior

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G., Asokan-Ajitha, Aswathyb, Dinesh, Sofia, Jose, Ajayc A. "The role of cognitive complexity and risk aversion in online herd behavior", Electronic Commerce ResearchVolume 22, Issue 2, Pages 585 - 621 June 2022

Year : 2021

A Study on the Extension of TAM Model with TPB in the Adoption of Mobile Payment Applications

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Dhanya Manayath and Dr. Rejikumar G., “A Study on the Extension of TAM Model with TPB in the Adoption of Mobile Payment Applications ”, International Journal of Business Information Systems (Accepted and In Press), 2021.

Publisher : International Journal of Business Information Systems

Year : 2021

An integrated framework for service quality, choice overload, customer involvement and satisfaction: Evidence from India’s non-life insurance sector (ABDC-B)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G., Sreedharan V. R. and Saha R.(2021), "An integrated framework for service quality, choice overload, customer involvement and satisfaction: Evidence from India’s non-life insurance sector", Management Decision, Vol. 59 No. 4, pp. 801-828.

Publisher : Emerald

Year : 2021

Role of Impulsiveness in Online Purchase Completions: An Empirical Study among Indian Customers (ABDC –C)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G. and Aswathy Asokan Ajitha (2021), "Role of impulsiveness in online purchase completion intentions: an empirical study among Indian customers", Journal of Indian Business Research, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 189-222.

Publisher : Emerald

Year : 2020

Role of impulsiveness in online purchase completion intentions: an empirical study among Indian customers

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G. and Aswathy, A. Ajitha, “Role of impulsiveness in online purchase completion intentions: an empirical study among Indian customers”, Journal of Indian Business Research, vol. ahead-of-print, 2020.

Publisher : Journal of Indian Business Research,

Year : 2020

Privacy Breach Perceptions and Litigation Intentions: An Evidence from Indian E-Commerce Customers (ABDC-B)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G, Gopikumar V, K. G. Sofi Dinesh, Aswathy Asokan-Ajitha, Ajay Jose, Privacy breach perceptions and litigation intentions: Evidence from e-commerce customers, IIMB Management Review, 2021,ISSN 0970-3896,

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2020

Examining the relationship between e-service recovery quality and e-service recovery satisfaction moderated by perceived justice in the banking context (ABDC-B)

Cite this Research Publication : Sonia Mathew, Ajay Jose, Rejikumar G., Dony Peter Chacko (2020), "Examining the relationship between e-service recovery quality and e-service recovery satisfaction moderated by perceived justice in the banking context", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 27 No. 6, pp. 1951-1980.

Publisher : Benchmarking: An International Journal, Emerald Publishing Limited,

Year : 2020

Improving patient care at a multi-speciality hospital using Lean Six Sigma (ABDC-A)

Cite this Research Publication : D. Jinil Persis, Anjali S., Vijaya Sunder M, Rejikumar G, V. Raja Sreedharan & Tarik Saikouk (2020) Improving patient care at a multi-speciality hospital using lean six sigma, Production Planning & Control, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2020.1852623.

Publisher : Taylor and Francis

Year : 2020

Demystifying collaborative consumption: A systematic literature review (Scopus)

Cite this Research Publication : K. G. Sofi Dinesh and Rejikumar G. (2020). Demystifying Collaborative Consumption: A Systematic Literature Review, International Journal of Business and Globalisation(Q4)

Publisher : Inderscience

Year : 2020

The Role of Cognitive Complexity and Risk Evasiveness in Online Herd Behavior

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G., Ajitha, A. Asokan, Sofi Dinesh, and Jose, A., “The Role of Cognitive Complexity and Risk Evasiveness in Online Herd Behavior”, Electronic Commerce Research (ABDC-A), 2020.

Publisher : Springer US

Year : 2020

Impact of data-driven decision-making in Lean Six Sigma: an empirical analysis (ABDC-C)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G., Aswathy Asokan A. and Sreedharan V. R. (2020). Impact of data-driven decision- making in Lean Six Sigma: an empirical analysis. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 31 (3-4), 279-296. (ABDC-C) (Publisher: Taylor and Francis)

Publisher : Taylor and Francis

Year : 2019

Acceptance of mobile payments and UPI technology – Indian context

Cite this Research Publication : S. S. Pillai, Sandhya G., and Dr. Rejikumar G., “Acceptance of mobile payments and UPI technology - Indian context”, International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence (IJBFMI), vol. 5, no. 3, 2019.

Publisher : International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence

Year : 2019

A Literature Review on Bitcoin: Transformation of Crypto Currency Into a Global Phenomenon (Scopus)

Cite this Research Publication : Manimuthu A., Raja Sreedharan, Rejikumar G. and Marwaha D. (2019). A literature review on Bitcoin: Transformation of crypto currency into a global phenomenon. IEEE Engineering Management Review. doi: 10.1109/EMR.2019.2901431 (Q4)

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2019

Industry 4.0: key findings and analysis from the literature arena (ABDC-B)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G., Arunprasad P., Persis J. and Sreeraj K. M. (2019), "Industry 4.0: key findings and analysis from the literature arena", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 26 No. 8, pp. 2514-2542.

Publisher : Emerald

Year : 2019

Healthcare Service Quality: A Methodology for Servicescape Re-design using Taguchi Approach (ABDC-B)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G., Aswathy Asokan Ajitha, Malavika S. Nair, and Raja Sreedharan V. (2019). "Healthcare service quality: a methodology for servicescape re-design using Taguchi approach", The TQM Journal, Vol. 31 Issue: 4, pp.600-619, (ABDC-B) (Publisher: Emerald)

Publisher : Emerald

Year : 2018

Pharmaceutical Marketing: Directions for Customer Orientation (Scopus)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G., Aswathy Asokan. A, and Gopi Kumar. V (2018). Pharmaceutical Marketing: Directions for Customer Orientation. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 11(8): Aug 2018 (Q2)

Publisher : Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology .

Year : 2018

Patient centeredness in health care: Perspectives from an empirical investigation (Scopus)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G. and K. S. Archana (2018). Patient Centeredness in Health Care: Perspectives from an Empirical Investigation. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, [S.l.], p. 450-456, Aug. 2018. (Q2)

Publisher : Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research.

Year : 2018

An exploratory study on information retention in social media platforms among Generation Y (ABDC-C)

Cite this Research Publication : Abhijith Unnikrishnan and Rejikumar G. (2018). An exploratory study on information retention in social media platforms among Generation Y, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 12(4), pp. 305-324 (ABDC-C) (Publisher: Inderscience)

Publisher : International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising.

Year : 2017

Customer perceived determinants of online buying: A conjoint experiment (Scopus)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G., Aswathy Asokan, A. (2017) Customer perceived determinants of online buying: A conjoint experiment. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 18-Special Issue, 1907-1918, (Q4)

Publisher : Institute of Advanced Scientific Research

Year : 2017

Information seeking behavior causing satisfaction modification intentions: An empirical study to address emerging challenges in a service context (ABDC-C)

Cite this Research Publication : "Information seeking behavior causing satisfaction modification intentions: An empirical study to address emerging challenges in a service context", Journal of Indian Business Research, Vol. 9 No. 4, pp. 304-328.

Publisher : Emerald

Year : 2016

Antecedents of Green Purchase Behaviour: An Examination of Moderating Role of Green Wash Fear (ABDC-C)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G. (2016). Antecedents of green purchase behaviour: An examination of moderating role of green wash fear. Global Business Review, 17(2), 332-350. (ABDC-C) (Publisher: Sage)

Publisher : Global Business Review, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd

Year : 2016

Antecedents of Green Purchase Behavior: An Examination of Moderating Role of Green Wash Fear

Cite this Research Publication : G. Rejikumar, “Antecedents of Green Purchase Behavior: An Examination of Moderating Role of Green Wash Fear”, Global Business Review, vol. 17, pp. 332-350, 2016.

Publisher : Global Business Review

Year : 2015

An Empirical Study on Antecedents of Perceived Service Recovery Quality in E- Banking Context (ABDC-C)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G. (2015). An empirical study on antecedents of perceived service recovery quality in e- banking context. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 20(3).

Publisher : ARRAY Development

Year : 2013

A pre-launch exploration of customer acceptance of usage based vehicle insurance policy

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G., “A pre-launch exploration of customer acceptance of usage based vehicle insurance policy”, IIMB Management Review, vol. 25, pp. 19 - 27, 2013

Publisher : IIMB Management Review

Year : 2013

Customer price sensitivity as a basis for moderation in satisfaction among mobile customers (ABDC-C)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G. (2013). Customer price sensitivity as a basis for moderation in satisfaction among mobile customers. Indian Journal of Marketing, 43(10), 33-46.

Publisher : Associated Management Consultants (P) Ltd.

Year : 2012

A pre-launch exploration of customer acceptance of usage based vehicle insurance policy (ABDC-B)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G. (2013). A pre-launch exploration of customer acceptance of usage-based vehicle insurance policy. IIMB Management Review, 25(1), 19-27.

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2012

An empirical study on service quality perceptions and continuance intention in mobile banking context in India (ABDC-C)

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G. and Ravindran D. S. (2012). An Empirical Study on Service Quality Perceptions and Continuance Intention in Mobile Banking Context in India. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 17(1), 1.

Publisher : Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce

Year : 2010

A Study on Consumer Decision Making Styles in Shopping Malls- A Study with respect to Malls in Chennai

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G., Ram, H. G., and Ravindran, S., “A Study on Consumer Decision Making Styles in Shopping Malls- A Study with respect to Malls in Chennai”, XIME Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, vol. 3, no. 1, 2010.

Publisher : XIME Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship

Year : 2010

Right for Performers in India

Cite this Research Publication : H. G. Ram, D. Ravindran, S., and Dr. Rejikumar G., “Right for Performers in India”, XIME Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 2010.

Publisher : XIME Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship

Year : 2010

Analysis of Service quality parameters among co-operative banks-a study with respect to Kerala

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G. and Ravindran, S., “Analysis of Service quality parameters among co-operative banks-a study with respect to Kerala”, Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, vol. 5, 2010.

Publisher : Journal of Contemporary Research in Management

Year : 2009

Recession Proof Marketing Practices

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G., “Recession Proof Marketing Practices”, RVS Journal of Management, vol. 1, 2009.

Publisher : RVS Journal of Management

Year : 2009

Analysis of Role Hierarchy as Predictor of Job Satisfaction: A Study among General Insurance Employees

Cite this Research Publication : H. G. Ram, D. Ravindran, S., and Dr. Rejikumar G., “Analysis of Role Hierarchy as Predictor of Job Satisfaction: A Study among General Insurance Employees”, J-GIBS Journal of Global Information and Business Strategy, vol. 1, 2009.

Publisher : J-GIBS Journal of Global Information and Business Strategy

Conference Paper

Year : 2020

Towards a theory of well-being in digital sports viewing behavior-A transformative service research approach

Cite this Research Publication : S. Mathew, Jose, A., and G., R., “Towards a theory of well-being in digital sports viewing behavior-A transformative service research approach”, in CONVERGENCE 2020,Jagdish Sheth School of Management (Formerly IFIM Business School), December 18-19, 2020, 2020.

Publisher : Jagdish Sheth School of Management

Year : 2020

Managing the mind in the VUCA world: Insights from Indian wisdom

Cite this Research Publication : Sofi Dinesh, Richa Sahay & Rejikumar G., Managing the mind in the VUCA world: Insights from Indian wisdom, International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought, IIMK, January 16- 18, 2020

Publisher : IIMK

Year : 2019

Consumer Behavior in Collaborative Consumption: Analysing the role of cognitive complexity and psychological empowerment on customer value

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G. and Sofi Dinesh, “Consumer Behavior In Collaborative Consumption: Analysing The Role Of Cognitive Complexity And Psychological Empowerment On Customer Value”, in 2019 AMA Summer Academic Conference, Chicago, IL, August 9-11, 2019.

Year : 2018

Lean Sigma Deployment for Process Improvement in an OEM plant: A case study

Cite this Research Publication : Sneha Mohandas and Rejikumar G., “Lean Sigma Deployment for Process Improvement in an OEM plant: A case study”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing (EECCMC), January 2018

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2013

An Empirical study on Moderating effects of Price Sensitiveness in Mobile Telecom Context

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G. “An Empirical study on Moderating effects of Price Sensitiveness in Mobile Telecom Context” at 5th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, IIMA, January 2013

Publisher : IIMA conference Proceedings: 5th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, IIMA

Conference Proceedings

Year : 2019

An examination of customer reviews for service process innovations: A study with respect to E-travel services (Scopus)

Cite this Research Publication : G. Rejikumar, V. Nimisha and S. V. Mohan, "An examination of customer reviews for service process innovations: A study with respect to E-travel services," 2019 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), 2019, pp. 152-157, doi: 10.1109/ICoAC48765.2019.246832.

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2019

The Role of cognitive complexity and risk evasiveness in herd behavior

Cite this Research Publication : Rejikumar G. and K.G.Sofi Dinesh, The Role of Cognitive Complexity and Risk Evasiveness in Herd Behavior, 2019 AMA Summer Academic Conference at Chicago, IL on August 9-11.

Year : 2018

Collaborative Consumption: Scope and Challenges from the Consumers’ Perspective (Scopus)

Cite this Research Publication : K.G.Sofi Dinesh and Rejikumar G., “Collaborative Consumption: Scope and Challenges from the Consumers’ Perspective”, International Conference on Advances in Business Management- ICABM, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune, December 2018

Year : 2017

An Investigation on Service Quality Attributes of Indian Hotels by Text Mining (Scopus)

Cite this Research Publication : A. Ravindran and G. Rejikumar, "An Investigation on Service Quality Attributes of Indian Hotels by Text Mining," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2017, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCIC.2017.8524566.

Publisher : 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), IEEE

Year : 2010

A Study on Globalization trends in retail industry and its impact on consumer perception about retailing

Cite this Research Publication : S. D. Ravindran and Dr. Rejikumar G., “A Study on Globalization trends in retail industry and its impact on consumer perception about retailing”, International Conference on International Business – Socio Economic, Strategic, Ecological, Political and Technological Trends and Dimensions. Albertian Institute of Management, Kerala, 2010.

Publisher : International Conference on International Business – Socio Economic, Strategic, Ecological, Political and Technological Trends and Dimensions

Year : 2010

Strategic Positioning of India in the Global Tourism map- A study on Strategic Positioning and Setting up of a model for Sustainable Development

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G., D. Ravindran, S., and Ram, H. G., “Strategic Positioning of India in the Global Tourism map- A study on Strategic Positioning and Setting up of a model for Sustainable Development”, International conference of Strategic Management Forum on “Challenges to inclusive growth in emerging economies". IIMA, 2010.

Publisher : International conference of Strategic Management Forum on “Challenges to inclusive growth in emerging economies

Year : 2010

Globalisation of Retail Industry

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G., “Globalisation of Retail Industry”, International Conference on International Business – Socio Economic, Strategic, Ecological, Political and Technological Trends and Dimensions. Himalaya publishing house, Albertian Institute of Management, Kerala, 2010.

Publisher : Himalaya publishing house

Year : 2009

Significance of green marketing practices- A Road Map to India Vison 2050

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G. and D. Ravindran, S., “Significance of green marketing practices- A Road Map to India Vison 2050”, National Seminar on India 2050: Vision and Strategy. Albertian Institute of Management, Kerala, 2009.

Publisher : Albertian Institute of Management

Year : 2009

Influence of Celebrity Endorsement in Buying Decisions

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G. and D. Ravindran, S., “Influence of Celebrity Endorsement in Buying Decisions”, National Conference on Innovative Practices in Management. Department of Management Studies, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering college, Coimbatore, 2009.

Publisher : Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering college, Coimbatore

Year : 2009

Evaluation of Policy framework for Achieving Global Competitiveness – A study with reference to Spices industry in India

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G. and D. Ravindran, S., “Evaluation of Policy framework for Achieving Global Competitiveness - A study with reference to Spices industry in India”, Conference on Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporate. Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, 2009.

Publisher : Conference on Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporate

Year : 2009

Analysis of Service Quality Parameters among Cooperative Banks – a study with respect to Kerala

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G. and D. Ravindran, S., “Analysis of Service Quality Parameters among Cooperative Banks - a study with respect to Kerala”, National Conference on Business Research. PSG Institute of Management, 2009.

Publisher : PSG Institute of Management

Year : 2009

Analysis of Brand Equity Concepts for a Business school

Cite this Research Publication : S. D. Ravindran and Dr. Rejikumar G., “Analysis of Brand Equity Concepts for a Business school”, International Conference 2k9 on New Trends in Business Education. St.Joseph’s College, Irinjalakuda, Kerala, 2009.

Publisher : St.Joseph’s College, Irinjalakuda

Book Chapter

Year : 2023

Revamping an E-Application for User Experience: A Case Study of eSanjeevaniOPD App

Cite this Research Publication : Menon, R.V., Rejikumar, G. "Revamping an E-Application for User Experience: A Case Study of eSanjeevaniOPD App", Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2023, 396, pp. 405–415

Magazine Article

Year : 2013

Re-defining Marketing Paradigm-In Search of an Innovative Marketing Mix

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Rejikumar G., “Re-defining Marketing Paradigm-In Search of an Innovative Marketing Mix”, Souvenir on SME coating Industry Conference, 2013.

Publisher : Souvenir on SME coating Industry Conference

Professional Appointments
October 2015 – Present Professor, School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi
June 2015 – October 2015 Director, AIMA (All India Management Association) Nodal Center, Ernakulam
June 2014 – May 2015 Director, Department of Management Studies, Naipunnya Institute of Management & Technology, Angamally, Kerala
November 2013- May 2014 Associate Professor and HOD, MBA department,
Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam
April 2012 – September 2013 Assistant Professor, Rajagiri Business School, Cochin
1992 – 2012 (20 years) Revenue Service, Govt. of India
  • Life Member, Kochi Chapter, Operations Research Society of India
  • Life Member, Engineer’s Club, Ernakulam
  • Life member, Rajiv Gandhi Sports Council, Cochin
  • Trustee, Jwala Trust, Ernakulam
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