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Dr. Anand Prem P. K.

Assistant Professor, Center for Wireless Networks and Applications, Amritapuri.

Qualification: BE, M.E, Ph.D
Research Interest: Optical Fiber Technologies , Embedded Sytems


Dr. Anand Prem P. K. currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the Center for Wireless Networks and Applications, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri. His area of research is in the field of Optical Communication. He completed his PhD at Anna University Chennai. He has more than three years of teaching experience and four years of research experience. He is also interested in Digital Communication and VLSI Technology. He received excellent teaching performance awards from previous institutions. He pursued his B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering and M.E. in Applied Electronics from Anna University affiliated colleges. He has an Indian patent, one book published, more than 10 SCI, and Scopus journal publications.

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