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Dr. Remya S. N.

Assistant Professor, School for Sustainable Futures, Amritapuri

Qualification: Ph.D
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Research Interest: Glacial Dynamics, Climate Change, Remote Sensing, Permafrost, Geomorphology, Cryospheric Hazards


Dr. Remya S.N. serves as an Assistant Professor in the School for Sustainable Futures at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, India.

She has many distinguished academic records to her credit, including study at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland and research experience of 7 years at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.

Dr. Remya is a recipient of the prestigious Nehru- Grimsson Fellowship from the President of Iceland and a Grant Winner of the International Glaciological Society (IGS) & American Geophysical Union (AGU).

Dr. Remya is instrumental in identifying the Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) potential of South Lhonak Glacial Lake, Sikkim Himalaya through Satellite data and modelling which resulted in establishing the First-time Automated Glacial Lake monitoring system in India by Govt. of India.

She has published many research papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings. She has worked on DST/SERB-funded projects. She serves as a reviewer for many reputed international journals.


Journal Article

Year : 2024

Dynamics of Gangotri Glacier, India: unravelling the influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors

Cite this Research Publication : Thanveer, J., Ramiz, M., Siddiqui, M.A. et al. Dynamics of Gangotri Glacier, India: unravelling the influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2024).

Publisher : Springer Nature

Year : 2024

Observing changes in the present and paleo-glacial extents of major glaciers in the Alaknanda Basin of Central Himalaya

Cite this Research Publication : S.N. Remya, Tajdarul Hassan Syed, Anil V. Kulkarni, H.C. Nainwal, Aditya Mishra, Babu Govindha Raj K.,
Observing changes in the present and paleo-glacial extents of major glaciers in the Alaknanda Basin of Central Himalaya, Geomorphology, Volume 461, 2024, 109287, ISSN 0169-555X | Impact Factor - 3.9

Year : 2023

Relevance of Data Analytics in Fisheries: Unveiling Insights for Sustainable Management – A Systematic Literature Review

Cite this Research Publication : Lukambagire Isaac, Matovu Baker, Bhavani R Rao, Meltem Alkoyak Yildiz, S. N. Remya, Relevance of Data Analytics in Fisheries: Unveiling Insights for Sustainable Management-A Systematic Literature Review,2023 (IF=1)

Year : 2023

A Framework to Identify Rock Glaciers and Model Mountain Permafrost in the Jhelum Basin, Kashmir Himalaya, India

Cite this Research Publication : S. N. Remya, Tirthankar Ghosh, Vivek Agarwal, Zahid Majeed, Babu Govindha Raj K, Aanchal Sharma, Anil V. Kulkarni, Muneer Ahmad Mukhtar, Rakesh Mishra, "A Framework to Identify Rock Glaciers and Model Mountain Permafrost in the Jhelum Basin, Kashmir Himalaya, India",Advancing Earth And Space Science, 2023 (IF=3.21)

Publisher : AGU Journals

Year : 2023

Influence of climate and non-climatic attributes on declining glacier mass budget and surging in Alaknanda Basin and its surroundings

Cite this Research Publication : Bhattacharya, A., Mukherjee, K., King, O., Karmakar, S., Remya, S. N., Kulkarni, A. V., & Bolch, T., "Influence of climate and non-climatic attributes on declining glacier mass budget and surging in Alaknanda Basin and its surroundings," Global and Planetary Change, Volume 230,104260. (2023). IF=3.9

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2023

Himalayan glacier thickness mapper (HIGTHIM) tool: An automated approach to map potential glacier lakes and expansion of existing lakes

Cite this Research Publication : Srinivasalu, P., Kulkarni, A. V., Remya, S. N., Shirsat, T., & Goswami, A., "Himalayan glacier thickness mapper (HIGTHIM) tool: An automated approach to map potential glacier lakes and expansion of existing lakes," Polar Science, 101008. (2023) IF=1.8

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2022

Glacier mass loss in the Alaknanda basin, Garhwal Himalaya on a decadal scale

Cite this Research Publication : S. N. Remya, Anil V. Kulkarni, Tajdarul Hassan Syed & Harish Chandra Nainwal (2022), "Glacier mass loss in the Alaknanda basin, Garhwal Himalaya on a decadal scale", Geocarto International, 37:10, 3014-3032.

Year : 2022

Manifestation of topography and climate variations on long-term glacier changes in the Alaknanda Basin of Central Himalaya, India

Cite this Research Publication : S. N. Remya, Tajdarul Hassan Syed, Anil V. Kulkarni & R. Anand (2022), "Manifestation of topography and climate variations on long-term glacier changes in the Alaknanda Basin of Central Himalaya, India", Geocarto International, 37:26, 11010-11029, Taylor & Francis, DOI:

Publisher : Taylor & Francis

Year : 2019

Volume Estimation of Existing and Potential glacier lakes, Sikkim Himalaya, India

Cite this Research Publication : Remya, S. N., Kulkarni, A. V., Pradeep, S., & Shrestha, D. G., (2019). "Volume estimation of existing and potential glacier lakes, Sikkim Himalaya, India", Current Science, 116(4), 620-627, Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences.

Publisher : Indian Academy of Sciences

Year : 2018

Science Brief: Glacier lake Outburst Flood

Cite this Research Publication : Ashutosh Kulkarni, Pratibha S, Remya S N, Anil V. Kulkarni and Satheesh S K, (2018) "Glacier Lake Outburst Flood", Science Brief, Divecha Centre for Climate Change, IISc, Publisher: Indian Institute of Science, 2018.

Year : 2013

Remote sensing-based inventory of glacial lakes in Sikkim Himalaya: semi-automated approach using satellite data

Cite this Research Publication : Babu K. Govindha Raj, Vinod K Kumar & Remya S.N., "Remote sensing-based inventory of glacial lakes in Sikkim Himalaya: semi-automated approach using satellite data", Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 4:3, 241 - 253, Publisher : Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2012.707153, 2013.

Publisher : Taylor & Francis

Year : 2013

Remote sensing-based hazard assessment of glacial lakes in Sikkim Himalaya

Cite this Research Publication : Raj, K. B. G., Remya, S. N., & Kumar, K. V., "Remote sensing-based hazard assessment of glacial lakes in Sikkim Himalaya," Current Science, 359-364. Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences. (2013)

Publisher : Indian Academy of Sciences

Conference Paper

Year : 2020

Glacier Changes in the Alaknanda Basin from 1882-2018

Cite this Research Publication : Remya, S.N., Kulkarni, A.V., Syed, T. H. (2020), "Glacier Changes in the Alaknanda basin from 1882-2018," in International Conference for Himalayan Cryosphere -2020, October 19-23, 2020, Bangalore, India (ICHC-2020) .

Year : 2019

Volume estimation of existing and potential glacier lakes, Sikkim Himalaya, India

Cite this Research Publication : Remya. S N, Kulkarni., A.V., Pradeep. and Shrestha, (2019), "Volume estimation of existing and potential glacier lakes, Sikkim Himalaya, India," in Water Future International Conference, September 24 - 27, 2019, Bengaluru, India.

Year : 2018

An Estimate of Glacier Stored Ice in the Sikkim Himalaya

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S, Anil V. Kulkarni and Remya S N (2018) "An Estimate of Glacier Stored Ice in the Sikkim Himalaya" in Conference on State of the Cryosphere in the Himalaya: With a focus on Sikkim and Eastern Himalayas Gaps, Challenges, and Opportunities, February 19-20 2018, Gangtok, Sikkim.

Publisher : DST, Govt of Sikkim

Year : 2017

Estimation of glacier stored water using scaling and laminar flow model: A case study in Parbati basin

Cite this Research Publication : Remya S N, Anil V. Kulkarni and S Pradeep, 2017. "Estimation of glacier stored water using scaling and laminar flow model: A case study in Parbati basin" in National conference on Himalayan cryosphere, January 23-24, 2017, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (NCHC-2017).

Publisher : Indian Institute of Science

Year : 2016

Development of new method to estimate glacier stored water: A case study in Parbati basin

Cite this Research Publication : Remya S N, Anil V. Kulkarni and S Pradeep ( 2016) "Development of new method to estimate glacier stored water: A case study in Parbati basin" in On Thin Ice: Arctic, Antarctic and the Himalayas, November 29-30, 2016, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Publisher : JNU & Royal Norwegian Embassy

Year : 2015

Recession of Milam glacier, Kumaon Himalaya from Stereo data of CORONA to CARTOSAT

Cite this Research Publication : Remya S N and K. B. Govindha Raj (2015) "Recession of Milam glacier, Kumaon Himalaya from Stereo data of CORONA to CARTOSAT" in National Climate Science Conference (NCSC), Indian Institute of Science (IISC), Bangalore, 2015.

Publisher : Indian Institute of Science.

Year : 2014

Recession of Khatling Glacier monitored through Corona to OLI

Cite this Research Publication : Remya S N and K. B. Govindha Raj (2014) "Recession of Khatling Glacier monitored through Corona to OLI" in Second International Conference on Cryosphere of the Hindu Kush Himalaya: State of the Knowledge and Hindu Kush Himalayan Cryosphere Data Sharing Workshop, May 13-16, 2014, The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal.

Publisher : ICIMOD

Year : 2012

Remote Sensing based Identification of Potentially dangerous Glacial Lakes: A case study in Sikkim Himalaya

Cite this Research Publication : K. Babu Govindha Raj, Remya S N and K. Vinod Kumar (2012) "Remote Sensing based “Identification of Potentially dangerous Glacial Lakes: A case study in Sikkim Himalaya", in the Third International Geo-Hazards Symposium (IGRS), June 10-14, 2012, HNB Uttarakhand, India, 2012

Publisher : International Geo-Hazards Research Society

Conference Proceedings

Year : 2022

Recession and Reconstruction of Glaciers in the Alaknanda Basin from Space and Ground Observations, Central Himalaya, India

Cite this Research Publication : Remya, S. N., Kulkarni, A. V., Syed, T. H., "Recession and Reconstruction of glaciers in the Alaknanda Basin from space and ground observations, Central Himalaya, India", in International Symposium on Ice, Snow and Water in a warming world, Reykjavik, Iceland (Cryosphere 22, Reykjavik, Iceland), International Glaciological Society, August 21 -26, 2022.

Year : 2019

Assessing Glacier Mass Loss in the Alaknanda Basin of Garhwal Himalaya, during 2000-2017

Cite this Research Publication : Remya S N., Kulkarni, A.V., Syed, T.H. and Nainwal, H.C (2019) "Assessing Glacier Mass Loss in the Alaknanda Basin of Garhwal Himalaya, during 2000-2017," in American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Publisher: American Geophysical Union, December 09-13, 2019, San Francisco, USA (AGU 2019).

Publisher : American Geophysical Union

Year : 2018

An estimate of glacier stored ice in the Satluj and Beas Basins of the Himalaya

Cite this Research Publication : Pradeep S, Anil V. Kulkarni, Anisha Godha, Ajanta Goswami, Remya S N and Others (2018), "An estimate of glacier stored ice in the Satluj and Beas Basins of the Himalaya," in European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, April 8-13, 2018, Vienna, Austria (EGU 2018).

Publisher : European Geosciences Union.

Book Chapter

Year : 2024

Quantifying Glacier Retreat and Elevated Lake Growth Using Remote Sensing for Disaster Management in the Western Himalayas

Cite this Research Publication : Remya, S. N., Prem, V., Ekkirala, S. H. C., & Arlikatti, S. (2024). "Quantifying Glacier Retreat and Elevated Lake Growth Using Remote Sensing for Disaster Management in the Western Himalayas," In: Singh, N, Babu, S.A. (eds.) Climate Crisis and Sustainable Solutions: Strategies for Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development (pp. 161-172). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

Publisher : Springer


Year : 2019

Himalayan Glacier Thickness Mapper (HIGTHIM)

Cite this Research Publication : Kulkarni, A. & Goswami, Ajanta & Ramsanakaran, Raaj & Singh, Gulab & Dashora, Ajai & Srinivasalu, Pradeep & Namboodiri, Remya & Krishnamurthy, Nagashri & Raman, Arya & Godha, Anisha. (2019), "Himalayan Glacier Thickness Mapper (HIGTHIM)", User Manual, Number of pages 34. This tool is written in python and gives spatial distribution of Glaciers, bottom topography and Location and extent of potential glaciet lake.

  • Ph. D. in Applied Geology: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-ISM), Dhanbad
  • M. Tech. in Geomatics: Indian Institute of Surveying & Mapping, Survey of India / Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
  • MCA: Bangalore University, Bengaluru
  • Life Member of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
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