Year : 2022
A prospective survey to determine the general awareness and knowledge on COVID vaccinations among general public attending the vaccination clinic under a tertiary care hospital
Cite this Research Publication : Preetha P, Pranav V, Fabia E, BinilBabu, Ajitha A, Rejitha PS, Mahitha Mohan, Arya GK, AswathySreedevi, Beena KV, Merlin Moni, Dipu TS. A prospective survey to determine the general awareness and knowledge on COVID vaccinations among general public attending the vaccination clinic under a tertiary care hospital. IJCMPH. 2022;9(3):1439-45
Publisher : IJCMPH
Year : 2021
A tertiary care system response to COVID-19 in a resource limited setting: A 6-month experience
Cite this Research Publication : Moni M, Sathyapalan DT, Prasanna P, Edathadathil F, Thomas E, Joy H, Aswathy S, Vijayakumar K, Sreelakshmi Mohandas ,Beena KV. A tertiary care system response to COVID-19 in a resource limited setting: A 6-month experience. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:986-92
Publisher : Int J Community Med Public Health
Year : 2021
A Feasibility Trial to Evaluate the Composite Efficacy of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in the Treatment of Covid 19 Pneumonia : Impact on Viral Load and Clinical Outcomes
Cite this Research Publication : Merlin Moni, Thushara Madathil, Dipu T. Sathyapalan, Veena Menon, Georg Gutjahr, Fabia Edathadathil, Sureshkumar, D., Preetha Prasanna, Soumya Jose, Jerome, R., Krishnan, A., Indulekha C. L. Pillai, Dr. Geetha Kumar, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, and Aveek Jayant, “A Feasibility Trial to Evaluate the Composite Efficacy of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in the Treatment of Covid 19 Pneumonia : Impact on Viral Load and Clinical Outcomes”, medRxiv, 2021.
Publisher : medRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Year : 2020
Clinical efficacy and pharmacokinetics of cms and colistin in critically ill patients in an indian hospital with high endemic rates of multidrug resistant gram-nagative bacterial infections- a prospective observational study
Cite this Research Publication : Moni M, Sudhir AS, Dipu TS, Mohamed Z, Prabhu BP, Edathadathil F, Balachandran S, Singh SK, Prasanna P, Menon VP, Patel T, Patel P, Kaye KS, Menon VP. Clinical efficacy and pharmacokinetics of colistimethate sodium and colistin in critically ill patients in an Indian hospital with high endemic rates of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections: A prospective observational study. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Nov;100:497-506. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.08.010. Epub 2020 Aug 8. PMID: 32781161.
Year : 2020
Vitamin C Therapy for Routine Care in Septic Shock (ViCTOR) Trial: Effect of Intravenous Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Hydrocortisone Administration on Inpatient Mortality among Patients with Septic Shock
Cite this Research Publication : Mohamed ZU, Prasannan P, Moni M, Edathadathil F, Prasanna P, Menon A, Nair S, Greeshma CR, Sathyapalan DT, Menon V, Menon V. Vitamin C Therapy for Routine Care in Septic Shock (ViCTOR) Trial: Effect of Intravenous Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Hydrocortisone Administration on Inpatient Mortality among Patients with Septic Shock. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2020 Aug;24(8):653-661. doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10071-23517. PMID: 33024370; PMCID: PMC7519616.
Year : 2020
Efficacy & safety of Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE) in severe thrombocytopenia (≤30,000/μl) in adult dengue – Results of a pilot study
Cite this Research Publication : Sathyapalan DT, Padmanabhan A, Moni M, P-Prabhu B, Prasanna P, Balachandran S, Trikkur SP, Jose S, Edathadathil F, Anilkumar JO, Jayaprasad R, Koramparambil G, Kamath RC, Menon V, Menon V. Efficacy & safety of Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE) in severe thrombocytopenia (≤30,000/μl) in adult dengue - Results of a pilot study,PLoS One, 2020.
Year : 2019
Implementation and Impact of an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at a Tertiary Care Center in South India
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Dr. Sanjeev K. Singh, Menon, V. P., Zubair Umer Mohamed, Dr. Anil Kumar V., Nampoothiri, V., Sudhir, S., Merlin Moni, Dipu, T. S., Dutt, A., Fabia Edathadathil, Keerthivasan, G., Kaye, K. S., and Patel, P. K., “Implementation and Impact of an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at a Tertiary Care Center in South India”, Open Forum Infect Dis, vol. 6, no. 4, p. ofy290, 2019.
Publisher : Open Forum Infect Dis,