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Dr. Dipu T. S.

Professor, Division of Infectious Disease ,Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Kochi

Qualification: MD
Research Interest: Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases, Infectious diseases particularly antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial stewardship, and the therapeutics of viral infections, Preventative measures for COVID-19, encompassing vaccines, transmission, and epidemiological studies


Dr. Dipu T S is the lead of the Infectious Diseases Division, Professor, and Unit Chief of the 5th Unit of Medicine at Amrita Hospital, Kochi, with a decade of committed service. His career is marked by a deep commitment to patient care, significant achievements in clinical research, and demonstrated leadership abilities. As an accomplished academic and emerging administrator, he is focused on advancing healthcare within the Indian context through his role in the not-for-profit sector at Amrita Hospitals, Kochi.

Work Experience

  • 2013 – Present: Amrita Hospital, Kochi

Journal Article

Year : 2022

A prospective survey to determine the general awareness and knowledge on COVID vaccinations among general public attending the vaccination clinic under a tertiary care hospital

Cite this Research Publication : Preetha P, Pranav V, Fabia E, BinilBabu, Ajitha A, Rejitha PS, Mahitha Mohan, Arya GK, AswathySreedevi, Beena KV, Merlin Moni, Dipu TS. A prospective survey to determine the general awareness and knowledge on COVID vaccinations among general public attending the vaccination clinic under a tertiary care hospital. IJCMPH. 2022;9(3):1439-45

Publisher : IJCMPH

Year : 2021

A tertiary care system response to COVID-19 in a resource limited setting: A 6-month experience

Cite this Research Publication : Moni M, Sathyapalan DT, Prasanna P, Edathadathil F, Thomas E, Joy H, Aswathy S, Vijayakumar K, Sreelakshmi Mohandas ,Beena KV. A tertiary care system response to COVID-19 in a resource limited setting: A 6-month experience. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:986-92

Publisher : Int J Community Med Public Health

Year : 2021

A Feasibility Trial to Evaluate the Composite Efficacy of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in the Treatment of Covid 19 Pneumonia : Impact on Viral Load and Clinical Outcomes

Cite this Research Publication : Merlin Moni, Thushara Madathil, Dipu T. Sathyapalan, Veena Menon, Georg Gutjahr, Fabia Edathadathil, Sureshkumar, D., Preetha Prasanna, Soumya Jose, Jerome, R., Krishnan, A., Indulekha C. L. Pillai, Dr. Geetha Kumar, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, and Aveek Jayant, “A Feasibility Trial to Evaluate the Composite Efficacy of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in the Treatment of Covid 19 Pneumonia : Impact on Viral Load and Clinical Outcomes”, medRxiv, 2021.

Publisher : medRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Year : 2020

Clinical efficacy and pharmacokinetics of cms and colistin in critically ill patients in an indian hospital with high endemic rates of multidrug resistant gram-nagative bacterial infections- a prospective observational study

Cite this Research Publication : Moni M, Sudhir AS, Dipu TS, Mohamed Z, Prabhu BP, Edathadathil F, Balachandran S, Singh SK, Prasanna P, Menon VP, Patel T, Patel P, Kaye KS, Menon VP. Clinical efficacy and pharmacokinetics of colistimethate sodium and colistin in critically ill patients in an Indian hospital with high endemic rates of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections: A prospective observational study. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Nov;100:497-506. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.08.010. Epub 2020 Aug 8. PMID: 32781161.

Year : 2020

Vitamin C Therapy for Routine Care in Septic Shock (ViCTOR) Trial: Effect of Intravenous Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Hydrocortisone Administration on Inpatient Mortality among Patients with Septic Shock

Cite this Research Publication : Mohamed ZU, Prasannan P, Moni M, Edathadathil F, Prasanna P, Menon A, Nair S, Greeshma CR, Sathyapalan DT, Menon V, Menon V. Vitamin C Therapy for Routine Care in Septic Shock (ViCTOR) Trial: Effect of Intravenous Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Hydrocortisone Administration on Inpatient Mortality among Patients with Septic Shock. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2020 Aug;24(8):653-661. doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10071-23517. PMID: 33024370; PMCID: PMC7519616.

Year : 2020

Efficacy & safety of Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE) in severe thrombocytopenia (≤30,000/μl) in adult dengue – Results of a pilot study

Cite this Research Publication : Sathyapalan DT, Padmanabhan A, Moni M, P-Prabhu B, Prasanna P, Balachandran S, Trikkur SP, Jose S, Edathadathil F, Anilkumar JO, Jayaprasad R, Koramparambil G, Kamath RC, Menon V, Menon V. Efficacy & safety of Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE) in severe thrombocytopenia (≤30,000/μl) in adult dengue - Results of a pilot study,PLoS One, 2020.

Year : 2019

Implementation and Impact of an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at a Tertiary Care Center in South India

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Sanjeev K. Singh, Menon, V. P., Zubair Umer Mohamed, Dr. Anil Kumar V., Nampoothiri, V., Sudhir, S., Merlin Moni, Dipu, T. S., Dutt, A., Fabia Edathadathil, Keerthivasan, G., Kaye, K. S., and Patel, P. K., “Implementation and Impact of an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at a Tertiary Care Center in South India”, Open Forum Infect Dis, vol. 6, no. 4, p. ofy290, 2019.

Publisher : Open Forum Infect Dis,

  • MBBS: Govt. Medical College, Kottayam, KUHAS, Kerala, India (2002-2008)
  • MD(General Medicine): TD Medical College Alappuzha, KUHAS, Kerala, India (2010-2013)
  • Fellowship in Infectious Diseases: Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerala, India (2019- 2022)
  • Certification In Infection Control: Certification board of Infection control and Epidemiology, Inc. (2024)
Awards and Recognition
  • Awarded for exemplary work in Covid pandemic by Religare Enterprises and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi.
  • Featured in prestigious peer-reviewed journals such as Lancet Regional, PLOS One , Medicine, Open Forum for Infectious Diseases, and the International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID).
  • Secured multiple mural and intramural grants from institutions like BIRAC and ICMR, aimed at enhancing the research capabilities on topics of national importance and facilitating multicentric studies.
Academic and Research
  • 50+ publications with 400 citations and an H-index of 10.
  • Research publications in reputed journals like the Lancet group.
  • Reviewer for Lancet Infectious Diseases, BMC Infectious Diseases, and IJID, among other Scopes-indexed journals.
  • Presented research work at top-tier international conferences including IDSAs ID week, ESCMIDs-ECCMID, and ICHOM.
  • Established Infectious Diseases fellowship program at Amrita Hospital, Kochi.
  • Secured Rs. 3 crores in research grants as PI.

Pioneered initiatives like:

  • Artificial Intelligence in AMSP
  • Sepsis prediction and clinical decision support systems using IOT Devices.
  • Medical Emergency Team implementation for rapid response, in clinically deteriorating patient.
  • AMSP in Private sector, a clinical pharmacist driven model

Community Engagement Activities & Collaboration:

  • Health lead for the Amritas 100 village adoption and outreach programme.
  • Served as co-lead for the “One-health vertical” during the C-20 presidency of MAM Trust.

National and International Collaborations:

  • Established collaborations with leading international institutions like MD Anderson, University of Michigan, and University of Minnesota.
  • Partnered with ICMR centres of excellence, Indian critical care societies and the Clinical Infectious Diseases Society of India for infectious diseases training and conducting clinical research projects.
  • Fostered inter-institutional collaboration within the Amrita University with the Wireless Network and Centre for Artificial Intelligence.

International Presentations:

  • “Hospitalist co-management of neurosurgery patients-An Indian experience” presented the study at BMJ’s International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • “Candida Auris outbreak in a tertiary care hospital in South India” presented in the ECCMID 2019 conference, Amsterdam.
  • Covid vaccine hesitancy in an Indian Sub urban setting, Qualitative study, Presented in ID Week 2023-IDSA, Boston, USA.
Leadership & Administration
  • Played a pivotal role as clinical lead of the institution during COVID-19, ensuring optimal patient care and hospital operations.
  • Spearheaded the initial COVID-19 vaccination drive in the sector, including the first private-public partnership initiative.
  • Streamlined workflows and processes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Served as ECHS and ESI clinical administrator, implementing UR activities to prevent financial losses for the patient, institution and the insurance provider.
  • Committee member for improving patient experience at Amrita Hospital, Kochi.
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