Year : 2024
A sustainable synthesis of a CuO@C nanocomposite for the remediation of organic dyes in water and its antibacterial properties
Cite this Research Publication :
Arun Viswan K K, Dhara Dixit, Sourish Bhattacharya, Sudipto Adhikary, Gangadharan D, A sustainable synthesis of a CuO@C nanocomposite for the remediation of organic dyes in water and its antibacterial properties,
Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, Volume 38, 2024, 101147, ISSN 2352-507X,
Publisher : Elsevier
Year : 2022
Adsorptive remediation of organic pollutant and arsenic (V) ions from water using Fe3O4-MnO2 nanocomposite
Cite this Research Publication : Arun ViswanK.K.D.Gangadharan, Adsorptive remediation of organic pollutant and arsenic (V) ions from water using Fe3O4-MnO2 nanocomposite, Nano-Structures& Nano-Objects,Volume 29, February 2022, 100837
Publisher : Nano-Structures& Nano-Objects
Year : 2022
Copolymer-MnO2 nanocomposites for the adsorptive removal of organic pollutants from water
Cite this Research Publication : Arun ViswanKalarikkandy, NirmalSree, Sanjay Ravichandran&GangadharanDheenadayalan, Copolymer-MnO2 nanocomposites for the adsorptive removal of organic pollutants from water, 2022,
Publisher : Environ Sci Pollut Res
Year : 2021
Study on thermal insulating properties of PCM incorporated wall panels
Cite this Research Publication : RR Lakshan, AM Rosini, K Sathiyan, D Gangadharan, D Sathyan, "Study on thermal insulating properties of PCM incorporated wall panels", Materials Today: Proceedings 46, 5118-5122, 2021
Year : 2020
Comparison of different dosages of PCM incorporated wallpanels
Cite this Research Publication : R. R. Lakshan, Rosini, A. M., Sathiyan, K., Dhanya Sathyan, Dr. Mini K. M., and Dr. Gangadharan D., “Comparison of different dosages of PCM incorporated wallpanels”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 872, p. 012119, 2020.
Publisher : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing
Year : 2018
Valorisation of rhodamine B adsorbed copolymer beads for the recovery of Cu2+ from e-waste: Green approach
Cite this Research Publication : K. K. Arun Viswan and Dr. Gangadharan D., “Valorisation of rhodamine B adsorbed copolymer beads for the recovery of Cu2+ from e-waste: Green approach”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, vol. 6, pp. 7002-7009, 2018.
Publisher : Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Year : 2018
Synthesis, characterization and application of green seaweed mediated silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as antibacterial agents for water disinfection.
Cite this Research Publication : D. Dixit, Dr. Gangadharan D., Popat, K. M., Reddy, C. R. K., Trivedi, M., and Gadhavi, D. K., “Synthesis, characterization and application of green seaweed mediated silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as antibacterial agents for water disinfection.”, Water Sci Technol, vol. 78, no. 1, pp. 235-246, 2018.
Publisher : Water Sci Technol
Year : 2015
Batch, kinetic and equilibrium studies of hexavalent chromium from aqueous phase using Galaxaura Ornate Seaweed
Cite this Research Publication : Nithya K., Dr. Asha Sathish, Dr. Gangadharan D., Vinaykumar, A., Tharakan, D. M., and Sruthi, B., “Batch, kinetic and equilibrium studies of hexavalent chromium from aqueous phase using Galaxaura Ornate Seaweed”, International Journal of ChemTech Research, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1947-1956, 2015
Publisher : International Journal of ChemTech Research
Year : 2013
Amidoxime copolymer beads containing Cu/Cu2O microparticles as a biocidal material for water disinfection
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gangadharan D., Anand, P. Singh, Popat, K. Mangaldas, and Dixit, D., “Amidoxime copolymer beads containing Cu/Cu2O microparticles as a biocidal material for water disinfection”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 127, pp. 3491–3499, 2013.
Publisher : Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Year : 2012
Investigation of solid supported dendrimers for water disinfection
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gangadharan D., Dhandhala, N., Dixit, D., Thakur, R. Singh, Popat, K. Mangaldas, and Anand, P. S., “Investigation of solid supported dendrimers for water disinfection”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 124, pp. 1384–1391, 2012.
Publisher : A Wiley Company
Year : 2010
Polymeric microspheres containing silver nanoparticles as a bactericidal agent for water disinfection
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Gangadharan D., Harshvardan, K., Gnanasekar, G., Dixit, D., Popat, K. Mangaldas, and Anand, P. Singh, “Polymeric microspheres containing silver nanoparticles as a bactericidal agent for water disinfection”, Water Research, vol. 44, pp. 5481–5487, 2010.
Publisher : Water Research
Year : 2008
Deionization of coagulated, clarified, turbid Gauri Shankar Lake waters by using ion-exchange technology
Cite this Research Publication : H. B. Halvadiya, Dr. Gangadharan D., Popat, K. Mangaldas, and Anand, P. Singh, “Deionization of coagulated, clarified, turbid Gauri Shankar Lake waters by using ion-exchange technology”, Separation Science and Technology, vol. 43, pp. 2183–2195, 2008.
Publisher : Separation Science and Technology