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Bhuvana Nair S.

Research Associate II, Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA), Amritapuri

Qualification: B. Tech., M.Tech
Research Interest: Beam Forming, Microwave Passive Component Design, RF Circuits and Antenna Design


Bhavana Nair S, currently serves as Research Associate II at the Amrita Center for Wireless Networks & Applications (Amrita WNA), Amritapuri. Her research work includes Antenna Design and Beam forming techniques as part of OceanNet Project at AmritaWNA.


2015 M. Tech. in VLSI Design Amrita School of Engineering
2012 B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Kerala University

Research Group : Wireless Healthcare Systems, Communication Systems for Extreme Environments: Landslide & Oceannet


  • January 1, 2015 to August 4, 2015: Assistant Professor, LBS Institute of Technology

Conference Paper

Year : 2020

Asymmetric Coplanar Stripline fed Dual Band Monopole as Radiolytic Sensor

Cite this Research Publication : B. Nair S., S. P.S., S. K. Menon and M. Donelli, "Asymmetric Coplanar Stripline fed Dual Band Monopole as Radiolytic Sensor," 2020 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science ( URSI-RCRS), Varanasi, India, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/URSIRCRS49211.2020.9113592.

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2019

Open stub loaded multiple resonators for RFID applications

Cite this Research Publication : A. Easwar C.E., B. Nair S. and S. K. Menon, "Open stub loaded Multiple Resonators for RFID Applications," 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICCS), Madurai, India, 2019, pp. 1166-1169, doi: 10.1109/ICCS45141.2019.9065832.

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2019

Stub loaded semi-circular resonator for filter applications

Cite this Research Publication : L. Meenu, S. Aiswarya, S. Bhuvana Nair and S. K. Menon, "Stub Loaded Semi-Circular Resonator for Filter Applications," 2019 Sixteenth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication Networks (WOCN), Bhopal, India, 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/WOCN45266.2019.8995031.

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2018

Mathematical Modeling and Validation of a Hexagonal Split Ring Resonator

Cite this Research Publication : B. George, S. Nair, B., ., K., and Menon, edevi, “Mathematical Modeling and Validation of a Hexagonal Split Ring Resonator”, in 2018 Second International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC), 2018.

Publisher : 2018 Second International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC).


Year : 2015

Asymmetric Coplanar waveguide fed DGS filter on Silicon substrate

Cite this Research Publication : Aiswarya T. Das, Bhuvana Nair S., and Sreedevi K. Menon "Asymmetric Coplanar waveguide fed DGS filter on Silicon substrate" Second International Conference on Recent trends in Engineering and Technology,ICRTET-2015

Publisher : Second International Conference on Recent trends in Engineering and Technology,ICRTET.

Year : 2015

Analysis of coplanar waveguide and asymmetric coplanar waveguide fed DGS bandstop filter

Cite this Research Publication : A.T. Das ,; Prasanth Warrier ,; Sreedevi K. Menon and Nair, S Bhuvana "Analysis of coplanar waveguide and asymmetric coplanar waveguide fed DGS bandstop filter " International Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering and Technology, ICAAEET-2015

Publisher : International Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering and Technology, ICAAEET.

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