Year : 2023
Computed Tomographic Analysis of Position of Mandibular Canal and Mandibular Foramen in Patients with Mandibular Asymmetry
Cite this Research Publication : S. Shekhar, Pramod Subash, Arjun Krishnadas, Sony G. Pullan, Ravi Veeraraghavan & Amelia Christabel, Computed tomographic Analysis of position of mandibular canal and mandibular foramen in patients with mandibular Asymmetry, Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery 2023.
Publisher : Springer
Year : 2023
Endotracheal tube exchange over bougie through submental route in a patient with panfacial trauma
Cite this Research Publication : Rajan Sunil, Ravindran Varshini, Krishnadas Arjun, Karthikeyan Surya, Endotracheal tube exchange over bougie through submental route in a patient with panfacial trauma,Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 2023.
Year : 2023
Submental Intubation in a Patient with Panfacial Fracture for Bilateral Intermaxillary Fixation and Occlusion
Cite this Research Publication : Rajan Sunil, Mathew Jacob, Raveendran Sherjin Dev S, Krishnadas Arjun,Padappayil Syamprasad,Submental Intubation in a patient with panfacial fracture for bilateral intermaxillary fixation and occlusion, Journal of Indian college of Anesthesiologist 2023.
Publisher : J Indian CollAnaesth
Year : 2023
Patient Specific Alloplastic Implant Reconstruction of Mandibular Defects–Safe Practice Recommendations and Guidelines
Cite this Research Publication : Pramod Subash, Shibani A. Nerurkar, Arjun Krishnadas, Vinanthi Vinay, Subramania Iyer & V. Manju, Patient-specific alloplastic implant reconstruction of mandibular defects- safe practice and recommendations and guidelines. Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 2023.
Publisher : Springer
Year : 2023
Prosthetic Rehabilitation Options in Post-Ablative Maxillomandibular Microvascular Reconstructions
Cite this Research Publication : V. Manju, V N Krishnapriya, Anna Serene Babu, Arjun Krishnadas, Pramod Subash & Subramania Iyer, Prosthetic rehabilitation options in post- ablative maxillomandibular microvascular reconstructions. Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Surgery,2023.
Publisher : Springer
Year : 2023
Concomitant microvascular aided extended temporomandibular joint replacement and stock temporomandibular joint replacement during mandibular reconstruction
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Arjun Krishnadas, Concomitant microvascular aided extended temporomandibular joint replacement and stock temporomandibular joint replacement during mandibular reconstruction, Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery,2023.
Year : 2023
Simplified Virtual Surgical Planning Method for Reconstruction of Secondary Maxilla and Mandibular Defects Using Free Bone Flap
Cite this Research Publication : Arjun Krishnadas, Subramania Iyer, Deepak Balasubramaniam, Pramod Subash, Narayana Subramaniam, Radhika Kapahtia, Sony Pullan & Janarthanan Ramu,Simplified virtual surgical planning method for reconstruction of secondary maxilla and mandibular defects using free bone flap, Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 2023.
Year : 2023
Controlling and Stabilising Mandible During Reconstruction: Significance and Techniques
Cite this Research Publication : Arjun Krishnadas, Pramod Subash, Subramania Iyer, V. Manju, Krishnakumar Thankappan, Sony Pullan, Shibani A. Nerurkar & Vinanthi Vinay, Controlling and stabilizing mandible during reconstruction- Significance and Techniques, Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 2023.
Publisher : Springer
Year : 2023
Secondary Reconstruction of Head and Neck Cancer Defects—Principles in its Practice
Cite this Research Publication : Subramania Iyer, Janarthanan Ramu & Arjun Krishnadas, Secondary reconstruction of head and neck cancer defects- Principles in its practice, Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 2023.
Publisher : Springer
Year : 2023
Nanotex bone graft along with fibula flap in reconstruction of segmental mandibular defect: Protocol for pilot clinical trial
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Arjun Krishnadas, Nanotex bone graft along with fibula flap in reconstruction of segmental mandibular defect: Protocol for pilot clinical trial, International journal of Surgery,2023.
Year : 2022
Multisuture and syndromic craniosynostoses: Simplifying the complex
Cite this Research Publication : Udayakumaran Suhas, Krishnadas Arjun, Subash, Pramod, Multisuture and syndromic craniosynostoses: Simplifying the complex, Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences, 2022.
Year : 2022
Robot-assisted frontofacial correction in very young children with craniofacial dysostosis syndromes: a technical note and early functional outcome
Cite this Research Publication : Suhas Udayakumaran, Arjun Krishnadas, Pramod Subash,Robot-assisted front facial correction in very young children with craniofacial dysostosis syndromes: a technical note and early functional outcome, Neurosurgical Focus, 2022.
Year : 2022
Comparison of perioperative anesthetic concerns in simple and complex craniosynostosis cases: a retrospective study
Cite this Research Publication : Gokuldas Menon,Mathew George,Pawan Kumar,Shalini M. Nair,Suhas Udayakumaran,Arjun Krishnadas,Pramod Subash,Anu Vasudevan,Comparison of perioperative anesthetic concerns in simple and complex craniosynostosis cases: a retrospective study, Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care,2022.
Year : 2021
Prosthetic Rehabilitation of surgically reconstructed mandible with increased crown height space
Cite this Research Publication : Journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry: Vinodkrishnan, Manju V, Apurva T, Krishnapriya, Arjun Krishnadas, Pramod Subash, Subramania Iyer. Prosthetic Rehabilitation of surgically reconstructed mandible with increased crown height space. JPID – Volume 4 Issue 3 / May–August 2021
Year : 2020
Microvascular Reconstruction for Tumors of the Head and Neck in the Pediatric Population
Cite this Research Publication : Balasubramanian, Deepak Subramaniam, Narayana Ramu, Janarthanan,Sood Ridhi, Sharma Mohit, Mathew Jimmy, Thankappan Krishnakumar,Subhash Pramod,Krishnadas Arjun, Iyer Subramania, Microvascular reconstruction for tumours of the head and neck in the paediatric population., Journal of Head & Neck Physicians and Surgeons, 2020.
Year : 2019
Faciocraniosynostosis part III: Midface distraction in young children with craniofacial dysostosis syndromes
Cite this Research Publication :
Arjun Krishnadas, Faciocraniosynostosis part III: Midface distraction in young children with craniofacial dysostosis syndromes, PRS Global 2019.
Year : 2019
Wide Excision and Microvascular Reconstruction for Maxillomandibular Ameloblastomas: Local Control, Functional, and Esthetic Outcomes
Cite this Research Publication :
Deepak Balasubramanian, Narayana Subramaniam, Sherry Peter, Manju V., Krishnakumar Thankappan, Dr. Subramania Iyer K., Arjun Krishnadas, “Wide Excision and Microvascular Reconstruction for Maxillomandibular Ameloblastomas: Local Control, Functional, and Esthetic Outcomes”, Journal of Head & Neck Physicians and Surgeons, vol. 6, p. 82, 2019.
Publisher : Journal of Head & Neck Physicians and Surgeons
Year : 2019
Why do metopic sutural synostoses angulate? The concept of nasion sutural complex and its implication on the management of hypotelorism-early results and proof of concept.
Cite this Research Publication :
Suhas Udayakumaran, Arjun Krishnadas, and Pramod Subhash, “Why do metopic sutural synostoses angulate? The concept of nasion sutural complex and its implication on the management of hypotelorism-early results and proof of concept.”, Childs Nerv Syst, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 907-912, 2019.
Publisher : Childs Nerv Syst
Year : 2018
Expanding the Spectrum of Robotic Assistance in Cranial Neurosurgery.
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A. Pillai, Ratnathankom, A., Ramachandran, S. N., Suhas Udayakumaran, Pramod Subhash, and Arjun Krishnadas, “Expanding the Spectrum of Robotic Assistance in Cranial Neurosurgery.”, Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown), 2018.
Publisher : Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown)
Year : 2017
Geometric correction technique in the management of craniosynostosis deformities
Cite this Research Publication : P. Subash,S. Udayakumaran, Arjun Krishnadas, Geometric Correction Technique in the Management of Craniosynostosis Deformities. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2017.
Year : 2017
Inverse planning in maxillomandibular reconstruction
Cite this Research Publication : Arjun Krishnadas, P. Subash, S. Iyer, Inverse Planning in Maxillomandibular Reconstruction, International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2017.
Year : 2017
Life Threatening Maxillofacial Trauma: Challenges in ER and Management
Cite this Research Publication :
Arjun Krishnadas, Life Threatening Maxillofacial Trauma: Challenges in ER and Management, European Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. August 2017.
Year : 2014
A Comparative Study to Assess the Quality of Bone Following Ridge Augmentation with Autografts and Allografts: A Prospective Study
Cite this Research Publication : Arjun Krishnadas, Ramkumar Subramanian, G Giri, A Comparative Study to Assess the Quality of Bone Following Ridge Augmentation with Autografts and Allografts: A Prospective Study, International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical Research,2014.