The first day started with an inaugural address by Dr. Mangalam Ramanadhan, Head of the department of chemistry, ASAS, Amritapuri campus and presidential address by Dr. V. M. Nandakumaran, Principal, ASAS, Amritapuri campus.
The First technical session was handled by Dr. Gijo Raj, Scientist at Sree Chitra Tirunal institute for medical science and technology. He gave an idea about basic principles in chemistry and physics and how this can be viewed at real-life situations. He even showed different working models based on these principles.
This was followed by the talk of Dr Renjith S, scientists BWT wing, SCTIMST and he enlightened the audience with his talk onccSmart materials- An intoduction and its classifications”. The tea break was followed by a talk by Dr. Saritha A. on “Different types of smart materials and applications.” After the lunch break there was a lecture on Lecture on photochromic and Thermochromic materials by Dr. Zeena S Pillai. This wsa followed by a hands on session in the lab on the preparation of thermochromic photochromic and smart nanaomaterials.