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It is rather common knowledge that most texts of Sanskrit traditions are uncritical editions and their compositions/manuscript-traditions are not a subject of serious research. This workshop will therefore aim to educate scholars in the different methodologies and practices of preparation of critical editions, to equip them with the latest tools and methods of philology.

In the workshop, participants will learn the general principles and methodological considerations of critical editions, the history of manuscripts and textual criticism, the specificities of textual transmission and different philological traditions, digital tools for scholarly editions, etc. In particular, participants will work on:

  1. A part of the 10th chapter of the Śivadharmottara, a seventh-century work which is transmitted in a large number of manuscripts, particularly from Nepal
  2. An unpublished chapter of the Sarvajñānottaratantra, a seventh-century work whose transmission, mostly in Southern manuscripts, is so problematic that it needs to be reconstructed using a twelfth-century commentary on the work by Aghoraśiva (Sarvajñānottaravṛtti)
  3. A section of the Raghuvaṃśa with the tenth-century commentary of Vallabhadeva as transmitted in manuscripts from Kashmir
  4. A case of a codex unicus: Brahmaśambhu’s tenth-century ritual manual surviving in a single manuscript in Calcutta

The workshop is organized in association with Amrita Centre for Research and Development.

Venue: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore Campus

Resource Persons
  • Prof. Dominic Goodall, Professor (Directeur d’études) at the École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO), scientific coordinateur scientifique of the indologists of the EFEO, co-responsable, with Fabienne Jagou, of the EFEO’s research-unit, co-editor with Dr. Marion Rastelli of the Viennese dictionary of tantric terminology, the Tāntrikābhidhānakośa, and a contributor to the Hamburg Encyclopaedia of Manuscript Cultures in Asia and Africa (EMCAA).
    Among his publications are editions and translations of works of poetry in Sanskrit and of hitherto unpublished Śaiva scriptures and theological commentaries.
    In May 2016, he was elected membre correspondent étranger de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.
  • Dr. S. A. S. Sarma has worked under renowned scholars like Prof. K. Kunjunni Raja and Prof. K. V. Sarma on various indological projects. He now works at École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO). He has contributed to the preparation of the Pāṇiṇīya-Udāharaṇa-Kośa (PUK) project. He has assisted in the “Indian Analysis of the Sanskrit Language and Literature” project, led by Professor F. Grimal, which resulted in the editions of the commentaries on Anargharāghava (ed. Hari Narayana Bhat IFP/EFEO), Mahāvīracarita and Mālatīmādhava (ed. F. Grimal IFP/EFEO), and Gajasūtra (ed. SLPA Anjaneya Sarma). With a team of scholars, he has prepared a critical edition of the commentary Bhaktimandākinī by Pūrṇasarasvati on the Viṣṇupādādikeśastotra.
    At present, he is preparing a critical edition of the commentary of Trilocanaśiva of 12th century AD, on Somaśambhupaddhati, a Śaiva ritual manual. Editing of the Mṛgendrapaddhati of Aghoraśiva, another ritual manual, with its commentary by one Vaktraśambhu is also in progress.

Fee (Per Person):

Rs. 2250/- (Registration fee, including accommodation)

All are welcome. Workshop participants will be awarded a certificate.

Last Date for Registration : 25 January 2020

Admissions Apply Now