Register as a team of 4 No change in the team structure is permitted after the team is registered. The competition will be conducted in 3 rounds All candidate must bring their laptops. Brand plays a crucial role in a company’s long-term survival and market leadership. Creating a brand for a firm involves crafting a distinct and memorable identity that communicates the firm’s values, mission, and unique qualities to its target audience. But what is the likelihood that a newly established brand will result in increased recognition and business success? Well, the ‘Pradyut’s Brand War’ challenge is here to test how strategically a brand’s identity can be reflected in the world.
- Register as a team of 4
- No change in the team structure is permitted after the team is registered.
- The competition will be conducted in 3 rounds
- All candidate must bring their laptops
Registration fee: ₹500/- per head
- 1st prize: ₹20,000/-
- 2nd prize: ₹15,000/-