Frank Fischer is a full professor of Educational Science and Educational Psychology at the University of Munich. He is the speaker of the Munich Centre of the Learning Sciences, an interdisciplinary collaboration of more than 30 research groups focusing on advancing research on learning. He served as President of the International Society of the Learning Sciences and is a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on how people learn to collaborate, and engage in scientific reasoning and argumentation, as well as in diagnostic reasoning.
Settings include computer-supported collaborative learning and simulation-based learning environments in secondary school and in higher education. With respect to guidance he is interested in how scaffolding and scripts can make social interaction more beneficial for learning. He was an associate editor for the American Educational Research Journal and is on the editorial boards of several international journals, including Learning and Instruction, Journal of the Learning Sciences and Educational Psychologist. He has edited 13 books and special issues and published more than 120 journal articles and book chapters.